AntiGame Origin

  • ok so often people ask about Opera and antigame. at now we only fix the dimming time. but antigame works very good under Opera if in options we turn off events (0 errors all function works). so my suggestion is on userscript`s page in review insert a big info with bold font that if someone want to play under Opera he must turn off this options in user account. i have hope that maybe SlowMotion will fix this but at now is only one 100% works solution for Opera fans, and many of then don`t know about this...
  • so i discover that in fleet2 page event "mouseover" didn`t work on Chrome and Opera :/ we must choose some speed options from 100%...10% and click left mouse button to confirm our choice and then the times are changed. under Firefox "mouseover" works very good (we don`t must click mouse to confirm our choice, the times will be changing in real-time if the mouse cursor will be on some speed value)

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    i don`t know why mouseover didn`t works in another browser :/ but we can do that antigame will be change speed value from mouse and keyboard (numbers) so we must remove this:

    Source Code

    1. Utils.runScript("$('#speed option').bind('mouseover', function(){ this.parentNode.value = this.value; updateVariables(); });");

    and add this code:

    Source Code

    1. var speed = document.getElementById("speed");
    2. var update_speed_mouseover = function(e)
    3. {
    4. var target =; if(target.tagName != "OPTION") return;
    5. target.parentNode.selectedIndex = target.index;
    6. var e = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); e.initEvent("change", false, false); target.parentNode.dispatchEvent(e);
    7. };
    8. speed.addEventListener("mouseover", update_speed_mouseover, false)
    9. var update_speed_value_keyup = function(e)
    10. {
    11. var target =, keyCode = e.which || e.keyCode; if(keyCode == 0) return; // Unknown key
    12. var number = String.fromCharCode(keyCode);
    13. var change = ( Utils.isFirefox ? target.value == "10" : target.value != "10" );
    14. if(number == "0") number = "10";
    15. if(number == "1" && change) number = "10";
    16. target.value = number;
    17. var e = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); e.initEvent("change", false, false); target.dispatchEvent(e);
    18. };
    19. Utils.unsafeWindow.document.getElementById("speed").onkeyup = null;
    20. speed.addEventListener("keyup", update_speed_value_keyup, false);
    Display All

    after this change mouseover under FF will be still work very good, and now we can change the speed value under FF,Opera from keyboard: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0.
  • Thanks Joks :)

    I agree with you to improve first those most important features (fleet handling).
    Adding shortcuts is a really good idea to select speed, not only for chrome and opera.
    Best case is to fix this problem in for those browser as well, i'll ask Slowmotion if he wanna do it.

    - Updating Arrival / Return time should be faster .. right now it's waiting for the next second
  • so i do it for myself but maybe someone want to use this or maybe it`s good idea i don`t know :)

    in oldest version antigame (about 1 year ago) when we go to alliance page the members list was loading itself (like now) but the overs page in alliance was closed. it was good when someone play in alliance with many people. now it`s look like this when we go to alliance page:

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    it`s ugly and it`s with bug from gameforge :/

    i replace this function:

    Source Code

    1. Show: function() {
    2. var list = document.getElementById('link12');
    3. if(!list || list.rel != "allyMemberlist") { Utils.log("Error => Network.Show() => The element \"link12\" is missing or it have a different rel."); return; }
    4. if (list.className == 'closed')
    5. Utils.trigger(list,'click');
    6. //this.showMemberScores();
    7. },

    to this code:

    Source Code

    1. Show: function(e) {
    2. var list = document.getElementById('link11');
    3. if (list.className == 'opened')
    4. Utils.trigger(list,'click');
    5. var list = document.getElementById('link12');
    6. if (list.className == 'closed')
    7. Utils.trigger(list,'click');
    8. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    9. '#netz .contentz table {\
    10. margin-top:0px;\
    11. }');
    12. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    13. '#inhalt div.section {\
    14. margin-top:-5px;\
    15. }');
    16. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    17. '#netz .contentz table {\
    18. padding-top:0px;\
    19. }');
    20. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    21. '*[id="showSpyReportsNow"] td, #messagebox td, #netz .contentz td, #showSpyReportsNow {\
    22. padding-top:0px;\
    23. padding-bottom:0px;\
    24. }');
    25. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    26. 'table.list td.value, table.spy2 td {\
    27. text-align:right;\
    28. padding-right: 50px;\
    29. }');
    30. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    31. 'table.spy2 td.item {\
    32. text-align:left;\
    33. }');
    34. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    35. '#netz .contentz table.members th {\
    36. background:none;\
    37. height:0px;\
    38. }');
    39. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    40. '#shortreport td {\
    41. border-bottom-style:none;\
    42. }');
    43. },
    Display All

    and now the alliance page (for me) looks nice, and i don`t have a bug from gameforge. if alliance have many people more of then will be visible.

