InfoCompte Script

    • Is chrome/firefox and tampermonkey/greasemonkey up-to-date ?
      Do you have an error in the js console ? (ctrl+uppercase+J)

      GameMaster :

      Here is what we have for TR languages :

      Display Spoiler

      PHP Source Code

      1. tr :
      2. {
      3. ICoption : 'InfoCompte Seçenekleri',
      4. Save:'Kayıt' ,
      5. Total:'Toplam',
      6. Lune:'Ay',
      7. Mines:'Madenler',
      8. Other_structure:'Diğer binalar',
      9. Structure:'Binalar',
      10. Ressource:'Kaynaklar',
      11. Facilities:'Tesisler',
      12. Technology:'Araştırma',
      13. Technologies : 'Teknoloji',
      14. Fleet:'Filo',
      15. Defense:'Savunma',
      16. Progression:'Yükseltme',
      17. Moyenne:'Ortalama',
      18. Production:'Üretim',
      19. Indestructible:'Yıkılamaz',
      20. Depuis:'beri',
      21. Points:'Puan',
      22. soit:'representing',
      23. BBcode_debut:"Puan detayları:",
      24. BBcode_debut2:"Toplam puan:",
      25. BBcode_mine:"Maden puanları:",
      26. BBcode_bat:"Diğer yapı puanları:",
      27. BBcode_batT:"Toplam yapı puanları:",
      28. BBcode_fin1:"Araştırma puanları:",
      29. Bcode_fin2:"Filo puanları:",
      30. BBcode_fin3:"Savunma puanları:",
      31. BBcode_fin4: "Hesabınızın ",
      32. BBcode_fin5 : "yıkılamaz puanı",
      33. BBcode_fin6 : "Ortalama ilerleme : ",
      34. Point_day : "Günlük puanlar",
      35. sur_lune:'ayda',
      36. en_vol:'uçan filo',
      37. aQuai: 'yerdeki filo',
      38. vaisseaux : 'gemi',
      39. Avertissement :'İlerleme durumunuzu yeniden saymak istediğinize eminmisiniz? ',
      40. restart : 'ilerleme sayımı yeniden başlatmak için tıklayın ',
      41. AffBBcodeDetail : 'Ayrıntılı BBcode\'yi göstermeyi tıklayın',
      42. AffBBcodeSimple : 'Ayrıntılı BBcode\'yi göstermek istemiyorsanız tıklayın',
      43. AffBBcodeSansBBcode : 'BBcode olmadan',
      44. valeurdefaut : 'varsayılan değerler',
      45. Manque:'Bu sayfaları üzerinden gitmek gerekir:',
      46. pas_a_jours :'Bir güncelleme mevcut: ',
      47. install : 'kurmak için tıklayınız',
      48. utile : 'yararlı',
      49. inutile :'yararsız',
      50. BBcode_fin42 :"Sizin işe yaramaz teknoloji temsil ",
      51. creeSign:'InfoCompte bir imza oluşturmak',
      52. signature : 'imza',
      53. manqueVG : 'Gezegene genel bir bakış',
      54. info_new_version: 'Bu yeni sürüm \'ın haber bak',
      55. addTrad :'yeni/tam/Bir çeviri değiştirme',
      56. rank: 'rütbe',
      57. rank_indest: 'Filo ve savunma kaydettikten sonraki yeriniz',
      58. degats_infliges : 'Toplam hasar tarafından uğratılan',
      59. luneCree: 'Verilen aylar',
      60. constructing:'İnşa edilen puanlar',
      61. affDetailPla : 'Gezegen puanlarını detaylı görüntülemek için tıklayın',
      62. options:
      63. {
      64. //creeSign :'Ekran bağlantı imza oluştur',
      65. creeSign :'Display link to use SR and CR',
      66. creeSignRc : 'CR',
      67. Graphiccolours :'Grafik renkleri',
      68. BatTotal :'Toplam yapı puanını göster',
      69. indestructible :'Yıkılmaz puanı göster',
      70. techno :'Araştırma puanını göster',
      71. flottes :'Filo puanını göster',
      72. Def :'Savunma puanını göster',
      73. VaisseauxVol :'Harekette filonun yüzdesini göster',
      74. pointLune :'Ay puanını göster',
      75. sauterLignePourPourcentageFlotteVol :'Aynı çizgide hepsini göster (Filo ve ay puanlarına hareket etmek için)',
      76. progression :'İlerlemeyi göster',
      77. PlusieurSurMemeUni :'Dolgu orada aynı bilgisayarda ve evren üzerinde birden fazla oyuncu varsa',
      78. couleurPoint :'İlerleme fonksiyonunu farklı renklerde göster',
      79. ProgJours :'Günlük ilerlemeyi göster',
      80. ProdJours :'Madenden kazanılan puanı göster',
