Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • Knowing GF effficiency in resolving bugs, I would guess that unifusion for all communities is far for being implemented...

      just waiting for some background activities and we're there
      LOL! You are there? Well, let me laugh out loud on YOU, kebab. You don't have any clue on when it will be implemented. So please, don't give any false hope to communities!

      Better no news than false news! You GF moron!

      Sorry for the (little) insult (I meant it, and you deserve it). So please ban me from this F**** forum. This forum is not useful in any way. All suggestions from any community are not taken into account, but a suggestion that comes from nowhere has some interest. That will be without me!
    • That was not needed at all, and the news I gave is after a talk with people at GF who do have an idea when it'll all be ready so please don't try to slander me in such a way.

      All suggestions are taken seriously and treated equally on their own merits, if you feel otherwise then please PM me with cases and I'll try and explain them. Suggestions that are so far without feedback, should get some in the next week or so.
    • All suggestion are taken seriously and treated equally on their own merits? LOL LOL LOL!

      Tell me, kebab, which suggestion is taken seriously? I mean a suggestion that doesn't come from NOWHERE, without any discussion on this board? like the one which is implemented in v2.2.2.x ( I don't know what will be x, since GF is not able to implement a new version without a patch)

      Do you realize that you are digging a hole in which you are falling in? I cannot say that GF is bad. It's worse than that. Don't tell me I'm wrong, Kebab (and WTH, the same).

      Don't you realize that we only want unifusion to be implemented, and VERY quickly? So, please, hurry up! Move your ass, guys! (in french: bougez-vous le cul, les mecs!)
    • Do you really think GF only has this board for suggestions?
      They have developers and other background staff who also come up with ideas, such as what's seen in the v2.2.x update, yes it was suggested here but GF already had plans to add something of that nature prior to Liam's suggestion...
    • Kebab wrote:

      Do you really think GF only has this board for suggestions?
      They have developers and other background staff who also come up with ideas, such as what's seen in the v2.2.x update, yes it was suggested here but GF already had plans to add something of that nature prior to Liam's suggestion...
      GF developers have ideas? I'm happy to hear that! The problem is that they have BAD ideas! So I'm not so happy, actually...
      GF developers don't know anything about OGame (and the same remark for OGame designers, or guys like WTH and their subordinates like you, Kebab). They might know the code (even if they are unable to fix bugs quickly), but not how to play... A good example is the v2.2.x.y.z which is exactly something that no user (at least users who know the game) wants to be implemented.
    • It's only to ask the guys from all universes to write a "history" of the universe, since old unis will be lost when the fusion comes (however, from what I can see, it's not for now: WTH is "upping" all posts in the suggestion area, that means that fusion is not ready yet - and WTH must show that he is doing something...)
    • What's the latest info about ongoing researches?
      My ongoing research is running for 26 days now and needs 70 days more to be finished. If merging occurs in 8 weeks (56 days), will my research be aborted?

      Edit: Found the answer here: Q/A: Merging universes - Part 2

      -ongoing research will not be canceled

      Guess it didn't change after the tests or someone would write about it...
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by marv ().

    • Next update : happy hour, for 500 K Dark matter, receive an useful mug "GF edition", perfect for taking a nice coffea time during your job.

      Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase hurry up.
      5 minutes in the board will clearly show you that nobody cares about noob protection or useless mini-goodies like friend invitation. Kebab just said that ALL IS DONE, why must we wait 6/8 weeks if everything works ? Don't tell me that you need 2 months for making little adjustments... 2 months, it's enough time for writing alone a complete book -_-

      NB : We're not totally stupid. You have no necessity to say a single "up" in 50 sugg the same day. You can write directly : "we don't care about it"
    • Today's news :

      Dear users, we have some exciting news for you. The first live merge will occur in starting on the 25th July.

      The timeline given to us is below:

      - announcement in .de (and info for other coms that we are still doing something with it ^^)

      25.07. - 15.08.:
      - possbile to choose target unis in .de
      - payment in exodus unis deactivated
      - new registrations for exodus & target unis deactivated

      - user in exodus unis into vacation mode (1h before the merge)
      - merge (just once)
      - highscore of exo unis secured

      - registration for target unis will be open again

      - exodus unis deactivated

      - remaining DM send to deleted accounts

      As soon as we have more information on the merge dates for different communities we will of course announce it here.

      Please discuss here Discussion about merging universes

      Thank you for being patient.

      Your OGame.Origin Team

      Sorry for this long, annoying time without any news about this important feature. Because of the long turn around time (about 5 days) for each test it was not possible to give any concrete date in the past. But now it's done.

      Sorry again and look ahead,

      Your OGame Origin Team.
    • I saw this news on facebook !

      I'm so happy ! all is arriving a day ! (tout arrive un jour ^^)

      But only three weeks to choose a target uni, do you think it's really sufficient in vacation time ?
      A lot of players are absent for at least 3 weeks, don't you think ?

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Hi ! I am glad as well to see a concrete move... Well done... Finally ! :)

      After reading the project timeline, I have one or two questions (maybe it has been answered already) :

      Few months ago, we heard about the possibility to move a few planets "for free" after the relocation. In case some the planets don't arrive in the expected solar system.

      Did they keep this idea ? Is it possible to know more about it ?

      Other question, (if a dev. pass by ^^) is there any plan to make a tutorial with screenshots before the unifusion, so everyone can see and understand the tools "in advance" ?

    • Finally - best word ;-)

      Yes, the whole way to this feature was to long, to many player left the game cause it was to boring.
      Yes, my usual but .... OGame is soon one of the first games, which has a really good solution to solve the main problem of most of the games - Decreasing number of users.