Description for Firefox
Description for Chrome
- Info : Modifies several Ogame CSS layouts to reduce vertical spacing, and changes some font/font colors/font sizes (full list on the site and on the description.)
- Author : Mikas60
- Website : For Firefox and For Chrome
- Support : Ogame Redesign v.2.3.XX
- Download : For Firefox and For Chrome
- Screenshot : There are some on the firefox site, updated until Version
- Browser : Firefox + Stylish or Chrome + Stylish
- Languages : Pretty sure all is Language independent, and it supports a lot of Ogame domains. (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... These were all i could think of, if there are any others i should add let me know.)
This is the Firefox version of Ogame Image Reducer. If you use Chrome, then please use this one instead: [*]
This script is tolerated by GameForge.
This script was originally based on some codes from OG-RS³. Since then, with the changes I made and stuff I added, pretty much half of the script has been "tweaked". (without 90% of the actual skin layout changes, like new images, etc...)
Screen Shots:
Overview Before -…nshots/OverviewBefore.png
Overview After -…enshots/OverviewAfter.png
Resources 1 Before -…hots/ResourcesBefore1.png
Resources 1 After -…shots/ResourcesAfter1.png
Resources 2 Before -…hots/ResourcesBefore2.png
Resources 2 After -…shots/ResourcesAfter2.png
Research Before -…nshots/ResearchBefore.png
Research After -…enshots/ResearchAfter.png
Fleet Before -…eenshots/FleetBefore1.png
Fleet After -…reenshots/FleetAfter1.png
Message 1 Before -…shots/MessagesBefore1.png
Message 1 After -…nshots/MessagesAfter1.png
Message 2 Before -…shots/MessagesBefore2.png
Message 2 After -…nshots/MessagesAfter2.png
Galaxy View Before -…eenshots/GalaxyBefore.png
Galaxy View After -…reenshots/GalaxyAfter.png
Alliance Before -…nshots/AllianceBefore.png
Alliance After -…enshots/AllianceAfter.png
Not all the features appear in these screen shots, only the most significant ones. Smaller changes you'll just have to find them yourself
Some Features:
[Reduces] Images to take up less vertical space.
[Reduces] Space of the Antigame texts in some areas.
[Reduces] Spacing, in alliance page, to reduce vertical space.
[Reduces] Image size of Planet images on Empire View.
[Removes] The damned blinking stars.
[Removes] The planet bar from the Message page, the Fleet Movement page and Alliance page.
[Changes] The Message Buttons from Antigame.
[Changes] Font Size and Color of some Antigame features.
[Changes] Font Colors, Script positions and layouts of LPuNKT Script.
[Changes] To Message Layout Spacing to be compatible with SpyoHelper (they fixed it in newer versions, but I'll leave the code in case they screw it up again).
[Changes] Layout of the Message Popup.
[Changes] Old "NEW" text replaced by a green "NEW" while inside a new Message.
[Changes] Some Ogame Fonts, Font Sizes and Font Colors.
[Changes] Colors and Font Size on Empire View.
[Changes] The layout of the "None", "All", "Next" and "Back" fleet buttons, in the Fleet pages.
[Changes] Layout of the Jumpgate page.
[Changes] The color of the resources. Besides that, they turn Bold, Orange and start blinking when almost full. They turn Bold and Red when full.
[Changes] To some small, aesthetic related, stuff.
[Changes] To some small almost insignificant stuff.
Works with Ogame Redesign version 2.3.XX
This script is tolerated by GameForge.
This script was originally based on some codes from OG-RS³. Since then, with the changes I made and stuff I added, pretty much half of the script has been "tweaked". (without 90% of the actual skin layout changes, like new images, etc...)
