AntiGame Origin

  • as you say before few function didn`t work under Opera. i found only two function that not work:

    1) blockAutoComplete - Opera dosen`t have autocomplete function in browser such Firefox, so text never will be saved in text-area
    2) update_check - like say before SlowMotion Opera don`t support AJAX-Request to check the newest version

    so when i play under Opera this function is useless for me so i makce a little changes in code:

    after function

    Source Code

    1. uni_options:
    2. {
    3. },

    add this line:

    Source Code

    1. firefox_options:
    2. {
    3. update_check:1,
    4. blockAutoComplete:1
    5. },

    and in saveOptions: function() add after:

    Source Code

    1. var param = Options[i];

    this line

    Source Code

    1. var param = Options[i];
    2. if (this.firefox_options[i] && !Utils.gmEnabled && !Utils.isChrome) continue;

    and the last change after:

    Source Code

    1. function createInput(id,label,newrow) {


    Source Code

    1. function createInput(id,label,newrow) {
    2. if (Options.firefox_options[id] && !Utils.gmEnabled && !Utils.isChrome) return '';

    now under Opera i don`t see this two useless function but under FF every is fine and works

    The post was edited 2 times, last by Joks ().

  • As long as there is no AJAX-Request we CAN deactivate the two functions, but you can use the property

    Source Code

    1. Utils.isOpera

    to detect the opera browser and deactivate the options in options dialog.

    So you dont need additional values to set and new objects to create.

    And as soon as we find a (tested and working) solution for the ajax-problem we can reactivate the option.
  • if someone want to solve a puzzle i have for him one :D

    1) i added to antigame one new option "Show progress construction buildings/reseach in percent"

    it`s look like this:
    edit by Valent- removed picture

    it`s show production in:
    - resources
    - station
    - research

    and now a puzzle. it`s works under Chrome and under Opera but under Firefox i tested version: 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 (Aurora) not :/ in FF console error is clean, i don`t know why :pinch:

    if someone want to try fix this under FF, here is the latest version antigame with this new feature:

    EDIT: the subject now it`s no current. it was fixed to work under FF too.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Joks ().

  • New testversion 1.40.5 with a lot of internal changes:
    The translations are nearly ready to finish missing translations - I post this in the translation thread.

    03.12.2011 v1.40.5
    * Antigame settings: Complete reorganized and improved, added subsections for better overview
    + Antigame menu & resources information are added below OGame notify signs (v-mode, acc deletion ..)
    * Languages: Complete reorganized and sorted.
    + Languages: Added some new variables to all included languages - Need to be translated.
    - Old, existing language files doesn't work anymore. Using own language files is possible, but existing ones need to be changed.
    + Language variables in Ogame pages are always same as server language.
    + Antigame settings: Changing language affects only Antigame settings menu.
    + Languages: Included functions to get ships, defense, buildings and researches from OGame serer. (ongoing)
    - Languages: Removed ships, defense, buildings and researches from translations (not done)

    + GM: changed setValue function
  • New testversion 1.40.6 with a lot of internal changes:
    The translations are nearly ready to finish missing translations - I post this in the translation thread.

    04.12.2011 v1.40.6
    * Antigame settings: Complete reorganized and improved, added subsections for better overview
    + Antigame menu & resources information are added below OGame notify signs (v-mode, acc deletion ..)
    * Languages: Complete reorganized and sorted.
    + Languages: Added some new variables to all included languages - Need to be translated.
    - Old, existing language files doesn't work anymore. Using own language files is possible, but existing ones need to be changed.
    + Language variables in Ogame pages are always same as server language.
    + Antigame settings: Changing language affects only Antigame settings menu.
    + Languages: Included functions to get ships, defense, buildings and researches from OGame serer.
    - Languages: Removed ships, defense, buildings and researches from translations.
    + Fleet mission coloring works now on all server, but you have to visit Fleet send page 3 one time.