      81. Techno_utile :"Teknolojinin ayrıntılarını göster",
      82. Point_planete :"Gezegene puan yatırımını göster",
      83. Masquer :"Varsayılan InfoCompte tablosunu gizle",
      84. progNeg: "Negatif ilerleme \'ın renk",
      85. progPos : "Pozitif ilerleme \'ın renk",
      86. Signtxt:'İmzadaki (yazı) rengi',
      87. Signfond:'İmzadaki (arkaplan) rengi',
      88. langue : 'Hangi dilde istiyorsun?',
      89. CoulBBcode: 'BBcode başlığı rengi',
      90. BBcode_center : 'BBcode\'yle metni koymanın nasıl olduğu ?',
      91. BBcode_size : 'BBCode için maksimum boyut (px / %)',
      92. enregFlotte: 'Filo keydet',
      93. rank: 'Ekran rütbeleri',
      94. alternative: 'Ekran bağlantı bilgi vermek için <a href="">Alternatif web sitesi</a>',
      95. sansDesing :'Script tasarımını iptal et',
      96. design:'Dizayn',
      97. Display: 'Görüntü',
      98. speed: 'Evrenin Hızı',
      99. constructing:'Bina gösterin puanları',
      100. detailPointsPla : 'Otomatik gezegen puan detaylarını görüntüle'
      101. },
      102. tag:
      103. {
      104. mmet: 'Metal Madeni',mcri: 'Kristal Madeni',mdet: 'Deuterium Sentezleyicisi',ces: 'Solar Enerji Santrali',cef: 'Füzyoenerji Santrali',rob: 'Robot Fabrikasi',nan: 'Nanit Fabrikasi',cspa: 'Uzay Tersanesi',hmet: 'Metal Deposu',hcri: 'Kristal Deposu',hdet: 'Deuterium Tankeri',lab: 'Bilimsel Arastirma Labarotuvari',ter: 'Terraformer',depo: 'Ittifak Deposu',silo: 'Roket Silosu',base: 'Ay Merkez Istasyonu',phal: 'Radar Istasyonu',port: 'Siçrama Geçidi',
      105. espi: 'Casusluk Teknigi',ordi: 'Bilgisayar Teknigi',arme: 'Silah Teknigi',bouc: 'Koruyucu Kalkan Teknigi',prot: 'Uzay Gemilerinin Zirhlandirilmasi',ener: 'Enerji Teknigi',hype: 'Hiperuzay Teknigi',comb: 'Yanmali Motor Takimi',impu: 'Impuls( Içtepi ) Motortakimi',phyp: 'Hiperuzay Iticisi',lase: 'Lazer Teknigi',ions: 'Iyon Teknigi',plas: 'Plazma Teknigi',rese: 'Galaksiler arasi arastirma agi',expe: 'Astrofizik',grav: 'Gravitasyon Arastirmasi',
      106. pt: 'Küçük Nakliye Gemisi',gt: 'Büyük Nakliye Gemisi',cle: 'Hafif Avci',clo: 'Agir Avci',crois: 'Kruvazör',vb: 'Komuta Gemisi',vc: 'Koloni Gemisi',rec: 'Geri Dönüsümcü',esp: 'Casus Sondasi',bomb: 'Bombardiman Gemisi',ss: 'Solar Uydu',dest: 'Muhrip',edlm: 'Ölüm Yildizi',traq: 'Firkateyn',
      107. lm: 'Roketatar',lle: 'Hafif Lazer Topu',llo: 'Agir Lazer Topu',gauss: ' Gaus Topu',ion: 'Iyon Topu',pla: 'Plazma Aticilar',pb: 'Küçük Kalkan Kubbesi',gb: 'Büyük Kalkan Kubbesi',mic: 'Yakaliyici Roketler',mip: 'Gezegenlerarasi Roketler',
      108. m: 'Metal',
      109. c: 'Kristal',
      110. d: 'Deuterium',
      111. rc: new Array('K.Nakliye','B.Nakliye', 'H.Avci', 'A.Avci','Kru.', 'Kom.','Koloni','GD','Sonda','Bomb','Muhrip','RIP','Firk','Solar.', 'Roketatar', 'H.Lazer', 'A.Lazer','Gaus', 'Iyon T.', 'Plazma', 'K.Kalkan', 'B.Kalkan', 'özgür metal muazzam miktarda ve kristal birlikte çizin' )
      112. },
      113. bbcode:
      114. {
      115. Scientifique:'Bilimsel',
      116. planet:'Gezegenler',
      117. Lune:'Aylar',
      118. Stockage:'Depo',
      119. Construction:'İnşaat',
      120. Militaire:'Ordu',
      121. Technologies_de_combat:'Savaş Teknolojileri',
      122. Technologies_de_vaisseaux:"Gemiler Teknolojileri",
      123. Technologies_annexes:'Diğer Teknolojiler' ,
      124. genere: 'oluşturmak',
      125. rapport:'Hesap ayrıntıları',
      126. dont : 'ile',
      127. empirePoint :'.:: İmparatorluk puanları ',
      128. Production:'.:: İmparatorluk günlük üretim',
      129. Structure : '.:: Bina ',
      130. Technology:'.:: Araştırma',
      131. Defense:'.:: Savunma',
      132. Energie : 'Enerji',
      133. vaisseauCivil: 'Sivil Gemiler',
      134. vaisseauCombat: 'Savaş Gemileri'
      135. }
      136. },
      Display All

