"Astrophysics level > colonies number" indicator

    • "Astrophysics level > colonies number" indicator

      Sometimes i would appreciate, when i could know directly, in spy probe message, how many colonies represents that astrophysics level i see. So i could simple determine possible amount of enemy colonies without to calculate it from the astrophysics formula.

      Therefore my idea is, that you can see (in spy probe message and in reserach astro. level indicator) next to astrophysics level, a bracket with a commented number (possible colonies one can have).
      Like here:
      Astrophysics ..................... 15 (9)

      The number nine will have comment with text: Possible "9" planets - Home planet included
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • i dislike this idea because you can calculate that in ya mind very fast and you should know what 17 oder 19 means ;) it means 10 or 11 planets.

      but to make you happy i made this little script for you


      Source Code

      1. // ==UserScript==
      2. // @name astrophysics in espionage report
      3. // @namespace marshen
      4. // @include http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=showmessage*
      5. // @include http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=globalTechtree*
      6. // ==/UserScript==
      7. (function()
      8. {
      9. function getElementsByClass(cName, domNode) {
      10. if (cName == undefined || cName.length == 0) return;
      11. if (domNode == undefined) domNode = document;
      12. if (domNode.getElementsByClassName)
      13. return domNode.getElementsByClassName(cName);
      14. // browser doesn't support getElementsByClassName
      15. cName = " " + cName + " "; // add spaces here so that we won't find class "a" in className == "abc"
      16. var elements = domNode.getElementsByTagName('*');
      17. var res = new Array();
      18. for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      19. var className = " " + elements[i].className + " ";
      20. if (className.indexOf(cName) > -1) {
      21. res.push(elements[i]);
      22. }
      23. }
      24. return res;
      25. }
      26. if (location.href.indexOf("showmessage") > -1)
      27. {
      28. var astrophysicsName = GM_getValue("astrophysics", null);
      29. if (astrophysicsName)
      30. {
      31. var tds = getElementsByClass("key");
      32. for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; i++)
      33. {
      34. if (tds[i].firstChild.nodeValue.toString().trim() == astrophysicsName)
      35. {
      36. var astroTds = tds[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName('td');
      37. if (astroTds.length > 1)
      38. {
      39. var astroLvl = parseInt(astroTds[1].firstChild.nodeValue.toString().trim());
      40. astroTds[1].appendChild(document.createTextNode(" (" + (Math.ceil(astroLvl / 2) + 1) + ")"));
      41. break;
      42. }
      43. }
      44. }
      45. }
      46. }
      47. else if (location.href.indexOf("globalTechtree") > -1)
      48. {
      49. var tds = getElementsByClass("item");
      50. for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; i++)
      51. {
      52. var as = tds[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
      53. if (as.length > 0 && as[0].href.indexOf("techID=124") > -1)
      54. {
      55. GM_setValue("astrophysics", as[0].firstChild.nodeValue.toString().trim());
      56. break;
      57. }
      58. }
      59. }
      60. })();
      Display All

      just visit the tech tree once and than it should display your planet number

    • Gentlemens :) you are telling it's easy to calculate, but it is easy maybe for you :) You guys are great in programming, so i believe you without a bad word on your address.
      There are a numeours types of intelligence in the world. We can tell, that there are those, who are good in numbers (mostly math/physic) and those, who are good in creation of something (mostly artists).
      Each of those cummunity is missing something from the other one.

      I'm something between those :) Therefore sorry, i don't see there a logical point in variantions of odd number (15 - astrophysics level) with even number (8 - possible colonies).
      How can i create a formula with two known variables if i know only one (spy message)? I need always to have a look into my own astro. research, so i could calculate it. I can tell i have terrible memory..

      And i'm pretty sure, that i'm not alone :) and you can call me a moron ...
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • Gentlemens, thanks for giving me a solution, but in matter of fact simplest way is the best way. Clicking from spy message to astro tech tree is something you don't need to do if you have the information directly in message.
      Explanation: If i'm a fleeter i could better memorize the information about astro. levels. But i'm not, i'm using that kind of information only few time in month. So, sorry, the memorizing is not an argument.

      Gentlemens as i know now your view on this idea, please stay on the line with just "i like" or "dislike" :)
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • no need for it, since you use it so little times, no need to actually work on something that might make bugs with the coding ( even tho it is a simple code, but you dont know what might actually happen ) and since fleeters are the ones who search for colonies mostly and check astro, they memorize it so no need at all for it.
      thats my opinion on this idea
    • I'm not sure if this was added, but I see two ways to do this. Either add a link to the page in astrophysics as opposed to a number so you can see it real quick or if this has been implemented make the number a link also just to be thorough. Someone might find a need to look at it. It may also help educate others and make the number less needed which is a good thing! 8)

      Mind you seeing the number and knowing where it comes from are two totally different things. This both helps remove the problem of knowing how the number is generated and the need to ask what the number is as would inevitably be asked in help forums on all servers!! 8p Links are your friend!!