    + Reasearches are read automatic one time per day (ongoing)
    + GM: changed setValue function
  • Update 1.41.0 is out

    New features :

    Renewed language / translation handling
    - Translations for ships, defense, buildings and missions are now taken from the serer - Now functions like mission coloring works on all OGame server without any translation file.
    - Content from Antigame in Ogame pages are always in same languae as the server. Changing language affects only Antigame settings menu.
    - You have to visit fleet send page 3 one time for each lanugage for correct work.
    - Old language files doesn't work anymore. They have to be changed.

    - Reasearches are read automatic now and will be updated every 4 hours.

    There are a lot of internal changes, please your feedback if all is fine (as before ... )

    Complete changelog:

    Display Spoiler
    06.12.2011 v1.41.2
    * Harvest as default mission color to fix "Harvest is different in Fleetpage3 and movement"

    06.12.2011 v1.41.0
    * Antigame settings: Complete reorganized and improved, added subsections for better overview
    + Antigame menu & resources information are added below OGame notify signs (v-mode, acc deletion ..)
    * Languages: Complete reorganized and sorted.
    + Languages: Added some new variables to all included languages - Need to be translated LATER when the english template is ready.
    - Old, existing language files doesn't work anymore. Using own language files is possible, but existing ones need to be changed.
    + Language variables in Ogame pages are always same as server language.
    + Antigame settings: Changing language affects only Antigame settings menu.
    + Languages: Included functions to get ships, defense, buildings and researches from OGame serer.
    - Languages: Removed ships, defense, buildings and researches from translations.
    + Fleet mission coloring works now on all server, but you have to visit Fleet send page 3 one time.
  • let`s see we have fixed layout for fleet1, fleet2, messages but not for galaxy.

    i don`t have big monitor :/ so in galaxy no matter if i have a flight list over or under galaxy table it`s always wrong for me. so i add some CSS change. i have two options:

    1) add to stylish in firefox

    Source Code

    1. #galaxytable tr.row td {height:25px!important}
    2. #galaxytable tr.row td {background-size:25px 24px!important}
    3. #galaxytable tr.row {top:1px!important}
    4. #galaxytable tr.row td.moon img {height:24px!important;width:25px!important}
    5. #galaxytable tr.row {background-position:-1px -3px!important}

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    2) add to stylish

    Source Code

    1. #galaxytable tr.row td {height:25px!important}
    2. #galaxytable tr.row td {background-size:25px 24px!important}
    3. #galaxytable tr.row {top:1px!important}
    4. #galaxytable tr.row {background:none!important}
    5. #galaxytable tr.row td.moon img {height:24px!important;width:25px!important}

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    i think we may add to antigame option: "reduced galaxy" and choose one possibility
  • Maybe it's possible to build in a Battle Report Converter like this one,, of HoChiChaos.

    However, thanks for taking over the project of ANTIGAME and to imrpove it day after day with new features and fixing bugs.

    Go on. The whole alliance WANTED thanks you!
    Seguid asi. La alianza WANTED en su totalidad os da las gracias!
    Weiter so. Die Allianz WANTED bedankt sich herzlich!
  • Hello eldonreal,

    Thanks for your support :)

    Right now i finished a lot of internal changes - and interested people can update translations now (Kramagon will do it for ES .. )

    The work for the next days (weeks) is to make Antigame Origin compatible to Ogame 3.0 - As you know this comes soon to every community.

    About your suggestion - Please talk with the developer of this project if he is interested to include his code. I like to include it.

    Regards, Francolino
  • Ok. I think it´s better know to let you finish the update for the OGame v3.0 . This update of the game will change a lot of things and your work is more important. Thanks

    Hoffe, dass Ihr wenig Probleme beim Anpassen des script auf die Versión 3.0 haben werdet. Falls KARMAGON hilfe bei der Übersetzung braucht, einfach ne mail oder eine Private Message senden.