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    some CSS code change also messages section to:

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    as i say before it`s for me this change in code but maybe some of this code will be useful
  • First :

    The images in this list was a bug from GF which is solved in Version 2.3.2 (Within my Iceweasel 7.0.1 = FF 7.0.1)

    Second :

    What is the intetion of the other css styles (I just had only a short look) ?
    Possibly the coloring of the messages ?
    I have only an account with Commander at the moment.
  • 1) so when GF apply a new version with fixed bug to all country we can delete almost all code :D and save only this line:

    Source Code

    1. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    2. '#messagebox td, #netz #inhalt .contentz td {\
    3. padding-top:0px;\
    4. padding-bottom:0px;\
    5. }');

    insert this after insertCSSRules: function() in messages section

    2) this one line in CSS code inserted in messages reduced space in lines so more information are visiblee like full war report (see 4 point)
    3) no it`s not coloring the messages, from this job it`s script written by Vess/Bontchev

    4)this one line fix in war report annoying things

    before when i want see full report i must scroll down the page X( :

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    with reduced space in lines it`s like this:

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    so if i want see full war report i don`t must scroll the page :)

    edit: back to "Show: function()" so for me is good some like this:

    Source Code

    1. Show: function(e) {
    2. var list = document.getElementById('link11');
    3. if (list.className == 'opened')
    4. Utils.trigger(list,'click');
    5. var list = document.getElementById('link12');
    6. if (list.className == 'closed')
    7. Utils.trigger(list,'click');
    8. Utils.insertCSSRule(
    9. '#netz #alliance #inhalt #eins .contentz .members td {\
    10. padding-top:0px;\
    11. padding-bottom:0px;\
    12. }');
    Display All

    it`s close automatic one page in alliance left only members open, and reduced space between members (in big alliance more people will be see)

    if someone want to test this changes i upload my modify antigame

    so install and go to alliance and messages to see the changes
  • Next update with an important change / improvement Antigame Origin Testversion 1.32.7

    About Coords Autocopy:
    - When you know another public project to store OGame player details, please post it in the usercripts page. I include this project.
    - When you want to activate this function for your own forum etc please change in Greasmonkey "Manage userscripts" - http://* as include
    - Or edit the userscript and change following line // include http://* change to // @include http://*
    - It much better when you include your own URL instaed of using http://*

    24.11.2011 v1.32.8
    + Added NO, BA (difference to HR)
    + Removed * include to avoid performance problems in all other web sites.
    + Added includes for Galaxytool
    + Added includes for
    + Added includes for
    + Added includes for
    + Added includes for
    + Added includes for
    + Added includes for
    + Added includes for*
    + Added includes for*
    + Added includes for*

    + Adjustable height of messagebox.
    * Fleetpage 2 : Improved design and handling, fixed bugs.
    * Options : Improved text for fleet dispatch (need translation updates)
    + Added : Uni speed factor read from meta tags Open : clean up all uni_SpeedFactor
    * Fixed : Removed all code for Ogame 1.1 Opeon : clean up all ogameVersion

    With the general include * for all websites Antigame is executed several times for each page AND for each iframe in this page ... so sometimes it runs 3, 4 or more times. And Chrome is very slow with Antigame and this global setting.
  • Hi
    Today i updated AntiGame Origin to 1.32.8
    I'm using: Chrome 15, Tampermonky and AntiGame on position 1,
    Now my problem is, that AntiGame only shows up on the message site :P
    Also tried the 1.32.9 pre release but this didnt work.
    Any way to fix this bug?!

    Thanks for your help
  • DofD wrote:

    Today i updated AntiGame Origin to 1.32.8
    I'm using: Chrome 15, Tampermonky and AntiGame on position 1,
    Now my problem is, that AntiGame only shows up on the message site :P
    Also tried the 1.32.9 pre release but this didnt work.
    Any way to fix this bug?!

    Thanks for your help

    Should be fixed in the test version - soon i update the general version

    you can install Antigame without Tampermonkey, this works.

    But i check it out with Tampermonkey
    Checked , works also with Tampermonkey. But in 1.32.8 was a bug. So please install the test version right now.
  • Joks wrote:

    it`s look like the function: checkUpdate: didn`t work properly under Opera, under FF i have always a notify that new version is released but under Opera never

    Problem is that in Opera I ( we? ) do not use GreaseMonkey. So the function

    Source Code

    1. Utils.gmEnabled
    is false, so the update check is not executed.

    Source Code

    1. if (Utils.gmEnabled && Options.update_check)
    2. Options.checkUpdate();

    I dont know whether the "update mechanism" works without greasemonkey.

    The signal that there is a new version should be possible :/

    I will look for it.

    Edit :

    Update mechanism can not work on opera yet.
    In the checkUpdate there is an AJAX-Request to check the newest version. but this AJAX method is a method from greasemonkey.
    So "no greasemonkey" => no "update check" :(

    Possibly we will find a solution to do ajax without greasemonkey without problems with cross side scripting :(
  • Is this issue know?

    edit by Valent- removed picture

    Using v1.33.2 and FF8.
    The background image is repeated, and therefore, a second headline appears.
    This happens when you have more than 10 planets (I have 11 planets - in a 1x universe)
  • Update 1.33.4 -

    This are the new features (from the last weeks)

    Universe speed
    - The universe speed is now taken from the game, you don't need to edit it.
    Improved layout on fleet dispatch page 1
    - Increased input boxes size, removed the small "all" button to get all ships. The ship icon itself does the same.
    - Antigame settings - Fleet dispatch - Fleet 1 Improve layout

    Changed where Antigame is executed
    - Now Antigame runs only on Ogame server and several other pages to copy coordinates from there. See "Autocopy coordinates from external pages" below.

    Simulator buttons to calculate battles
    - Better handling to submit the correct server language. Now it should work well (if the simulator supports this language)
    - Added Osimulate as 3rd one.
    - Antigame settings - Massages - Add button for submitting ...

    Included several languages
    - See list above or information below.

    Missing details in the userscript page
  • Sorry, not yet :(
    The problem occurs on my system on the FIRST call of

    Source Code

    1. Utils.stylesheet.insertRule(rule, 0);

    and only if the box is opened.

    So I assume a racing condition with the ajax event which fills the list.

    And I am not so firm with opera to tell how to prevent such a condition.