AntiGame Origin

  • AntiGame Origin Update 1.52.0 -

    New features:

    Galaxy page with improved layout and usability
    - New simple layout to bring important details in foreground.
    - Moved planets behind name - Now all important details are in the middle (activity on planets and moons and debris)
    - Added "Shrink layout" to reduze the galaxy page size in three steps.
    - Changed "Show debris field size" - Uses k M B with specific colors to shorten the numbers.
    - Better tooltip handling - "Use mouseclick to show tooltips" ( for commander user: check also "Keep mouseover tooltips for moons")

    27.12.2011 v1.52.0
    + Ogame 3.1 support started
    * OGame 3.1: Some minor fixes
    * Rewrite functions to get and use own coords.
    * OGame 3.0 support only
    - OGame 2.x code removed
    * Spy report: Fixed missing Armor Technology on US server in Websim and Dragosim

    + Galaxy view: Added "Improve layout and usability" setting with following details:
    + New simple layout to bring important details in foreground
    + Moved planets behind name - Now all important details are in the middle (activity on planets and moons and debris)

    + Galaxy view: Added "Shrink layout" to reduze the galaxy page size in three steps.
    + Galaxy view: The loading image is more transparent
    + Galaxy view: Show activity minutes of planet and moon (Ogame 3.1)
    * Galaxy view: Changed "Show debris field size" - Uses k M B with specific colors to shorten the numbers.
    + Galaxy view: Added "Use mouseclick to show tooltips" in galaxy page - but check also "Keep mouseover tooltips for moons" when you have commander
    - Galaxy view: Removed old "Kill tips" function
    - Galaxy view: Removed "Hide moons.... " function to prepare for Ogame 3.1

    + Browser support: Firefox, Opera, Chrome (with or without Tampermonkey), Firefox mobile and Opera Mobile - alwasy in current versions.
    + Browser support: Added option "Do not use effects which slowdowns old browser or computer"

    * Fleet page 1 - Improve layout is on by default (hides the small all ship buttons , the ship icon does the same)
    + Fleet page 1-3: active input box has a border (with Antigame setting -> Improve layout ...) - not finished

    * Updated DK
  • Thanks GiaGia :)

    The missing color of ranks is caused by an local problem of taro (color code was wrong)
    Next is that i increased the rank font size from 9px to 10px ..
    And at last the missing colors depending on rank are coming back again, i disabled this code because i am working on it
  • Update 1.53.0 with new changelog -

    29.12.2011 v1.53.0
    * Updated CZ, DK, RU, DE, IT, ES, PL
    * Spy report: Fixed missing resources on RU server in Websim.
    * Spy report: Fixed missing Armor Technology on US server in Websim and Dragosim
    * Eventlist: Fixed vanished Reload button in Opera

    27.12.2011 v1.52.0
    + Ogame 3.1 support started
    * OGame 3.1: Some minor fixes
    * Rewrite functions to get and use own coords.
    * OGame 3.0 support only
    - OGame 2.x code removed

    Galaxy page:

    - "Improved layout and usability" feature.
    -- New simple layout to bring important details in foreground.
    -- Moved planets behind name - Now all important details are in the middle (activity on planets and moons and debris)
    -- And many other details. A new background image comes when all sizes are perfect.

    - "Shrink layout" reature to reduze the galaxy page size in three steps.

    - "Use mouseclick to show tooltips" feature to use mouseclick instead of mouseover. With active commander it doesn't affect moons because you can send spy probes with click.
    -- And added setting "Keep mouseover tooltips for planet, moon and debris".

    - Debris field
    - "Show size of debris field through" feature:
    -- 'Picture size' shows the images depending on the debris field size
    -- 'Number (k M B)', shows the debris field as shorts, colored numbers (k yellow, M red, B pink)
    -- Displaying the complete number when you click display is coming .. or some other solution.

    - Player and Ally rank color
    -- 'Player ranks color (All, 1000, 100, 10)' - The first color is for all, you can add colors for ranks below 1000, 100 and 10
    -- 'Alliance ranks color (All, 50, 10, 5)', - The first color is for all, you can add colors for ranks below 50, 10 and 5

    - Galaxy view: Removed old "Kill tips" function
    - Galaxy view: Removed "Hide moons.... " function to prepare for Ogame 3.1

    + Browser support: Firefox, Opera, Chrome (with or without Tampermonkey), Firefox mobile and Opera Mobile - alwasy in current versions.
    + Browser support: Added option "Do not use effects which slowdowns old browser or computer"

    * Fleet page 1 - Improve layout is on by default (hides the small all ship buttons , the ship icon does the same)
    + Fleet page 1-3: active input box has a border (with Antigame setting -> Improve layout ...) - not finished
  • Update 1.54.2