      And here is the complet langages (don't know what is missing)

      Display Spoiler

      PHP Source Code

      1. {
      2. ICoption : 'InfoCompte Options',
      3. Save:'Save' ,
      4. Total:'Total',
      5. Lune:'Moon',
      6. Mines:'Mines',
      7. Other_structure:'Other Structures',
      8. Structure:'Structures',
      9. Ressource:'Resources',
      10. Facilities:'Facilities',
      11. Technology:'Research',
      12. Technologies : 'Technologies',
      13. Fleet:'Armada',
      14. Defense:'Defences',
      15. Progression:'Progress',
      16. Moyenne:'Average',
      17. Production:'Production',
      18. ProductionConstruction:' Production with finished building, plasma technology',
      19. ProductionBrute:' Production without geologue and booster',
      20. Indestructible:'Indestructible',
      21. Depuis:'since',
      22. Points:'Points',
      23. soit:'representing',
      24. BBcode_debut:"Empire Composition:",
      25. BBcode_debut2:"Total Points:",
      26. BBcode_mine:"Points in Mines:",
      27. BBcode_bat:"Points in Other Structures:",
      28. BBcode_batT:"Points in Total Structures:",
      29. BBcode_fin1:"Points in Technologies:",
      30. Bcode_fin2:"Points in Fleet:",
      31. BBcode_fin3:"Points in Defences:",
      32. BBcode_fin4: "Your account has ",
      33. BBcode_fin5 : "Indestructible Points",
      34. BBcode_fin6 : "Average Progress: ",
      35. Point_day : "Daily Points Gained",
      36. Units : "Units",
      37. sur_lune:'on moon',
      38. en_vol:'Ships Flying',
      39. aQuai: 'Ships Docked',
      40. vaisseaux : 'ships',
      41. Avertissement :'Are you sure you want to restart your progress count?',
      42. restart : 'Click to restart your progress count',
      43. AffBBcodeDetail : 'Click to display the detailed BBcode',
      44. AffBBcodeSimple : 'Click to display the not detailed BBcode',
      45. AffBBcodeSansBBcode : 'Without BBcode',
      46. valeurdefaut : 'Default Values',
      47. Manque:'You need to go through these pages:',
      48. empireMaj: 'Use empire view to update quickly',
      49. pas_a_jours :'There is an update available: ',
      50. install : 'Click here to install it',
      51. utile : 'useful',
      52. inutile :'useless',
      53. BBcode_fin42 :"Your useless technology representing ",
      54. creeSign:'Create a signature with InfoCompte',
      55. signature : 'signature',
      56. manqueVG : 'Overview of another planet',
      57. info_new_version: 'complete changelog link',
      58. addTrad :'add/complete/modify a translation',
      59. rank: 'rank',
      60. rank_indest: 'that is your rank if you lose all fleet and defences and moons',
      61. degats_infliges : 'total damage inflicted by',
      62. luneCree: 'moons given',
      63. constructing:'points which are building',
      64. affDetailPla : 'click to display the planet points in detail',
      65. affRentaPla : 'click to display the following possibilities for upgrading your mines',
      66. descriptAlti : 'this is a website to participate in OGame records, to see your personal statistics, the evolution of your account and your alliance ...',
      67. sendAlti : 'Send your account data to Alternative',
      68. probFlotteAlti : 'There is a problem with your ships, \n\n Go though each shipyard page and a fleet page (fleet movement if you can) and/or defence pages to solve the problem \n(if it does nothing, try going though building/technology pages)',
      69. adresse : 'Which email do you want to use for Alternative website?',
