Achievements and rewarding system

    • Achievements and rewarding system

      There should be a Achievements and rewarding system, so the players (ppls) can be motivated even more towards a competibility between them.

      What does mean "
      Achievements and rewarding system"? Rewards and achievements are very importat parts of our lives. They shape our personality mostly in our adolescence time, they lead us through motivation to new tryouts and experiences. Developers knew this psychology fact, therefore they are giving this element to all kind of genre games. They knew either, the more achievement/rewards will be in game, the better would it be for competivity. And competivity = popularity.

      How should it work? This game is offering
      right now rewarding through points awarded from buildings, fleet and research (either some ranking system can be seen on forum). This basic rewarding system should be expanded to much greater system and for every parts of game. What i mean is making achievments for completing a important research (like graviton and so), for building levels, for defense buildings quantity or quality (-rocket lancher + plasma tower), for fleet quantity/quality and its ability to survive (how long you have that fleet). Achievements/rewards should be not excessive, neither underdeveloped. Achievements should be not for any triaviality, but they must be chalenging (ppls ranking for example). In some other aspect of game, can be achievements for any tiviality. All ppls should be able to show publicly to others what is theirs philosophy/tactics they playing, if they are a miners, or fleeters or so. Like we see it through facebook phenomena, where people are showing theirs personnel records, cause they want to show off themselves, or simply they have nothing to hide. Of course this can be exploitable (mostly from fleeters). But there should be this on/of option ("you want to show your CRITICAL achievments to others?") if someone WANTS to do it from his free will. This action will bring a popularity to developer, becasue everyone, who is supporting a freedom will, is popular. So, there would be achievements, which can be concealed and those which will be publicly seen.

      How should the achievements/rewards look like? Most used and well functioning way is graphical solution (for example here, here, here). Anybody likes a shiny medal!

      +expanded rewarding system not only through points
      greater motivation through competibility
      +ppls leveling will be not neccesary
      +game popularity

      -non sofisticated or ever excessive achievement system can lead to ppls demotivation = game stagnation
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • You already have tutorials for that, even if it's only at the beginning of the game. We can discuss whether this is enough or not (I think rewards should only come to new players, so that they know how to play), but don't go too far.
    • from what i understand the rewards can be medals, a special color in galaxy view or some resources , a few days of a meaningful officer, boosted production for a given type of resource, boosted energy or +1 tech( the relevant one) for a limited time

      the medals can appear in tooltip in galaxy view or only in stats , no need to clutter the game interface with too many signs
    • or just simple achievements... without any reward!
      Almost every type of game has it (even without reward)... from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft or even the simplest Flash games!

      Just achievements for the sake of achievements :D
      Eg. Build 1 Million Spy Probes -> if achieved -> BAM, entry on the new achievement site!

      And dont think no one will do them even without any reward... almost everyone will just do them so they can compete with others ;)
      Like the highscore table :D
    • I thinks it's a good idea to offer medals (worthless) for achevement.
      For example you have a 'point medal' when you have 5k points, then another at 100000, 1M, 10M, 50M
      a mine medal when you produce more than XX another when YYY ... (or more than XX points in mine)
      a fleeter points when you made a HOF with more than 10M debris, then 100M, 1MM, 5MM

      With a page where is all you nice medals and what to do to have the others :rolleyes:

      when you have all medals (because there is a number of medal fixed), you are a very good player on every field :)

      ** OgameTech **
    • Achievement is a thing made once.

      Exactly like the tutorial step asking you to go in a team : how much players go in a team JUST for the tuto reward, and leaves it directly ? On new universes, you have team called "for the tutorial" with 500 players in it... -__-". OK for the players that don't know how to join an ally, but for increase the team-gameplay, I'm not sure...
    • you know why?
      because you get rewards from the tutorial... so its not a good idea to NOT do the tutorial ;)

      but if you dont (and you shouldnt) give any rewards to achievements, than half of all will bother to do those achievements...

      and that problem with the ally tutorial... it always takes some time to find the right ally for you... but as said before... everyone wants those rewards from the tutorial... so what will I do... yep... just join any guild that is bigger than 3 to get that tutorial done and leave after that again!
    • 10 aks à 10kk units or bigger

      You won't do this without increase the team-gameplay ;)

      Anyway there is some minier who will want to have some medals too, and i don't see what kind of multiplayer task they can do.
      We cannot demande them to make trade with others if they don't need (and it would annoy the merchant :ill: )

      Anyway I don't think it's a good idea to make only multi player achievement, because some player don't want to spend time for "virtual contact", and juste want to play alone ...

      ** OgameTech **
    • Those were just examples :)
      And I dont really think that it is our job to define those achievements. Thats the job of Gameforge or the OGame Dev-Team!

      What probably will be more interesting is, HOW to realise this. For example:

      An extra menu item in the top bar (where highscore, options etc. are) that links to a Achievements page where you can see all your won medals or achievements and those which you havent got yet.
      Maybe make use of the new tech tree for following up achievements such as "Get 5.000 Points" -> "Get 100.000 Points" -> "Get 1.000.000 Points" <- too complicated!
      Maybe categorise them a bit. For example into Miner, Fleeter, General

      Just let us build tha basement for this idea/feature where everyone can agree on!
    • UNoWin wrote:

      Great idea.

      You're absolutley right. And even singleplayer achiements (like "build a metal mine 43") would be great.

      Nuff said

      I would prefere build 10 metal 42/41

      beacause build only one planete isn't a good idea, and I don't think it's good if achievement encourage you to do some unproductive thing

      And I dont really think that it is our job to define those achievements. Thats the job of Gameforge or the OGame Dev-Team!

      I don't think they have skill for that, especialy beacause they probably don't play, and don't know what we can have on our account (mine level, fleet ...)

      An extra menu item in the top bar (where highscore, options etc. are) that links to a Achievements page where you can see all your won medals or achievements and those which you havent got yet.

      Sounds good :)

      Maybe categorise them a bit. For example into Miner, Fleeter, General

      Fleeter :
      - make big debris field with and without ASC
      - Having XX fleet points (?)

      Minier :
      -Have XX mine level
      - have XX planete

      - Have XX general points

      The last level (because it have to be a last level) must be hard to get, but reachable

      ** OgameTech **
    • Gentlemans, thank you for all your subscritpions. So, i will answer step by step ..

      Kendiraton: Please dont mix this with tutorial. Please see this .

      Marshen: Exactly ;)

      Valent: Yep, you did understand it completely. Reward/achievements should be something, with which can you interpret your cleverness, power,.. Well tried solutions are medals, badges, pictures equal to achieved quest. Be particular about how those rewards/achievements will looks like, is top priority due to human psychology. The medals should appear only in stats, in galaxy view should be only badges = rankes (equivalent to players leveling).

      Toxicterror: Exactly, this is how the human personality works. All respect for those who are above. So we can use it for Ogame good, which will be popularity.

      Vulca: It is important to give badges (equivalent to players leveling), which will be not easily to get or it will be not chalenging. It should looks like this > from 0 - 50K points "Cadet", from 50K - 350K points "Captain", from 350K - 1,5M points "Admiral", from 1,5M - 3M points "Fleet Admiral", ..... . For other aspects of game, we can overdo achievements, there should be not any risk to bring damage to popularity. I think..
      Btw great work with your product InfoCompte ;) (should be in game)

      iguypouf: You are wrong, todays multiplayer way is all about competivity. I know, it is not good way, but it is how it works. If we are clever we can find together a compromise ...

      ***Insertion: Guys, please check this . As we should not mix this with tutorial.

      UNoWin: Exactly!
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-