Screen Shots:
Overview Before -…nshots/OverviewBefore.png
Overview After -…enshots/OverviewAfter.png
Resources 1 Before -…hots/ResourcesBefore1.png
Resources 1 After -…shots/ResourcesAfter1.png
Resources 2 Before -…hots/ResourcesBefore2.png
Resources 2 After -…shots/ResourcesAfter2.png
Research Before -…nshots/ResearchBefore.png
Research After -…enshots/ResearchAfter.png
Fleet Before -…eenshots/FleetBefore1.png
Fleet After -…reenshots/FleetAfter1.png
Message 1 Before -…shots/MessagesBefore1.png
Message 1 After -…nshots/MessagesAfter1.png
Message 2 Before -…shots/MessagesBefore2.png
Message 2 After -…nshots/MessagesAfter2.png
Galaxy View Before -…eenshots/GalaxyBefore.png
Galaxy View After -…reenshots/GalaxyAfter.png
Alliance Before -…nshots/AllianceBefore.png
Alliance After -…enshots/AllianceAfter.png
Not all the features appear in these screen shots, only the most significant ones. Smaller changes you'll just have to find them yourself

Some Features:
[Reduces] Images to take up less vertical space.
[Reduces] Space of the Antigame texts in some areas.
[Reduces] Spacing, in alliance page, to reduce vertical space.
[Reduces] Image size of Planet images on Empire View.
[Removes] The damned blinking stars.
[Removes] The planet bar from the Message page, the Fleet Movement page and Alliance page.
[Changes] The Message Buttons from Antigame.
[Changes] Font Size and Color of some Antigame features.
[Changes] Font Colors, Script positions and layouts of LPuNKT Script.
[Changes] To Message Layout Spacing to be compatible with SpyoHelper (they fixed it in newer versions, but I'll leave the code in case they screw it up again).
[Changes] Layout of the Message Popup.
[Changes] Old "NEW" text replaced by a green "NEW" while inside a new Message.
[Changes] Some Ogame Fonts, Font Sizes and Font Colors.
[Changes] Colors and Font Size on Empire View.
[Changes] The layout of the "None", "All", "Next" and "Back" fleet buttons, in the Fleet pages.
[Changes] Layout of the Jumpgate page.
[Changes] The color of the resources. Besides that, they turn Bold, Orange and start blinking when almost full. They turn Bold and Red when full.
[Changes] To some small, aesthetic related, stuff.
[Changes] To some small almost insignificant stuff.
Works with Ogame Redesign version 2.3.XX
- Version 1.2
[Changed] The way the Antigame Resource boxes look like. Now they wont get cut off when you put them on the left.
- Version 1.1.2
[Fixed] Apparently there was a problem with the drop down box in the Jumpgate, its fixed now. Thanks to HeilTec.
- Version 1.1.1
[Changed] Lowered the opacity of the new overlay in Overview.
[Added] Support and changes for Resources in Flight.
- Version 1.1
[Changed] The appearance of the new overlay in the Overview page. Made it smaller to fit the shortened image.
[Changed] The position of the "Load All Resources" in Fleet Page 3, and also removed the text under that button.
[Added] Compatibility with LPuNKT Script, namely added/changed the following:
[Changed] Made the IMP and Phalanx range appear the same way i did for Antigame;
[Changed] Colored and moved the Resource production details;
[Changed] Some colors, so that they don't change depending on which font color you picked in the script settings;
[Changed] Moved the Additional resource loading buttons in Fleet Page 3;
[Changed] Moved the Missing Sats option from the description (which is cut out with my script) to right under the input box. So you can click it to add the number to the box.
LPuNKT Script will not be added to the Chrome version, alot of options in the script don't work for Chrome. Will add it as soon as it does.
- Version 1.0
Finally version 1.0 is out.
[Changed] Layout of Jumpgate to make it faster to jump all your fleet.
[Changed] Font color and Font Size in Jumpgate.
[Changed] Jump button to the one from OG-RS³ and encoded it into the script.
- Version 0.9.6
[Fixed] Small bug in Ogame version 3.0
[Added] Color and Text Effects to Empire View.
[Changed] Reduced Font Size on Empire View.
[Changed] Smaller planet images and moved the "Planet/Moon" menu up a bit.
- Version 0.9.5
[Added] Some color codes for Ogame version 3.0
[Initiated] Seperate support for Chrome. Please install this script if you use Chrome:
- Version 0.9.4
[Fixed] The bug in Alliance member page, that started with Ogame v2.3 (Thx to Heiltec).
- Version
[Changed] Dark Matter image back to animated image to fit with GF, stupid, regulation.