    03.01.2012 v1.54.2
    * AntiGame menu: New design

    02.01.2012 v1.54.0
    * Galaxy: Finshed code changes
    + Galaxy: Added in tooltips links to search player and alliance in War Rider - for DE ES FR PL ORG US
    * Messages: Changed "Expand message box height" - Now you can type in any number
    * Updated IT
    * Jumpgate: Added set ships function to the Icons
  • Hey guys,

    im new here and i dont know if this is the right topic... but i want u to ask for a little feature :)
    i played a little bit with this realy god damned nice script. Antigame is realy the best.
    So there is one thing, i dont realy like: The ressource-information. It dont fit to the Ogame Design so i've edited a few lines and now it fits.
    New design:

    Now i want u to ask: are u interested to implement this?
    There are only a few changes and i use embedded Images

    u have to edit

    Resources_insertCSSRules: function()

    and the

    Resources_Run: function()

    Edited functions here:

    I hope i could help


    Please forgive me for my realy bad english ;)
  • Update 1.54.6 -

    04.01.2012 v1.54.6
    * Fixed the problem that Antigame works for some user only in messages.
    * Might fix problem with wrong date/time or missing times

    GiaGia wrote:

    @nimbus: It does not work plus the option of "blurring" fleets in the event list ...
    using chrome+tampermonkey

    I report bug from italian user


    I have a look, mostly i test Chrome without tampermonkey
  • Hello there ;)

    I created a moon icon if you can/want use it in Antigame...

    Dimension of the moon itself is 30x30 / dimension of the picture whole 31x31 (transparent backround)
    13 colors png (not a gif as original moon icon) / lightly shadowed
    627B against original 655B picture
    • moon.png

      627 Byte, 31×31, viewed 2,301 times
    -Ogame Recension-
    Ogame need a change!
    -Check my account for my ideas-
  • GiaGia wrote:

    @nimbus: It does not work plus the option of "blurring" fleets in the event list ...
    using chrome+tampermonkey

    I report bug from italian user


    It works with Chrome (with and without Tampermonkey) - But the new setting "Do not use effects which slowdowns old browser or computer" switches those feature of - it slow downs older computer
  • A new update version 1.55.6 with two important changes:

    - The new home page is online now, at first this should solve usual update problems in the evening
    - The code is reduced and optimized for better performance. During the last day we noticed no problem, but this is possible because of "compilation" the JavaScript code. Please report problems here.
    - You can use the previous version 1.54.8 instead -

    • 1.55.6
    + Script: Uses "compilation" to optimize performance and reduze script size.
    + New AntiGame Origin home page - .
    + Translations: Prepared to offer language files on new hompe page.

    • 1.55.0
    + Update notify: Auto-check for updates works on all browser, Antigame menu button is green then.
    + Update notify: Update changelog is shown in antigame settings before updating (english only).
    + AntiGame menu: Added important tips for your support.
    + AntiGame menu: Added changelog of the last version (english only).

    Regards, Francolino
  • Bad, bad, really bad:

    - The code is reduced and optimized for better performance. During the last day we noticed no problem, but this is possible because of "compilation" the JavaScript code. Please report problems here.

    Sorry that is really really really a no go. (Typed really 3 times I really typed it!!!)
  • Update 1.60.6 - or

    '+ Update notify: Added update notify for preview versions to test them.',
    '* Messages: Fixed wrong date/time in some messages.',
    '* SpyReport: Fixed "Fold reports ... less limit" function when plunder or debris are 0',
    '* Options: Fixed problems with wrong/incomplete saved settings. (part 1)',
    '* DateTime: Fixed temporary some errors in popup boxes.',
  • Hi guys,
    I'm encountering a bug with your script (which btw seems really nice!) with the fleet menu.
    I just installed your script and now I cannot send a fleet: I see the menu correctly but when I click on "Continue" the page is refreshing itself and does not lead me on the second fleet page. I'm stuck in the first menu.

    I use Firefox 9.0, greasemonkey, and the 1.60.6 version of your script. (I also use InfoCompte in parrallel, may that is the problem... but it seems to work fine for all other features).

    Thanks for help.

    EDIT: After a simple test (Disabled the InfoCompte script), it works, so the problem is with that script. If you could make a fix for that, it would be nice, otherwise that's not a big deal.


    The post was edited 1 time, last by Vodsky ().

  • Hello,

    I haven't changed anything on Fleet page 1 - 3 since the last 10 days. Please wait until vulca fixes this problem. In case it's an conflict between AntiGame and Infocompte we will work together and find a solution
