
  • To be honest, i don't give a crap about round numbers... only numbers im interested in are 100k and way above..
    it some kind of sick dream if my 60hf/40lc expedition will have only twice the result comparing to Yours, Marv.
    Francolino, tell me one thing please... do GF ppl treat you as a mashroom as You apparently treat us?
    I would elaborate on that, but im still far away from crossing the line.

    I belive what ALL players/testers want is jsut damn plain&simple answer. Why the heck You, as an administration, cannot compute that? Exp feature supposed to fixed till monday, You told us that you'll talk to them.. What else do You need to actually take care of current situation?

    Calm down please, by Francolino
  • The answer is given a few postings before :

    Francolino wrote:


    The reason why we got no information is simple - They changed nothing.
    I thougt so (see one of my postings above) but seems that i was wrong. We have had those decreased expo results sometimes more after complete updates (reset of variables etc) so please have a look if it goes back to "normal behaior" the next days.

    Regards, Francolino
  • I've no idea, what You're on about...
    1. did they changed nothing AFTER update?
    2. did they changed nothing AFTER Your intervention in this issue?
    3. we've already checked - exps are sh**ty as the were after the last big update..
    4. dunno, what's your IT knowledge is, but usually messed up software does NOT recover on its own.... so they won't come back to "normal behaviour" on themselves..
    5. Why it's sometimes YOU and sometimes WE (i assume - as GF team, regardless the role in this mess)?
    6. I rly belive it's more than enough of testing with exp results, if You, as a GF team, cannot conclude what do players want, well.. soon players will simply announce that by leaving this test uni. Look around... 13k players during first few days -> faulty back-up (lmao!) -> 9k players -> another update, mess with exps -> 4-5k ACTIVE players.. few more weeks and you will be able to call it closed alpha testing, not even beta :) Look @ board.. so called 9k players and here we are.. with 50 ppl. Is that even a community?
    7. again - when (if?) will exps be restored?
  • kapiszon wrote:

    To be honest, i don't give a crap about round numbers... only numbers im interested in are 100k and way above..
    it some kind of sick dream if my 60hf/40lc expedition will have only twice the result comparing to Yours, Marv.

    Well, formerly, I would get round number (i.e. 560.000) of resources only if I extracted all. If I didn't have enough cargo space I didn't get the round number of resources. So if that's still the same, it means you could get more resources from your expedition if you send more ships.

    I think it's important that we determine the new behavior of expeditions. We can either wait for official answer, of we can try and figure it out ourselves by comparing the results...

    So I thought maybe it's like this:
    My current rank (681) allows me to find a maximum of 8k-10k metal in a small asteroid. Your rank maybe allows you to extract a lot more.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • Marv, I think it's pointless, it's 2x speed uni, when you have same chance of encountering pirates, black hole, aliens, and profits are 10-20%... well, why do we have expeditions feature at all? With such an amount of hf/lc you can make a lot more by attacking idlers in half exp time.

    Either restore previous settings for exp or delete the feature, 'cause losses/profit balance was messed up.

    PS. Francolino, im calm. I rly am. You should think again, what TEST server means. How many negative feedbacks is needed to force GF team to restore exps to the normal settings?
  • Everyone calm down. Insulting myself or Francolino will accomplish nothing at all. We do not work for GameForge, yet we spend countless hours trying to make OGame better, which is the purpose of this forum. If you can help by trying to figure out what is wrong with expos, please bring forth some evidence (as Aoueu did) that we can send to the developers and coders so they can have a better idea on what to fix. If all you can do is degrade what goes on on this forum, please don't say anything at all.


    kapiszon wrote:

    PS. Francolino, im calm. I rly am. You should think again, what TEST server means. How many negative feedbacks is needed to force GF team to restore exps to the normal settings?
    Negative feedback is not needed. Obviously something is broken with the expeditions that the developers did not notice when applying an update. It could be something as simple as a rounding error in the calculations for what is given. If you know anything about coding, you know that changing one variable can mess up setting later on, even other variables. So please, if you can log your expeditions and post them here so we can have more solid evidence to send in.

    @ Everyone - The insults on staff members stop now. If you cannot stop yourself, PM me and I can help.
  • I think I haven't insulted anyone. If some1 feels that way - im sorry.

    To the point - show me the source code, then maybe i'll be able to pinpoint, what's wrong. Otherwise it's just guessing, which variable may be set too low or too high.
    Solid evidence? 30, 40, 50 ppl posting results which dropped dramaticaly after the update is an evidence itself i assume, now it should be the coders/dev's to find the bug and fix it.

    Explain me please one thing...
    1. After the last major update, we (players) instantly reported such changes in the exps' results.
    2. Francolino told us it was a feature being tested.
    3. After further complains Francolino decided to talk to GF on monday.
    4. Now You're telling us it is actually a problem, which WE HAVE to SOLVE?

    Again - we're dev's or testers? Test server has very different role, I suppose. And the bug is well known - expedition results. Amen.
  • marv wrote:

    kapiszon wrote:

    To be honest, i don't give a crap about round numbers... only numbers im interested in are 100k and way above..
    it some kind of sick dream if my 60hf/40lc expedition will have only twice the result comparing to Yours, Marv.

