Currently we are looking for translators for the next version of our Firefox AddOn. We need the following translations:
Display All
Translate it like this:
gt_noreportsfound=Here's the translation
Note: CR=abbreviation for Combat Report
Translate it like this:
<!ENTITY dialog.submib_shipyard "Here's the translation">
needed languages:
- no more (only completely new ones, not just this update, see below for more info)
in progress:
already done:
Bulgarian, German, English, Finnish, Spanish, French, Dutch, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Japanese, Polish, Swedish, Italian, Hungarian, Danish, Czech, Norwegian, Portuguese, Greek
All languages, which aren't listed here, don't have an own toolbar locale. If you want to provide a translation for those, please contact me via PM or email or IRC (Channel: #galaxietool), I'd prefer to have Turkish, so if there is someone, who would like to provide it, feel free to contact me.
If you need another language to translate from (e.g. French), please ask here, and I will add it to this post.
Thanks in advance to all translators!
Please tell me, if you would like to see your name as translator on the "about"-page of the Galaxytoolbar. Currently, it looks like that (Note: you won't find the translators in v2.4.x and earlier):

This was originally posted here: http://board.galaxytool.eu/index.php?topic=375
Currently we are looking for translators for the next version of our Firefox AddOn. We need the following translations:
Source Code
- # needed for v2.5
- gt_noreportsfound=No espionage reports found!
- gt_nounreadreportsfound=No unread espionage reports found!
- gt_phalanxfound=Phalanx report found
- gt_espionagefound=Espionage action found
- gt_espionageupdated=Espionage action updated
- gt_pmessagefound=Player message found
- gt_pmessageupdated=Player message updated
- gt_shortcrfound=Short CR found
- gt_shortcrupdated=Short CR updated
- gt_fleetpagenofleet=No fleet on planet/moon
- gt_fleetpagefound=Fleet page found
- gt_shipyardfound=Shipyard page found
- gt_techpagefound=Tech page found
- gt_defensepagefound=Defense page found
- gt_buildingpagefound=Building page found
- gt_techtreefound=Techtree found
- gt_techtreeparsed=Techtree parsed
- gt_error.techtreenotparsed=Techtree not parsed
- gt_nodatafound=No data found
- gt_movementfound=Fleet movement found
- gt_movementupdated=Fleet movement updated
- gt_error.invalidxml=Invalid XML
- gt_error.espionagenotupdated=Espionage action not updated!
- gt_error.pmessagenotupdated=Player message not updated!
- gt_error.shortcrnotupdated=Short CR not updated!
- gt_error.movementnotupdated=Fleet movement not updated!
- gt_error.gtmaintenance_mode=Galaxytool Service unavailable - server possibly in maintenance mode
- gt_error.espionagetoolow=Espionage tech too low!
Translate it like this:
gt_noreportsfound=Here's the translation
Note: CR=abbreviation for Combat Report
Source Code
- <!-- Version 2.5 changes -->
- <!ENTITY dialog.submib_shipyard "Submit shipyard">
- <!ENTITY dialog.espionage_action "Submit hostile espionage actions">
- <!ENTITY dialog.submib_phalanx "Submit phalanx reports">
- <!ENTITY dialog.submib_fmovement "Submit own fleet movement">
- <!ENTITY toolbar.fmovement.t "Read fleet movements from page">
- <!ENTITY dialog.submib_short_cr "Submit short CRs">
- <!ENTITY dialog.submib_player_message "Submit player messages (activity)">
- <!ENTITY dialog.submib_message_content "Submit also the contents of player messages">
- <!ENTITY dialog.check_btn "Check">
Translate it like this:
<!ENTITY dialog.submib_shipyard "Here's the translation">
needed languages:
- no more (only completely new ones, not just this update, see below for more info)
in progress:
already done:
Bulgarian, German, English, Finnish, Spanish, French, Dutch, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Japanese, Polish, Swedish, Italian, Hungarian, Danish, Czech, Norwegian, Portuguese, Greek
All languages, which aren't listed here, don't have an own toolbar locale. If you want to provide a translation for those, please contact me via PM or email or IRC (Channel: #galaxietool), I'd prefer to have Turkish, so if there is someone, who would like to provide it, feel free to contact me.
If you need another language to translate from (e.g. French), please ask here, and I will add it to this post.
Thanks in advance to all translators!
Please tell me, if you would like to see your name as translator on the "about"-page of the Galaxytoolbar. Currently, it looks like that (Note: you won't find the translators in v2.4.x and earlier):

This was originally posted here: http://board.galaxytool.eu/index.php?topic=375
The post was edited 9 times, last by Omar Hawk: - Hungarian, Italian, Danish, Czech, Norwegian done; - Greek is completely done now :) ().