Protection of weaker user - First Discussion [closed]

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  • spa856 wrote:

    But Frank....change the noob protection to 200.000 / 500.000 points?

    At 200.000 points a normal player can play normaly, I'm sure.
    And even at 5 or 10k points.

    What is missing in the game is not protection but teaching. You have plenty of good information on the boards (I speak for french board, where there are plenty of tutorials and FAQs, but I'm pretty sure it's the same for other communities).
    What is missing on the game (for newbies) is not protection, but how to play correctly. More links to the forums where you can find information (and friends). That would definitely help new players.

    If they don't go and find information when they are pointed to it, too bad for them. If they don't understand, they can come to the S&Q forum, and they will be welcome.

    What more? If you want to play chess and you are always losing, then you go to the books or you quit. Same for OGame!
  • kendiraton wrote:

    Quoted from "spa856"

    But Frank....change the noob protection to 200.000 / 500.000 points?

    At 200.000 points a normal player can play normaly, I'm sure.
    And even at 5 or 10k points.

    Not really, i mean once you reach 100 000 you can easiely get a moon by paying some Lf, or you can have about 5-6 planet and so you can hide your fleet. When you have 10k you can't. So i'm okay to improve noob protection, but not with a unlimited protection.
  • Ich habe mal die aktuellen Formeln für die Verstecke ermittelt.
    Kapazität Metallversteck: ABRUNDEN( 600 * Stufe 1,1 ^Stufe ) * Unigeschwindigkeit
    Kapazität Kristallversteck: ABRUNDEN( 600 * Stufe 1,1 ^ Stufe ) * Unigeschwindigkeit
    Kapazität Deuteriumversteck: ABRUNDEN( 400 * Stufe 1,1 ^ Stufe * (1,44 - 0,004 * Maximaltemperatur) ) * Unigeschwindigkeit

    Kosten Metallversteck: ABRUNDEN(1.150 * 2,3 ^ Stufe) Metall
    Kosten Kristallversteck: ABRUNDEN(1.150 * 2,3 ^ Stufe) Metall + ABRUNDEN(575 * 2,3 ^ Stufe) Kristall
    Kosten Deuteriumversteck: ABRUNDEN(1.150 * 2,3 ^ Stufe) Metall + ABRUNDEN(1.150 * 2,3 ^ Stufe) Kristall
    Daraus ergibt sich für ein Metallversteck folgende Übersicht:
    StufeKapazitätKosten Metallversteck
    Metall pro StufeGesamt
    Fazit: Der Nutzen ist weit geringer als die Kosten. Selbst einem totalen Noob würde ich kaum empfehlen unter diesen Bedingungen ein Verstgeck zu bauen, die Rohstoffe sind in MInen allemal besser angelegt.
    Bei fünfacher oder zehnfacher Kapazität käme ein meiner Meinung nach sinnvolles taktisches Element bei raus.

    PS: Kann das wer übersetzen?
    Thanks :) I find someone to translate this ;-) , by Francolino
    Edit 13.10.2011: Rundungsfehler in der Tabelle ausgemerzt
  • Hello,

    This week GameForge collect all the suggestions and problems from users about this new feature and they start a discussion about it. Please keep this in mind when you discuss about details - maybe they change something.

    Regards, Francolino
  • spa856 wrote:

    And improve only the noob protection to 300.000 points?

    Auto fleet no chances, confirmed?

    To use a limit like 300k or better 500k or 1m points is a sensefull suggestion and noticed.

    Auto fleet escape needs (in my opinion) a lot of improvements, at first defense need to be included.
  • Francolino wrote:

    spa856 wrote:

    And improve only the noob protection to 300.000 points?

    Auto fleet no chances, confirmed?

    To use a limit like 300k or better 500k or 1m points is a sensefull suggestion and noticed.

    Auto fleet escape needs (in my opinion) a lot of improvements, at first defense need to be included.
    And the fleet escape shouldnt work if the fleet just came back ... and even with this that's a really bad idee. Please can you explain us why they want to add the fleet escape ?
  • Francolino, I just read your post

    Can you give us more precision for this:
    terraformer will be optimized (e.g. every 2 level one more field -> 5 more fields at level 10)

    Because there are 2 ways of understanding it.