- Version
[Changed] Message layout for people with "Ogame Redesign: New Smiles" and "Ogame Redesign: BBCode" at the same time.
- Version
[Fixed] Changes in Message Box cause of the new update.
[Added] Better compatibility with the script Ogame Redesign: Reply to Circular Messages. Also changed its layout a bit.
- Version
[Removed] The tipsStandard from the Planet title.
[Fixed] Small bug.
- Version
[Changed] Colors on Fleet2 for a few items, to make it easier to read.
[Removed] Planet div in Alliance page.
- Version
[Fixed] A couple of minor code errors.
- Version
[Removed] Aesthetic changes to the X button in Messages, because it was incompatible with a couple of scripts (one of which is InfoCompte3).
- Version
[Fixed] Some small aesthetic changes to the X button in messages and search.
[Fixed] The color of the resources AGAIN, 'cause for some reason they decided to make the path to deut, different from all the others.
- Version
[Fixed] The color of the resources AGAIN, 'cause I'm an idiot and forgot to do something to actually make it work.
- Version 0.9.3
[Fixed] When i fixed the energy color it broke the colors for the other resources, its fixed now.
- Version 0.9.2
[Fixed] Antigame resource table being pushed to the left when you selected it to be showed on the bottom.
[Fixed] Energy not turning red when you had negative energy.
[Removed] The blinking from the "New" on a new message.
- Version 0.9.1
[Removed] The planet bar (the one where it says the place you are and name of the planet) from the Message page and the Fleet Movement page.
[Added] Version, Author, Name and Description to the code
- Version 0.9
[Added] Help Description, for how much energy your sats produce on that planet, added above "Build" Button in the Resource page. Forgot to add it there when i added it in the Hangar.
[Changed] Color, of the above mentioned text, to orange for better contrast.
[Changed] Small layout fixes, in the Fleet 1 page, for people that don't use Antigame.
[Changed] Small layout fixes, in all fleet pages, for the "Next" and "Back" Buttons.
[Changed] The button for the Tutorial, to the one from OG-RS³.
[Changed] The button for the Patch Notes, to the one from OG-RS³.
[Changed] Encoded all the images into the script, so there is no need to wait for the host to load them.
- Version 0.8.4
[Removed] The coloring on the Alliance names in Galaxy view, as it was overwriting the coloring from other scripts like Antigame.
- Version 0.8.3
[Fixed] Fleets not showing up on Jumpgates.
[Changes] Removed the "Blink" effect from the activity in Galaxy View.
[Changes] To font size on Galaxy View.
- Version 0.8.2
[Fixed] Some code errors (made the desired effects not show up in the page).
- Version 0.8.1
[Disabled] Everything related to Jumpgate. Got a report of some stuff not working. Need to get a moon and test it myself before enabling it again
- Version 0.8
[Added] Several layout changes (mostly related to fonts), originally from OG-RS³. (No idea why i forgot to add them before)
[Changed] More code optimizations. (there might be a lot of these, 1st time using Stylish and all)
- Version 0.7.2
[Changed] The image to the "Help" menu. Changed it to the same as in OG-RS³ since its a lot better then the default one.
[Fixed] Encoded the new "Help" image into the script, so no host site loading.
[Fixed] Script Optimizations
- Version 0.7.1
[Changed] Static Dark Matter Icon is no longer hosted, instead its coded into the script.
- Version 0.7
[Changed] The animated Dark Matter Icon with a static Dark Matter Icon. (Hosted Image)
- Version 0.6.3
[Removed] The damned blinking stars.
- Version 0.6.2
[Fixed] More aesthetic changes
- Version 0.6.1
[Fixed] Minor aesthetic changes.
- Version 0.6
[Added] Moved the "None" and "All" fleet buttons, in the fleet 1 page, below the "Next" button.
- Version 0.5.1
[Fixed] Minor glitches.
- Version 0.5
[Added] Help Button, "?", moved to the bottom left of the Item Image.
[Added] Help Description, for how much energy your sats produce on that planet, added above "Build" Button.
[Added] Decreased vertical spacing of alliance page.
