Pinned Suggestions Area - Allow discussion in native language ?

    • Pure foreign -> That way only native speakers would follow conversation, I'm against
      Pure english only -> Those who don't speak englçish wouldn't follow, I'm also against

      Ok, so there are representatives. True. And they can and should help with that. But, it's also important users feel welcome. If they keep having the need to ask their representative for a translation in order to POST their opinion or to understand other player's opinions, it'll be too burocratic. Maybe google translator isn't reliable, but it does its job. If something gets hard to understand, since both the native language AND the translated to english using google would be posted, the representatives could then fix the translation (by editing the post). The users wouldn't feel the need to wait fort the representative, but he'd still be there in case. Giving feedback about important announcements to Origin and from Origin to their respective comm, reporting bugs users say they are encountering ingame in the national boards, gathering the best suggestions and giving offitial feedback back to the community they were presented at (well, that's IP's task, but I'm in IP aswell oh god...), translating guides and tutorials, explaining the community the importance of Origin and trying to get them to come and give their opinion (not spam, their fundamented opinion) about important matters (such as 4 example suggestions, uni merging, new rules that may come, or anything...), etc...
      So, if they feel "at home" (well, it's NOT meant to replace national boards, we know, but also not meant to alienate non-english spoken users) posting, if they feel they do not have to go through a lot of steps just to participate in a feedback topic or to give their opinion in something, they will participate much more.