
  • Way to go GF thank you for lieing to us all as when i asked about this first this is what i was told by HUNTER0293 ........

    We announce any news that
    we get as soon as we get it. As for changes on this version, I don't
    think there were any involving expos or the such, but I'm sure that if
    we find out there was, we will let y'all know right away.

  • Hello irishflash,

    Please calm down !

    This is a test server, nothing else. We don't get all details about current changes, so we can't announce them. And really, i don't see any reason to be angry. If you expect an universe with well known settings, you have to play onto a live server in your community. It's announced in the news about this server, that they change sometimes settings for ongoing tests.

    Regards, Francolino
  • Using this table for rough estimation of probability(I think it's #1 and #2 "stage" of expedition, up to "no human here.." part, not sure):

    as well as an assumption that rewards for fleet and resource gains have been lowered 10 times(maybe 10 times resources and 5 times fleet? not sure),
    and knowing what kind of opponent fleet you are going to meet on average / running a simulation to find losses with some standard expedition fleets,
    counting the cost of deut to send some common expedition compositions, pirate/alien losses, and full expedition loss,
    counting expected fleet gains by structural integrity and approximating their metal-crystal cost's ratio,
    and converting all the resources to metal by 3:2:1 course,
    ...i'm concluding that new expedition's estimated value is slightly negative(you lose a bit resources for each expedition on average, not counting the time and slot opportunity lost), and it's main purpose becomes to farm DM, like in those old universes.

    (there's plenty approximations in my research, and I can't be sure that resource/fleet gains got lowered exactly 10 times, but that's what it looks like.
    for example, old estimated value was ~= +120k metal / expo, and the new one is ~= -2k metal / expo)
    with inactives ranging from 45k average to 35k average depending on time of day, and taking less time per run, I totally agree with Sargeras
  • Well for a start if you put the hard work into playing an acc from rank 9,600 ( i started late ) and get to top 100 then get kicked back to rank 600 then work again the acc to rank 75 you would have to calm down after building the fleets to do exbo's and then b told O BY THE WAY YOUR EXBO' ARE WORTH 10% what they shud b ....or not b told till 48 hours later .....

    Well hows this for user behaviormy acc will b v-moded as soon as my ships get back and the acc will b offered to anybody that wants it in my alliance but most of them will b doing the same so thank you all and good bye i wish i could say it has been fun but with Gf changing the core of ogame i will have no part in it....

  • Oh jesus - i'm sorry, but did you ever read the first news about this test server ?

    Kebab wrote:

    Payment: Payment will be activated. Please keep in mind that we could reset or close the whole server on anytime. You won´t get any refund for your spent or unused dark matter. That´s why please be provident with it. It is also possible that we add some DM for free for some minor tests.

    No one can tell you when the Gameforge resets this server for the next test or when or if this server will be closed. I hope they use it for a longer time for the next updates and new features, but there is no decision right now.
  • Well just to voice my opinion to the GF staff and members of ogame.

    i would like to know how does changing expos have an effect on the noob protection systems? the point of this server i assumemed was to try keep people playing ogame for longer durations and making it harder for the advanced players to dominating the lower players..... so... thats why the expeditions produce 10% of what they did...so the deducted 90% of the normal.....

    how is this a part of the noob protection system?
    as stated above "only TEMP" how long is temp?

    IS these updates here to improve gaming for the players new or old... or is it a revenue maker idea....
    (cause if its for the players maybe involving them in GF's idea's and plans a little better might help.... as we are how you make revenue...therefore also helping your revenue)

    Which Staff members here actually WORK for gameforge & who is here on their own behalf?
    (Cause currently not alot of information pass's to the Ogame community about these updates or possible updates)
    and may i say before you take it the wrong way the people i have currently came to contact with have been very friendly, helpfull and to the point and i applaude that they are very helpfull and get back to you as soon as they can.

    i would like these questions to be answered for anyone in the community to also know this information

    and would prefare if they were answered in the format of 1, 2 & 3 for a total claified answer to the questions.

    as a personnal view... the expo thing is a bad choice... if its for a few days then not so bad...but i wouldn personnaly drag it out for any length of time

    to the staff member reading this before you reply if you have any questions comments or concerns before you post in which you would like to make known/asked please send a message to clear it up or to ensure a percise reply.