      70. rcSave :'Save it to convert it with another CR \n(CR/Harvest reports saved are erased if you get out of the message page)',
      71. raid : 'raids',
      72. rc : 'harvest reports',
      73. renta : 'Payback ',
      74. textrenta : 'Tip: The payback time will describe the time after the further production has recouped the costs of the mine. It`\'s recommended to develop mines with the minimum amortization period first. ',
      75. ordre_mine : 'Sequence of mines/techno to build',
      76. years : "years",
      77. months : "months",
      78. days : "days",
      79. exportm:
      80. {
      81. planete : 'Planet',
      82. niveau : 'Level of Mines player',
      83. le : 'at',
      84. temperature : 'temperature of',
      85. pointsminesm : 'Points in the metal mines',
      86. pointsminesc : 'Points in the crystal mines',
      87. pointsminesd : 'Points in the deuterium mines',
      88. pointsmines : 'Points in the mines',
      89. parheure : 'Per hour',
      90. parjour : 'Per day',
      91. parsem : 'Per week',
      92. exportmine : 'Export your mines'
      93. },
      94. options:
      95. {
      96. creeSign :'Display link to use SR and CR',
      97. creeSignRc : 'CR',
      98. Graphiccolours :'Graphic colours',
      99. BatTotal :'Show total structure points',
      100. indestructible :'Show indestructible points',
      101. techno :'Show technology points',
      102. flottes :'Show fleet points',
      103. Def :'Show defence points',
      104. VaisseauxVol :'Show percentage of fleet in movement',
      105. pointLune :'Show moon points',
      106. sauterLignePourPourcentageFlotteVol :'Show all in the same line (for moving fleet and moon points)',
      107. progression :'Show progress',
      108. PlusieurSurMemeUni :'Fill in if there is more than one player on the same computer and universe',
      109. couleurPoint :'Show in colours in function of the progress',
      110. ProgJours :'Show progress per day',
      111. ProdJours :'Show points earned from mines',
      112. Techno_utile :"Show technologies in detail",
      113. Point_planete :"Show invested points on the planet",
      114. Masquer :"Hide the table of InfoCompte by default",
      115. progNeg: "Negative progression\'s colour",
      116. progPos : "Positive progression\'s colour",
      117. Signtxt:'Signature colour (text)',
      118. Signfond:'Signature colour (Background)',
      119. langue : 'Which language do you want to use?',
      120. CoulBBcode: 'Colour of BBcode title',
      121. BBcode_center : 'How to centre the text with BBcode?',
      122. BBcode_size : 'Maximal size for BBcode (px / %)',
      123. enregFlotte: 'Save fleet',
      124. rank: 'Display ranks',
      125. alternative: 'Display the link to send information to <a href="">Alternative website</a>',
      126. sansDesing :'Disable the script design',
      127. design:'Design',
      128. Display: 'Display',
      129. speed: 'Speed of the universe',
      130. constructing:'Display points which are building',
      131. detailPointsPla : 'Display planet points in detail automatically',
      132. graphProd : 'Display the production graphic',
      133. timeStart : 'Date of your account creation, only fill if you want your progression since this date (day/month/year)',
      134. nbDigits : 'Number of digits after the comma for percentages',
      135. affCout : 'Display the building\'s and research\'s costs and construction time',
      136. affExpe : 'Display the link to send your expeditions on Alternative',
      137. affConvert : 'Display the link to convert CR and espi report',