    Lev 1: 5 fields
    Lev 2: 6
    Lev 3: 5
    Lev 4: 6
    Lev 5: 5
    Lev 6: 6
    Lev 7: 5
    Lev 8: 6
    Lev 9: 5
    Lev 10: 6
    Meaning that at level 10 we get 5 more fields globally

    Lev 1: 5 fields
    Lev 2: 6 (+1 field compared to the current version)
    Lev 3: 6 (+1)
    Lev 4: 7 (+2)
    Lev 5: 7 (+2)
    Lev 6: 8 (+3)
    Lev 7: 8 (+3)
    Lev 8: 9 (+4)
    Lev 9: 9 (+4)
    Lev 10: 10 (+5)
    Meaning that at level 10 we get 5 more fields at this level (in addition to all the additional 20 fields up to level 9)

    In both cases we get 5 more fields at level 10... Which is the right one? Please let us know. TIA
  • kendiraton wrote:

    Lev 1: 5 fields
    Lev 2: 6
    Lev 3: 5
    Lev 4: 6
    Lev 5: 5
    Lev 6: 6
    Lev 7: 5
    Lev 8: 6
    Lev 9: 5
    Lev 10: 6
    Meaning that at level 10 we get 5 more fields globally

    This is correct ... You get "only" 5 fields IN GENERAL more when you have terraformer level 10

    Changed the newspost with "- terraformer will be optimized (e.g. every 2 level one more field -> Aggregated - 5 more fields at level 10)"
  • Buxidaphobe wrote:

    And the fleet escape shouldnt work if the fleet just came back ... and even with this that's a really bad idee. Please can you explain us why they want to add the fleet escape ?

    "And the fleet escape shouldnt work if the fleet just came back" - this is a point in the summary, but i have no current state of this suggestion. I try to get an answer. -> Still on the list, something for the test server to check out.

    About "The sense of fleet escape" ... i tried to start an answer, but haven't the needed time to write my opinions. And no, i don't know official reasons.
  • Thanks for your quick answer, Francolino. I'm very happy the terraformer doesn't change too much. However, I can tell you it is not the general opinion in the french community.

    Is there some chance GF reviews the default size of the new planets, especially the MP & the cold ones? That would be a real improvement (and no need to change the terraformer formula in this case).
  • kendiraton wrote:

    Is there some chance GF reviews the default size of the new planets, especially the MP & the cold ones? That would be a real improvement (and no need to change the terraformer formula in this case).

    Well, i agree here ... for me there is a chance to solve also this "old" other problem , for example to give one more field for each level. But for now this is only a change for this feature "protection of weaker users".
    Changing something on terraformer in general is also a well known wish and suggestion. Let's see.

    Added : The feedback is still "maybe", see Terraformers formula change

  • - protection will be limited to predefined total score (e.g. deactivated if you reach 500k points)

    Who invented it?

    It is too high requirement.
    In Poland uni Jupiter there 3 moonths and top1 player have 300k points.
    Reduce the requirement.
    the all Polish community please!

    - alliance system (to solve problems with wars) are already on our list but will take some more time
    Great idea !!!
  • Original Limit for the protection

    In den News ist (erstmal) der permanente Schutz gemeint. Es ist aber durchaus möglich, das aufgrund der Erfahrungen im Testserver auch die Flottenflucht dadurch begrenzt wird. Aber dazu gibt es jetzt keine Entscheidung.

    In the news Changes around the noob protection they mean only a limit for the permanent protection. But using the experience gained in the test server, it is quite possible that the limit applies to all functions (including fleet escape). There is no decision about it.

    spa856 wrote:

    If a player go out from noob protection, can any players go against him or there is a rapport (for example 5:1)?

    In case, they add this limit for the permanent protection (or maybe all protections, see above) and a player is above this limit, he is out of this protection.