Protection of weaker user - First Discussion [closed]

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  • kendiraton wrote:

    Francolino, who is lying?

    You write:
    And this information is official : The protection of weaker user with all those settings and details comes ONLY to new universes, NOT to old universes.

    In this post (Protection of weaker user - Summaries [EN DE FR IT]), you can read:
    for now, the new version will be applied in new universes, in older ones maybe later, but modified

    What is the truth, then?

    Both sentences says and means the same. Here is a merged sentences :

    The protection of weaker user with all those settings and details comes ONLY to new universes, NOT to old universes (maybe later, but in this case the settings and details are modified).

    To make it clear :

    - The protection of weaker user with all those settings and details comes ONLY to new universes.
    - If GF update all universes (including old ones) with this new version, they modify the settings and details to deactivate the new protection for weaker users in old universes.
    - For now there is no decision if they use two different version or if they use only one with modified settings. First they check out this feature in the coming test universe. Any detail comes later.

  • DaftShadow wrote:

    Francolino wrote:

    And about the "same joke like the redesign" - please explain what you exactly mean.
    There are many players ( who like or not the redesign ) who think that the passage to the redesign is a scam.
    At the first, the redesign is just in the new universe. At the end, in all the universe.
    The scam is where the application : we haven't the choice. We have suffered the redesign.
    I know you can't take a commitment but maybe you can pass this request to GF.
    They could take 'a written commitment' to calm anger of communities.

    PS : I forwarded the message on the French board :huh:

    The GF ever told that the redesign comes to all universes in all communities. At the beginning they used it first only for new universes to collect more experiences and fix important bugs. It's much easier to do this without all those possible update issues and problems.

    badkarma wrote:

    Francolino, once again, the GF has unleashed the french anger.. :) And it will probably make you feel that the french guys are the only one complaining, again. But look on the board too. A LOT of people are complaining about these changes. A LOT.

    This board has been created to create a new relationship with the community, as far as I know. Why are we again in this situation ? Why are there so many unsatisfied customers, because that's what we are for you, and no one communicates with us ? I really don't get it.

    I cross my fingers and hope that thiese features will never be activate on the old universes..

    PS : Hello Bubuche ;)

    No communication ? You can read all current information about this coming feature here and in all other ogame boards. You can post your opinion and comments here and in all other boards.
    Maybe you forget an very important details about this news :
    All those details are current settings for the coming public test universe. The onliest reason for this test uni is to find out the best settings. It's planned to add in the game a feedback button. Or you can submit your experiences in your national board or here in origin.
  • Lord Demetrius wrote:

    Just a question :

    Why making an "improvment" that 95 % of players will dislike ? (see the polls in the different communities...)

    Make the polls again when the people have experiences with this feature in the test universe.
    And once again ... this coming feature is only for new universes. So later everyone can decide for himself : I like this feature and start in a new universe - or i dislike it and start in an old universe. If really such a lot of people decide against it, the old universes get a lot of new player. As i remember, this is what everyone wants.
  • It has no sense

    Do you want it ?


    OK... Let's test and then re-ask the question !

    If you want to make tests, take one of the multiple suggs that you can find in OO, not this stupid and totally unbalenced "thing".

    The only good effect in this : the new universes will be so uninteressant that maybe some players will come back in the old universes
  • Let's take this point by point:
    - the protection in itself: just too strong. I'm not against a modification of protection, but this one is harsh. I can't see in what way a player who has 1M points needs a protection, he has to know how to play at one point.
    Some french players gave interesting ideas, who would have been better fit IMO, such as a protection up to 500k points. With that number of points, you're supposed to know a bit how to play, and to have at least one moon to fleetsave correctly. (you could add this kind of thing in the tutorial, to make sure :))
    - the new ranking: well, i just don't see the interest of replacing the ranking, the one we already have was fine. But well it won't change my life to have another ranking. ^^
    - hideouts : well, judging by their capicities, it is of little use and i will certainly never bother to build that ^^ one weird thing about RP : hideouts are subterranean, but i don't think we get metal and crystal in the trees either, so mines are subterranean too ^^ Same thing, i don't really care.
    - escape of fleets : THE joke in this update. When a raid costs dozens or hundreds of million deuterium, nobody can afford to raid several times the same player because his fleet escaped last time. And we can't know for sure if the fleet will escape or not, because there is no way to detect an admiral and we don't even know at what ratio fleets escape with admiral activated. So you just killed the HoF section, well done. And I don't bet a universe without HoFs is interesting, even for miners ;)
    - honour points : Difficult to say anything with the few information we have about that, let's wait and see the public tests, but i don't think giving them an impact on the gameplay is a good idea.

    For Francolino's previous post : the 95% are for fleet escapes, not the other changes ;) The new ranking and the honour points have ~65% dislikes, the hideouts and the protection itself are at ~85%
    For fleet escapes, there is no need of tests to know that it is absolutely not a good idea.
  • Francolino wrote:

    No communication ? You can read all current information about this coming feature here and in all other ogame boards. You can post your opinion and comments here and in all other boards.
    Maybe you forget an very important details about this news :
    All those details are current settings for the coming public test universe. The onliest reason for this test uni is to find out the best settings. It's planned to add in the game a feedback button. Or you can submit your experiences in your national board or here in origin.