      138. tauxCommerce : 'Ratio >= 1 <= 5',
      139. texthangar : 'Time remaining before full storage for all planets',
      140. textrentaempire : 'Display next mines to develop on empire view',
      141. upSite : 'Auto update your mine on Oprojekt',
      142. posTable : 'Put infocompte table, at the bottom',
      143. useBoost : 'Consider boosters in profitability calculations'
      144. },
      145. tag:
      146. {
      147. mmet: 'Metal Mine',mcri: 'Crystal Mine',mdet: 'Deuterium Synthesizer',ces: 'Solar Plant',cef: 'Fusion Reactor',rob: 'Robotics Factory',nan: 'Nanite Factory',cspa: 'Shipyard',hmet: 'Metal Storage',hcri: 'Crystal Storage',hdet: 'Deuterium Tank', lab: 'Research Lab',ter: 'Terraformer',depo: 'Alliance Depot',silo: 'Missile Silo',base: 'Lunar Base',phal: 'Sensor Phalanx',port: 'Jump Gate',
      148. espi: 'Espionage Technology',ordi: 'Computer Technology',arme: 'Weapons Technology',bouc: 'Shielding Technology',prot: 'Armour Technology',ener: 'Energy Technology',hype: 'Hyperspace Technology',comb: 'Combustion Drive',impu: 'Impulse Drive',phyp: 'Hyperspace Drive',lase: 'Laser Technology',ions: 'Ion Technology',plas: 'Plasma Technology',rese: 'Intergalactic Research Network',expe: 'Astrophysics',grav: 'Graviton Technology',
      149. pt: 'Small Cargo',gt: 'Large Cargo',cle: 'Light Fighter',clo: 'Heavy Fighter',crois: 'Cruiser',vb: 'Battleship',vc: 'Colony Ship',rec: 'Recycler',esp: 'Espionage Probe',bomb: 'Bomber',ss: 'Solar Satellite',dest: 'Destroyer',edlm: 'Deathstar',traq: 'Battlecruiser',
      150. lm: 'Rocket Launcher',lle: 'Light Laser',llo: 'Heavy Laser',gauss: 'Gauss Cannon',ion: 'Ion Cannon',pla: 'Plasma Turret',pb: 'Small Shield Dome',gb: 'Large Shield Dome',mic: 'Anti-Ballistic Missiles',mip: 'Interplanetary Missiles',
      151. m: 'Metal',
      152. c: 'Crystal',
      153. d: 'Deuterium',
      154. rc: new Array('S.Cargo', 'L.Cargo', 'L.Fighter', 'H.Fighter', 'Cruiser', 'Battleship', 'Col.Ship','Recy','Esp.Probe','Bomb','Dest','Deathstar','Battlecr','Sol. Sat', 'R.Launcher', 'L.Laser', 'H.Laser', 'Gauss', 'Ion C.', 'Plasma', 'S.Dome', 'L.Dome', 'enormous amounts of free metal and crystal draw together' )
      155. },
      156. bbcode:
      157. {
      158. Scientifique:'Scientific',
      159. planet:'Planets',
      160. Lune:'Moons',
      161. Stockage:'Storage',
      162. Construction:'Construction',
      163. Militaire:'Military',
      164. Technologies_de_combat:'Warfare Technologies',
      165. Technologies_de_vaisseaux:"Spacecraft Technologies",
      166. Technologies_annexes:'Other Technologies',
      167. genere: 'generate the',
      168. rapport:'Account details of',
      169. dont : 'with',
      170. empirePoint :'.:: Empire\'s total points ',
      171. Production:'.:: Empire\'s daily production',
      172. Structure : '.:: Building ',
      173. Technology:'.:: Research',
      174. Defense:'.:: Defence',
      175. Taille : '.:: Planet Sizes',
      176. Energie : 'Energy',
      177. vaisseauCivil: 'Civil Ships',
      178. vaisseauCombat: 'Combat ships',
      179. UsedField : 'Used Fields',
      180. TotField : 'Total Fields'
      181. },
      182. date:
      183. {
      184. Jan:'January',
      185. Feb:'February',
      186. Mar:'March',
      187. Apr: 'April',
      188. May:'May',
      189. Jun:'June',
      190. Jul:'July',
      191. Aug:'August',
      192. Sep: 'September',
      193. Oct:'October',
      194. Nov:'November',
      195. Dec:'December',
      196. DMY:false,
      197. time:{h:'h', j:'d',s:'w',m:'m'}
      198. }
      199. };
      Display All

