
  • What everyone is saying, even though you've restored the highscores, no one now knows what needs to be sent and in what quantity to achieve a good expedition, unlike before, when with 100 heavy fighters and 100 large cargoes you received a minimum of 400k units of metal, now we get under 100k at best on a large find.
    Also, we all want to know, if balancing will be done in the next few days/weeks so that expeditions are more like before the update, or GF are happy with the results and they will stay like they are.
  • I read through the postings and I'm a bit disappointed .
    Many of you are giving valuable feedback for the expedition optimisation. I totally agree that expeditions need to be more profitable to worth doing them. They are an important part of gameplay.
    I have such bad experience with expeditions that i almost renounced doing them.

    What bothers me is the tone of the postings. This is a test server,where settings are fine tuned to fit the player's expectations and increase the playing experience, this is the one of the main objectives of the entire Origin project. You should have this in mind all the time. Using a bitter and agressive tone will certainly not improve the speed of fixing things- especially that we are only the intermediaries, voluntary people, spending our free time to serve the community. The only result is to increase the tensioned atmosphere, is a game after all, a game we all take seriously.

    Please continue to tell us what is going wrong, give as many details as possible-the devs will try to fix them.

    Regarding expeditions, i'm also interested what happens when you are sending the expedition over and over again to the same spot and what happens if you are sending it to different systems. Did anyone noticed a difference ?

    edit: sorry, asking for a specific time when all will be solved can't get a precise answer, you will know as soon as we are informed.
  • Defender Aliens destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle! He captured 0 metal, 0 crystal and 0 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 173.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 531.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 123.300 metal and 87.900 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 2 %

    Aliens have the chance for a moon? :lol:

    On live servers this isn't the case, but you can't deny the fact there were some (unintentional) changes on this testserver.
  • zerg wrote:

    Aliens have the chance for a moon? :lol:

    On live servers this isn't the case, but you can't deny the fact there were some (unintentional) changes on this testserver.
    Yeah sure it is a new feature. If you run into an alien fleet they now also have chance to be rewarded with a moon (anything else would be unrealistic). And after that they are able to phalanx your planets, what makes it more likely that they will intercept your exp fleet in the future. This measure should make players varying their expedition target areas, to provide easier access to "overfarmed" expo slots for beginners.
  • kapiszon wrote:

    Francolino, look from our perspective..
    We, players, are giving precise feedback for almost a week now, and nothing is changed. More - no1 knows what's going on, no1 admits "houston, we have a problem". We know, you're not the coder, but you're some kind of a liason here, you're standing between GF devs and testers.. and You treat us apparently as mushrooms.. (hope You know, what that means).

    I told already what's going on :

    Francolino wrote:

    - As you see in the news and other postings, they restored / reset all highscores - and expo results depends on highscores.
    - The highscores are an important part of OGame 3.0 so they are working on this code very often and update the server with it.

    This means :

    They are working on the highscores, the first part (the last update) was to restore them, otherwise any other test is senseless. The highscores are important for the expo results. I explained several times that this is the reason why they are decreased.

    The highscores are important for ogame 3.0 and much more complex as the old ones - so they are an important reason for a lot of lags. This and other bugs with them is what they want to fix first. Lowered expo results are less important right now, first they have to finish all around the highscores.

    And of course we've noticed that the expo results are decreased a lot - the first posting and the next ones explains all. And to avoid other missunderstandings, of course it's NOT the "normal behavior" in Ogame 3.0 .
  • Ok, I understand. Can You tell us with some certainty, what are expected expo results for let's say top 10, top 100, top 300, top 1000? Just some examples, as far as You know, ofc.

    If I may suggest something, from my old project - make a list (or expand current one) with bugs/features and their status.
    Expeditions (low results): working on them (ETA 2-3 days)
    Lags : queue (ETA 1 week)
    display bug for IE8 - solved

    and so on..

    Is it possible to make a list of upcoming features which are going to be tested? I think it'll be wise to ask the community, if some dev's idea is even worth of implementing, maybe with some minor/major changes suggested by us, players?
  • Hello,

    About expo results ... once they changed nothing on the code they are coming back to the old behavior.

    About coming features - We can only announce the news about updates, you find all there board.origin.ogame.de/board46/ - And right now they changed already some details, suggested from users. We try to submit those information asap but of course the GF focus on uni fusion.