    Yes, no communication.
    Can you show me somewhere a thread where we talk about these features, asking for a feedback from the users, the actual players, the guys who play this game and know it ?
    Does someone in the dev team actively play Ogame ?
    Do you play actively Ogame ?

    I'm playing Ogame since 2006, I think I can say I know this game. And I don't think I need to test these new features to say it's absolutely stupid.
    As I've said earlier, I have no prob changing the noob protection, I voted yes when you made a poll about the changes we want within Ogame some months ago, but I didn't vote for "change the game and make it dumb user compliant".
    And as I also wrote before, my main problem is the auto fleet saving, which is absolutely ridiculous. I saw somewhere "we think about changing the bash rule, so you can attack the guy until he has no more deuterium left to save his fleet".
    LOL ?
    Do you have any idea the amount of deuterium we would need to do that ?
    Do you have any idea of the concept of benefit when you attack someone ?
    That leads to one of my previous question : does anyone in the dev team actually play ogame ? At a high level, managing a big fleet ?
    Seeing this change, I heavily doubt so.

    I have no prob with the hideouts, the capacity is very low, so it's fine.

    The honour system ? Well.. I'm ranked 1 on my universe, so I will only get malus, great !

    So, yeah. No communication. Just adding changes that are totally illogical, and not giving a shit about the users feedback, as usual.

    The test universe.. Yeah. Will it be only a .de test server ? Why not making one on the .org community, in english, so we have one that is way more easier to access for the international community ?
  • jaip wrote:

    Some french players gave interesting ideas, who would have been better fit IMO, such as a protection up to 500k points. With that number of points, you're supposed to know a bit how to play, and to have at least one moon to fleetsave correctly. (you could add this kind of thing in the tutorial, to make sure :))

    IMHO a protection up to 200k is just enough ;)

    jaip wrote:

    - escape of fleets : THE joke in this update. When a raid costs dozens or hundreds of million deuterium, nobody can afford to raid several times the same player because his fleet escaped last time. And we can't know for sure if the fleet will escape or not, because there is no way to detect an admiral and we don't even know at what ratio fleets escape with admiral activated. So you just killed the HoF section, well done. And I don't bet a universe without HoFs is interesting, even for miners ;).

    For Francolino's previous post : the 95% are for fleet escapes, not the other changes ;) The new ranking and the honour points have ~65% dislikes, the hideouts and the protection itself are at ~85%
    For fleet escapes, there is no need of tests to know that it is absolutely not a good idea.

    Exactly, the most disappointments are for the autofleet escape, not for the other changes :)
  • So, you have to abandon this ideas. That's all and it's just the solution to calm the communities.
    "Why is there so much discontent in the community ?"
    "Why are there so many new people coming here ? "
    Forgot the test ! After our opinion will be the same.
    The only ideas which isn't bad : The honor points.
    But this idea will not be useful !
  • Francolino wrote:

    badkarma wrote:

    The test universe.. Yeah. Will it be only a .de test server ? Why not making one on the .org community, in english, so we have one that is way more easier to access for the international community ?

    This test server comes in english for all communities.

    Before testing this new improvement I think that it's better ending the Merge of universe at first: many players want to leave Ogame if the autofleet will be improve, and it could be a double-edged sword, that could penalize the good work done with merging of universes

    EDIT: OTravian? LOL :D
  • Yes, Otravian.

    In the past I was I'm a good player.
    Why? Because the old ogame was a game.

    Now, you can use the auto-fleet, hide the resources....and after?

    RD has changed the game, ok only the skin....this is a new version...3.0.0
    No comment...

    And the fusion? GF team must think for the merged unis, not for these new version.
    Players are angry with GF.
  • Don't you think that the military ranking divulges too much information about the account?

    No, because it will not be so easy to analyze an account by looking at the military ranking. It will show more details as before, because we do not want anymore that players hide their fleets, but in some rankings only 50% of the civil ships, defensive structures, etc. are counted. Thus you cannot just look up the ranking and know everything about the account.

    I don't need to show my fleets, my fleets is my fleets.

    A good player don't show the fleets.
    I think GF is not a "good player", right?

    I don't believe.
  • Don't you think that the military ranking divulges too much information about the account?

    No, because it will not be so easy to analyze an account by looking at the military ranking. It will show more details as before, because we do not want anymore that players hide their fleets, but in some rankings only 50% of the civil ships, defensive structures, etc. are counted. Thus you cannot just look up the ranking and know everything about the account.

    Maybe it don't show totally your fleets, but help much more a good crasher to know how the fleets of his target are
  • This idea born only for delete ours account, not for improve the game.
    I was a noob, but now, with years of playing, i'm a good player.
    The new players, with this idea, will not learn using the auto-fleet, BOTs are prohibited or not?

    Don't kill this game with this f**king idea.
  • I repeat the question in the forum of IT:
    no programmer may not have ever played to his creature?? a reply would be appreciated, because my poor tired brain can not give an explanation about this ridiculous implementation :D

    bot legalized?
    bordering on the ridiculous