[Removed] Useless CSS, coding related to the actual skin OG-RS³ v6 beta 2 (Part 1), that wasn't being used. Some pages may load a bit faster now.
[Update] Some small optimizations and translations to the coding.
- Version 0.4
[Fixed] Had the wrong XX button in messages. Was supposed to remove all messages not the spy messages.
- Version 0.3
[Fixed] [player][/player] tags didn't show the Tooltip in the Messages section. It works now.
- Version 0.2
[Fixed] Delete, Answer, Report buttons not Showing up.
[Bug Found] [player][/player] tags not showing the Tooltip in Messages (but works in alliance pages).
- Version 0.1
Starting version
This is the Chrome version of Ogame Image Reducer. If you use Firefox, then please use this one instead: [*]
Some Features:
[Reduces] Images to take up less vertical space.
[Reduces] Spacing, in alliance page, to reduce vertical space.
[Removes] The damned blinking stars.
[Removes] The planet bar from the Message page, the Fleet Movement page and Alliance page.
[Changes] To Message Layout Spacing to be compatible with SpyoHelper (they fixed it in newer versions, but I'll leave the code in case they screw it up again).
[Changes] Layout of the Message Popup.
[Changes] Old "NEW" text replaced by a green "NEW" while inside a new Message.
[Changes] Some Ogame Fonts, Font Sizes and Font Colors.
[Changes] Colors and Font Size on Empire View, including COgame Production box.
[Changes] The layout of the "None", "All", "Next" and "Back" fleet buttons, in the Fleet pages.
[Changes] Layout of the Jumpgate page.
[Changes] The color of the resources. Besides that, they turn Bold, Orange and start blinking when almost full. They turn Bold and Red when full.
[Changes] To some small, aesthetic related, stuff.
[Changes] To some small almost insignificant stuff.
Works with Ogame Redesign version 2.3.XX
Some Features:
[Reduces] Images to take up less vertical space.
[Reduces] Spacing, in alliance page, to reduce vertical space.
[Removes] The damned blinking stars.
[Removes] The planet bar from the Message page, the Fleet Movement page and Alliance page.
[Changes] To Message Layout Spacing to be compatible with SpyoHelper (they fixed it in newer versions, but I'll leave the code in case they screw it up again).
[Changes] Layout of the Message Popup.
[Changes] Old "NEW" text replaced by a green "NEW" while inside a new Message.
[Changes] Some Ogame Fonts, Font Sizes and Font Colors.
[Changes] Colors and Font Size on Empire View, including COgame Production box.
[Changes] The layout of the "None", "All", "Next" and "Back" fleet buttons, in the Fleet pages.
[Changes] Layout of the Jumpgate page.
[Changes] The color of the resources. Besides that, they turn Bold, Orange and start blinking when almost full. They turn Bold and Red when full.
[Changes] To some small, aesthetic related, stuff.
[Changes] To some small almost insignificant stuff.
Works with Ogame Redesign version 2.3.XX
- Version 1.1
[Removed] Fade boxes again.
[Changed] Opacity in the new overlay in Overview page.
[Added] Support and changes to: "Ogame Resdesign: Flying Resources in Event List" and to "Ogame Redesign: Resources in Flight".
- Version 1.0
Yes version 1.0. Now FF and Chrome versions will be the same, except for minor bug fixes.
[Changed] Layout of Jumpgate to make it faster to jump all your fleet.
[Changed] Font color and Font Size in Jumpgate.
[Changed] Jump button to the one from OG-RS³ and encoded it into the script.
- Version 0.3.1
[Changed] Position of Standard Fleets Options Menu.
- Version 0.3
[Fixed] Bug on Fleet1 Page in Ogame version 3.0
[Added] Color and Text Effects to Empire View.
[Added] Color and Reduced Font Size in COgame Production Box.
[Changed] Reduced Font Size on Empire View.
- Version 0.2
Fixed in relation to the Firefox version:
[Fixed] Some color codes;
[Fixed] Next and Back buttons in fleet 1 and 2.
[Fixed] None and All buttons in Fleet 1. Also made it compatible with COgame.
- Version 0.1
Release version
The post was edited 25 times, last by Mikas60 ().