    KARMAGON, si necesitas ayuda con la traducción, avisame por mail o por mensaje privado. Soy bilingüe (aleman, español) y también hablo inglés y un poquito de francés.
  • vess and antigame

    im not sure if you guys pay him much attention, but on your board at userscripts, there is a user by the name of VESS.
    he has some very good suggestions which i think you should listen to:
    also as a player of ogame for 3+ years now, i think that anti game is in the worst condition ive ever seen it in.
    and also the antigame button to change options hasnt worked since 1.42.0, if you need to know im in uni 26.
  • Hello jaks,

    I wrote already an answer about a similiary posting in board :

    Francolino wrote:

    Hello Phnx,

    About RU translation: I asked already someone from RU to complete the new translation. Soon i include it. Next to this you find all updating translations there : AntiGame Origin - Translations - But if you are interested to do it, write a PM to me.

    About the update frequency: It's simply caused on big, important improvements which touched many functions and code - But without those changes i see no sense to go on with development of Antigame. And several internal changes for Ogame 3.0 .See the changelog there - Or have a look into the source code. I know it was annoying and i spend many time to do this all and it's done now - Next updates are usually only to go on with develompent so it don't touch existing features.

    About your "bughunter" - Right now i found two usefull hints ( about submitting coords to simulators he offered a better one than i had in mind and about broken   ) - Sorry, this is much to less to read all his other words - He crossed any limit which i want to tolerate. Factual help is welcome and a lot of people do it.

    About 1. Possibility to decline THIS offset.
    This becomes soon a rule for tolerated tools. Maybe i can decrease the space a little, but the icons for vmode, activation and acc deletion have to be visible. When you use antigame resourese box they move outside many windows.

    About 2. Good idea, i add this to my to do list.

    In general i work step by step on Ogame pages, currently on the three fleet dispatch pages 1-3 and messages / spy reports. You find those hints always there

    your english is well enough ;-)

    Update 1.42.4 is out - usefull for DE PT FR SK -

    Regards, Francolino
  • so i we want better fix layout for fleet1 (see what ships we choice) we can add to:

    Source Code

    1. if (Options.fleet1_Layout)

    one CSS rules:
    Utils.insertCSSRule('#fleet1 #buttonz div ul#military li input:focus, #fleet1 #buttonz div ul#civil li input:focus {border-color:#98bf21;border-width:3px}');

    the effect of this change:
    edit by Valent- removed picture
  • Testversion for Ogame 3.0 and first changes for 3.2 -

    23.12.2011 v1.51.0
    + Ogame 3.1 support started
    * Rewrite functions to get and use own coords.
    * OGame 3.0 support only
    - OGame 2.x code removed

    ! Galaxy view: Is "in development" - functions and details are not final !
    + Galaxy view: Added "Improve layout and usability" setting with following details:
    + + New simple layout to bring important details in foreground
    + + Moved planets behind name - Now all important details are in the middle (activity on planets and moons and debris)

    + Galaxy view: Added "Shrink layout" to reduze the galaxy page size
    + Galaxy view: The loading image is more transparent
    + Galaxy view: Show activity minutes of planet and moon (Ogame 3.1)
    * Galaxy view: Changed "Show debris field size" - Uses k M B with specific colors to shorten the numbers.
    + Galaxy view: Added "Use mouseclick to show tooltips" in galaxy page
    + Galaxy view: Added "Keep mouseover tooltips for moons" - Usefull for accounts with commander
    - Galaxy view: Removed old "Kill tips" function
    - Galaxy view: Removed "Hide moons.... " function to prepare for Ogame 3.1

    + Browser: Support Firefox, Opera, Chrome (with or without Tampermonkey), Firefox mobile and Opera Mobile - alwasy in current versions.
    - Browser: Therefore the support for Firefox 3.x is stopped, some functions might be not working. Please use Antigame 1.43.6 instead.

    * Fleet page 1 - Improve layout is on by default (hides the small all ship buttons , the ship icon does the same)
    + Fleet page 1-3: active input box has a border (with Antigame setting -> Improve layout ...) - not finished

    * Updated DK