    Well, formerly, I would get round number (i.e. 560.000) of resources only if I extracted all. If I didn't have enough cargo space I didn't get the round number of resources. So if that's still the same, it means you could get more resources from your expedition if you send more ships.

    I think it's important that we determine the new behavior of expeditions. We can either wait for official answer, of we can try and figure it out ourselves by comparing the results...

    So I thought maybe it's like this:
    My current rank (681) allows me to find a maximum of 8k-10k metal in a small asteroid. Your rank maybe allows you to extract a lot more.

    Last night, I send a full 9k points expedition fleet. The result was:
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested. Crystal 11.550 have been captured. Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.
    The expected result from old data should be: Crystal: 45.000-225.000

    I also send another small 721 point expedition that got:
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested. Metal 7.230 have been captured. Entry from the communications officers logbook: It seems that this part of the universe has not been explored yet.
    Expected result: Metal: 7.210-36.050

    I think the maximum of 9000 expedition points is currently much lower and maybe linked to the points of number one, as small expeditions seem to find more than large ones compared to the old data. However the test data is not enough in quantity to give decent results. I am ranked 75 and can't find much more than you, even with a 9000 points expedition.
  • It's a good point - both expeditions low results and bugged top1 appeared at same time, short after the last update.
    However, if it was related to huge top1 point count, you'd still get standard results from what you're sending, but if you sent much more than usual - you'd be able to gain much more than usual. For example, when cap is raised to 12k, if you still send 9k expo fleets, you'll get same results - you'll just gain more if you send 12k.
    If the maximum expo points counted per expedition was lowered, everyone'd be getting round numbers.

    To me, it more looks like:
    1)ship expedition value has been drastically changed
    2)results have been lowered for max'ed expeditions.
    It looks more like #1, because if it was just lowered results, you'd be getting round numbers with standard expo fleets. Or it could be a combination of factors.

    On that note, has anyone tried to send big expo fleets? As in 200 HF / 100 LC big? Are results same? Any round numbers?
  • Once again and at last:

    - The dev changed nothing.
    - Because the expo results depends on several things, the complete updates, restore of the highscores and possible reset of other variables are the reason for this decreased results.

    Regards, Francolino
  • kapiszon wrote:

    Once again, Francolino:

    WHEN and IF it's going to be fixed?

    PS. I was answering with my last post to Aoueu.

    Yeah I'm sure Francolino already know when it will be fixed he only doesn't wanna tell us.

    And if you would have read the comments before you would know, that they are unable to find the reason for the low results. It should commute back to normal in the early future...

    And there is no reason to keep asking in a that aggresive way! I'm sure once they know something they will announce it.

    Instead of complaining and demanding you would do better being a bit more polite and accept that on a testserver those little mistakes may happen (not sure if it is really a mistake or ,as announced before, if it is done on purpose to enforce more raid acticty to get more (noobprotection-)data )....
  • I'm fully aware it's a test server, but such lack of some kind consistency is just weird.

    "Explain me please one thing...
    1. After the last major update, we (players) instantly reported such changes in the exps' results.
    2. Francolino told us it was a feature being tested.
    3. After further complains Francolino decided to talk to GF on monday.
    4. Now You're telling us it is actually a problem, which WE HAVE to SOLVE?"

    All I want is some answers - yes, they're working on it/we leave exps like they are/we have no clue what went wrong, but we try/ and so on... I've been hosting few games myself, been deeply in few other projects and one thing I know for certain - worst thing that can happen is lack of info, as it is here. Sure the devs can estimate work to be made - and all we want is ETA, period.

    And im not trying to push the limit here, just to get decent info, that's all and so far only "demanding" by spamming is only way to get some attention here.

    Please stop copying your postings again and again, by Francolino
  • francolino

    so what you said above really means everyone here is telling you lies and that nothing has changed in game.... cause they said they have not changed anything (that they know of)... when they did the update did they know they made space the rank number 1 with 18kkkk points..... not untill you/gamers informed them

    so do you think there has been no change to the expos?

    cause i think there is...

    and im sure...due to the above postings im not the only person who beleives so...

    i think ill just leave this server, since the testers are not being beleived about the feedback that they give.
  • Hello,

    If you think i don't tell the truth or we don't care about your feedback - It's really your turn, but don't expect more replies.

    I told you all in the last postings here, here a short summary :

    - They changed NOT the expo code or settings.
    - As you see in the news and other postings, they restored / reset all highscores - and expo results depends on highscores.
    - The highscores are an important part of OGame 3.0 so they are working on this code very often and update the server with it.

    Regards, Francolino
  • Apparently we are witnesses to a miracle, first step to discovery of true AI <rotfl>
    Nothing was changed and source code of the game evolved ;)

    Ok, enough of it.
    Lets say, nothing was changed, some bug appeared in the code, exps results are way lower now. Can we know, what exact rules apply to them now?

    Francolino, look from our perspective..
    We, players, are giving precise feedback for almost a week now, and nothing is changed. More - no1 knows what's going on, no1 admits "houston, we have a problem". We know, you're not the coder, but you're some kind of a liason here, you're standing between GF devs and testers.. and You treat us apparently as mushrooms.. (hope You know, what that means).

    I assume most of us will gladly help or wait few more days, but we need to stay in touch. We're working for common good I think. GF gets it's cash, we get a game we want to play in.
    It's fundamental truth, isn't it?