    You find all solved bugs there board.origin.ogame.de/board149/ with prefix. I try to keep them up to date.

    About current bugs / wanted feedback .. i started already a list Bugs & Problems - More reports and hints wanted for ....

    But well, i have to reorganize all and announce those important things in news etc.

    Regards, Francolino
  • To summarize (and make clearer) what Francolino said:

    Expos are based on the high-scores of the universe. One of the major changes in OGame 3.0 is the scoring system. The scores, both the visible ones that you see, and the internal ones that the server uses to calculate different things, are being reset all the time to help the new scoring system work. With the scores being messed with constantly, the expos are suffering because they are not getting the proper data for the universe. NO CHANGES have been made to expos (that we know of as of now) and they should return to normal when the appropriate statistics have time to rebuild themselves.

    For the coder people of the world: If an underlying database is dumped / wiped, it can easily affect what happens with variables in other databases. This is what (I assume) is going on with expos and why the problems keep occurring.

    @Everyone: Yes, it is stressful to play on a test server because things keep breaking, but I would like to remind everyone that this is a test server for testing things. We greatly appreciate everyone that comes here and helps as we certainly would have a hard time testing everything without you. If you find something that is broken, let us know. If you don't like how a new feature works, let us know. If you are going to let us know something though, please do it in a civilized manner without pointing fingers. The ultimate purpose of Origin is to help you and to make your game experience better.


  • Well said, Hunter, but still - is it possible to discuss certain feature (and applying rules) BEFORE it'll be implemented for testing purposes?
    That would rly make us more involved, cause some features are simply stupid from pleyers' point of view and those rly important for us are skipped in the process.

    DB wipeout shouldn't affect exps results at all. I belive it has to be some bug or intentional change which gone too far. DB has nothing to do with engine of the game. Ofc, im not a coder, i have different field of specialization in IT.

    Take Your time, think, maybe discuss the matter with staff and let us know please.
  • I'm really sorry, but I still don't believe they didn't change the expeditions.
    The only way high-scores affect the expeditions is when top ranked player has more than 5M points. Then you get more resources. Until then you can find 90k-450k metal on a small asteroid from the very start of a universe. Only thing that limits you is the number of ships you send on an expedition. There were numerous discussions about expeditions giving too much in the early stages of game, but nothing changed.
    So, something definitely changed in expeditions themselves, because resetting the highscores couldn't affect them at all.
    I'm not complaining or anything. Just stating the obvious.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • Well, all experience with the correlation highscores-expedition results is from the old highscore system, isn't it?

    Isn^t it plausible that there are some as yet unknown quirks with the new system?

    Yes, it could be something else that the devs decided not to tell Francolino, Hunter and the others for some reason. But we shouldn't disregard the possibility that it's not.

    @kapiszon: Changing a DB will have a huge influence on any game (or other) engine that works with it. Or to be more exact: On what results it will produce. Even the small handful of knowledge about coding and databases that I had to learn for past jobs is enough to tell me that.
  • Lukkai wrote:

    @kapiszon: Changing a DB will have a huge influence on any game (or other) engine that works with it. Or to be more exact: On what results it will produce. Even the small handful of knowledge about coding and databases that I had to learn for past jobs is enough to tell me that.

    Im not talking about CHANGES in DB structure, im talking about WIPEOUT, just loss of data, not the structure, and in time, when DB is filled with new data in the same manner, it will NOT have any effect on the results.
    Any change in DB structure will need to be followed by changes in game's engine, cause needed data may be in a different place in this structue. Another variables may occur, correlation highscore/rank points/exp points may differ before and after such actions. But once again - if DB was cleaned, not destroyed, it will not affect the exp results, since rules will remain the same.
  • Large Cargo: 40
    Heavy Fighter: 80
    Espionage Probe: 1
    Battlecruiser: 1

    Metal: 0
    Crystal: 0
    Deuterium: 23.616

    Bull****, not a slow-worth expedition...
    Any idea, when it will be fixed? My patience has its limits.
    BTW: In last week 9 of my friends/buddies quit the uni. Apparently, fleeters will die with OG 2.x.x :)
  • LOL....

    love that reply LOL...

    if its anything like mine.....thats not punishment... its TORTURE!! LOL

    anyway...good to hear its fixed and going to be ready to pump out an actual good amount... LOL... expos fleets building up