      (To access to the existing translation, you need this script runing first : )

      ** OgameTech **
    • I've been using infocomplete for quite awhile and I recently had to update it to the newest version due to the site update. Long story short, I no longer see the metal:crystal ratio when I hover over my production values, and they are not updating for when I activate a booster. I'm wondering if there's a setting I'm missing or if this was taken out for some reason in this newer version. Also, I no longer have the two different versions of astrophysics that could be built from before.

      I'm using the most updated versions of greasemonkey, firefox, and infocomplete.
    • I no longer see the metal:crystal ratio when I hover over my production values

      in my memory, it happen with a setting of AGO, dont remember which one

      I no longer have the two different versions of astrophysics that could be built from before.

      since month, there is only one version

      the calcul of this removed version was very complex, and the result worked only with specific account
    • benneb wrote:

      I no longer see the metal:crystal ratio when I hover over my production values

      in my memory, it happen with a setting of AGO, dont remember which one

      I no longer have the two different versions of astrophysics that could be built from before.

      since month, there is only one version

      the calcul of this removed version was very complex, and the result worked only with specific account
      Thanks, I turned off "show only important tool tips", which fixed it. Also, thanks for the info on removing the astro calculation.
    • I get the Indestructible ranking always as red (for instance, if I'm rank 10 and the indestructible points place me rank 11, I always see that 11 red and when I hover it I see “-11”). I used to solve this by resetting the day from which points start to count with the most bottom button (green arrow, “Click to restart your progress count”). But it doesn't work now. What can I do?
      I use Firefox, Greasemonkey.
    • Minion wrote:

      I get the Indestructible ranking always as red (for instance, if I'm rank 10 and the indestructible points place me rank 11, I always see that 11 red and when I hover it I see “-11”). I used to solve this by resetting the day from which points start to count with the most bottom button (green arrow, “Click to restart your progress count”). But it doesn't work now. What can I do?
      I use Firefox, Greasemonkey.
      It is red and should be red, because it shows your rank when/if you lose all your destructable things ex. ships, defence and so on.
      It is not and error or bug.