  • irishflash wrote:

    Well for a start if you put the hard work into playing an acc from rank 9,600 ( i started late ) and get to top 100 then get kicked back to rank 600 then work again the acc to rank 75 you would have to calm down after building the fleets to do exbo's and then b told O BY THE WAY YOUR EXBO' ARE WORTH 10% what they shud b ....or not b told till 48 hours later .....

    Well hows this for user behaviormy acc will b v-moded as soon as my ships get back and the acc will b offered to anybody that wants it in my alliance but most of them will b doing the same so thank you all and good bye i wish i could say it has been fun but with Gf changing the core of ogame i will have no part in it....

    i understund that expeditions is a way to build up, but i dont know why people are obsessed with ranking - im no 1 im 34 im in top 100 im in top 10000000000.
    its not regular server its TEST server, you should have concider that is going to be anything but normal, so guys test things, anything u want, learn more, who cares if u are last or first. descent acc is enough to do what u want
    if u dont want to test and give effort into it, then dont play and u wont complain on every little thing that they change.
    I read some good tests on the new noob prot, good advices that u can use when they implment the new futures on regular servers(or they wont, will see)

    in adition, why people buy DM, when server can be restarted for 2 days or 2 months, or just closed
  • The answer to you rant is YES i have read the first news on the server as did the 13k peole this server had playing it at one time and the reason i joined was to help GF make a server with a new noob protection so what has exbo's have to do with that ....

    Again as i said i know this is a test server and i know GF will run more tests then just one but as on every test its not just how the server reacts but how the players reacts to the changes and not wanting to play anymore is one of them test bing.com/search?q=results&FORM=AWREresults like it or not.

    If you want to stop the fleeters make it that you cant build attack ships then you will b left with the noobs and the miners ( thats going to b fun )

    By the way how many players left in the test uni it must have droped quicker then any uni ever ....

    Flash. :closed1:
  • Hello daaq360,

    about 1), it's not a part of the noob protection, it's only to try out what the player do when they get to less resources with expeditions (ofc they start more farm attacks) . I don't know how long this setting will be used, but it's only temporary for this server.

    about 2) ... funny question ;-) . At least every improvement of the game helps Gameforge to increase their revenue. But this server is to test OGame 3.0 and i'm glad that they opened it.

    about 3) As ususal only the blue ones are GF staffer, in this community WeTeHa and Joky. I agree, i expected more details about updates, but i see how busy they are with all those work (Uni fusion, noob protection ....) .. It's all in the same time now.

  • Francolino wrote:

    Hello daaq360,

    about 1), it's not a part of the noob protection, it's only to try out what the player do when they get to less resources with expeditions. I don't know how long this setting will be used, but it's only temporary for this server.

    about 2) ... funny question ;) . At least every improvement of the game helps Gameforge to increase their revenue. But this server is to test OGame 3.0 and i'm glad that they opened it.

    about 3) As ususal only the blue ones are GF staffer, in this community WeTeHa and Joky. I agree, i expected more details about updates, but i see how busy they are with all those work (Uni fusion, noob protection ....) .. It's all in the same time now.

    thanks for quick reply francolino!!

    well as you can see the reaction is a bad one at this moment of time, maybe by reducing it by 90% was a LITTLE to far to be honest, that wasn a reduction more a removal....it nearly costs more deut to send them that what you get back. But as a suggestion i would ask you to make it known to the COMA then that the expo update is going down Very badly, to maybe reduce in small increments if needed.... as he is a COMA im sure he knows about "change mangement" and lets be honest no chances are ever welcome at first BUT really hated when just introduced and implimented into practice, no warning or a whisper of it happening. but when its slowly introduced it can go alot better and help both partys out....

    i agree the idea of a proper noob protection has been really overdue, but how much of a say does ogame players have in these idea's... we do put them forward... but after that its up to gameforge to decide on if its good enough....i personnaly think it should be put to the gamers they are the ones it will effect.

    well i must say thanks to all the staff that are here on their own behalf, your doing a great job with the information you appear to receive...... but there is a SERIOUS problem with communication of these updates... even though they are busy they can make a little time to let its players & customers know about their plans. in my mind it would be a basic customer service and PR matter ...but at this time GF are failing on this matter!

    Again i thank you for your reply being quick and your help in this matter, but i must stress these problems must be brought up with some GF staff.

  • Francolino wrote:

    daaq360 wrote:

    Again i thank you for your reply being quick and your help in this matter, but i must stress these problems must be brought up with some GF staff.

    Let's see on monday, i talk with them.

    monday might be a little too laste to be honest, i dont see alot of people handing around for the weekend,

    considering 6 people in my alliance have now either jumped in V mode and set for delete or are just Vmoding and passing it to another ally mate that MIGHT stay.

    and ill be honest im one of the ones deleting cause i feel like im wasting my time helping a company that wont listen to its customers, even though i came here delighted to hear that it was coming out and still am but i cant help someone who does not heed what is being said.

    i think ill leave it at that now and i hope this is sorted out as soon as possible and with any luck before it is too late ...

    again i thank you for you help & quick replys...

  • daaq360 wrote:

    and ill be honest im one of the ones deleting cause i feel like im wasting my time helping a company that wont listen to its customers, even though i came here delighted to hear that it was coming out and still am but i cant help someone who does not heed what is being said.

    If you really believe, the GF will listen to your single opinion you should better leave this testserver. Because if you don't you will be disappointed for sure.

    Do you really believe they don't have their own test-players, do you really believe they cannot see that the expedition system isn't working well the way it is now?

    Do you believe they are changing things for fun? They have their reasons, you can be sure of that.

    Settings might and probably will change from time to time, and they (GF) will have a look at it, but not necessarily answer each question or announce each little change they introduce.

    If there is a big changes like "this" one and the posts and complains are increasing, you will get an answer. That's how it works....

    So don't complain, adapt yourself to the new situation and you will be fine.
  • Es ist vollkommen klar, das dies ein Testserver ist und da man gerade beim testen ist auch andere Sachen wie das Balacing bei den Expos austesten tut um zu sehen wie das Spielverhalten sich ändert.

    Aber gerade deswegen weil es ein Testserver ist wäre es doch wichtig, die Spieler (Tester) im vorab zu informieren wenn sich so etwas grundlegendes ändert. Nur dann kann man darauf eingehen und sein Spielverhalten anpassen. Durch diese "Nichtinformationspolitik" steigt einfach die Frustation.

    Überlegt es euch ob wir nur "meerschweinchen" für euch seit oder ob wir Tester sind.

    Google translation, addy by Francolino

    It is perfectly clear that this is a test server and since you are testing is the other stuff like the balacing with the Expos do try out the game to see how behavior changes.

    But precisely for this reason because it is a test server but it would be important to inform the players (Tester) for in advance if something fundamental changes. Only then can we respond to it and adjust your game behavior. Through these "non-information policy" simply increases the frustration.

    Think it over if we just "guinea pig" for you since or whether we are testers.
  • I belive it is NOT a SINGLE voice, lost in dark.. As far as I hear, most, if not all, players are not happy with that "feature" being tested. Addind this "small expedition's results" basicaly removed expedition feature from the game.
    Imho - even pointless to test.
    Why won't we vote over every another feature that might get tested? I know, some things HAS to be tested, but at least GF will know if idea is ok, we can always compare vote results before and after tests.

    What ppl will do since exps are not profitable anymore, they'll attack/farm more.. on who? newbies :).. kinda weird newbie protection system, by provoking stronger players to feast on weaker player's flesh ;)

    Kapiszon aka Ansset
  • Hello,

    The reason why we got no information is simple - They changed nothing.
    I thougt so (see one of my postings above) but seems that i was wrong. We have had those decreased expo results sometimes more after complete updates (reset of variables etc) so please have a look if it goes back to "normal behaior" the next days.

    Regards, Francolino
  • still nothing's changed..

    Expedition Result [x:xxx:16]
    Date: 07.11.2011 19:03:17
    Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Deuterium 12.960 have been captured.

    it should be about 100k deuterium at least...

    So let me ask You again: When expeditions will return to normal? It's getting rly annoying.
  • Your expedition discovered a small asteroid from which some resources could be harvested.
    Deuterium 17.710 have been captured.

    Fleet details

    Ships: Large Cargo: 37 Heavy Fighter: 65 Battleship: 1 Espionage Probe: 1

    Expedition points: 9160
    Small Resource find: Deuterium: 30.000-150.000

    So it's better than before, but still less than on live servers. More expeditions to come, though.