Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • so why are you complaining? 320 active players is more than 3 times as much as the german universes have...

      just wait until everything is complete and tested and retested. its better to wait 2 more month than to be a victim of something that is inreversible!!!
    • well you know 320 active players is in ,,early'' universe
      yeah we dont do anything but complain.....
      i understand that the UF has bugs, you want to prepare it good
      but common GF programers had eleven months to make it, test it, and aplly it
      we have another change of time with UF, and ,,it will come in several weaks'' gives us nothing but empty words
      no concrete information
      hello :stick:
    • Gentlemens
      No relevant informations from GF to give > bad
      User gets info like "coming soon" > bad

      GF announced the uni merging some year back and even then, they announced it unclearly like now. Maybe they should keep it as surprise as acting like this :)
      GF, next time do the process transparent for users to avoid those responses, even you need advertisemnt for "future plans", so people will not leave your game immediately.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • well the merge of universes and how is though to be done its ok , it will allow a "free re-location" , about the acounts that are inactive well , backup & delete them , it's acounts whit plus 35 days !!! that is no vacations , its abandone, i see a problem that is on target-universe, are we forced to have the same planets number ? that implicates on usable surfaces , will higher players receive any advantage on choosing it , or will low level players loose more ?it's the only point that makes confusion ......
    • If your planets are moved more than 30 systems from their original location then you'll be given a free relocation for each planet upto 3 planets.
      Accounts that don't choose a universe to merge to will be deleted after the process is finished.

      Higher ranked players don't receive any priority selection when it comes to retaining your planet positions.
    • asterix2 wrote:

      If I understand well, an alliance will be moved to a target-uni with all its members who have chosen this target-uni.
      Question : will be automatically the new founder of the alliance the old-one ?

      eXecute wrote:

      We know about it and have that in mind.

      Please, what about this question ?

      Are there news about alli.founders.status during the process of the unifusions ?

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Here's a question, not involving dates (since you can't announce them until you decide them)

      Is the next step in merging universe "a new real test"? I mean, just testing merging 16 universes into 3 in Germany, for expample.

      Or will it be a process merging universes in all comunities ?

      Another two questions:

      - Is GF considering to boost relocation of planets? Relocation is expensive now; and if you relocate now and your planet is moved after merging universes, people can think it doesnt worth the expense and risk. As an example, I have my colonies around all 9 galaxies, and I was considering moving two of them to g2 (2.125 and 2.375, so I cover the whole galaxy). This costs now 25€, and those planets can get crappy positions after universe merging, so the initial question, is GF considering putting cheaper relocation before universe merging?

      - Are the special universes be a target uni in uni fusion? (it was told as an initial idea, but it wasn't an option in the first uni fusion)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by DirdamLaer ().

    • RedFox wrote:

      looks fair to me , since it keeps the same aspect ratio that in older universe
      Yes, it keeps the same aspect ratio, since you are still in your old universe... And merging is not in the plan of V3, Am I wrong?

      Francolino, Weteha, a date for this unifusion? Tell us that it will be in 2015 or 2034 if it's the case. But don't tell us nothing. Thanks.
    • Gentlemens, you still forgetting, that the unifusion will fix nothing, or only a little. The major problem would still persist - as the game is no more so popular like it was couple years ago.
      I recommend to you all, representants of each country, make a poll for your players. How exactly they want to have the unis merged in your country - don't leave it on GF. Make your own choice in you country.
      And, after the time will come and GF will provide us with the exact date of uni fusion, you will tell them how you want it. After you will have this, most effective number of unis in your country, we can discuss more important thing - resurrection of Ogame.

      And now stop asking again and again, as any speaker of great company will tell you nothing. Prepare you country, make a choice and then come back, you all. Only then ask, when it will be done. Together, not alone.
      -Ogame Recension-
      Ogame need a change!
      -Check my account for my ideas-
    • What choice you are talking about ?

      To implement Ogame 3.0 ? Players have nothing to tell...pools are already done.
      To decice how much universes will be fused a time ? GF decides it from their hands...pools are already done. The most part of players want unifusion.

      Fusion will not fix the main problem of ogame, perhaps ogame 3.0 with fleets saving does...

      I just want to have some dates to say to own players to not give up the game until fusion arrived. Players don't care about anything else. THey just want to know if they will set the vacation mode or the deletion mode.

      The last new was the sucessfull unifusion test with german universe. Great, what takes ogame so long time to continue the process on other communauty ?

      It is no complaining but it is normal to ask "delay" when you see that Ogame 3.0 comes before unifusion...

      What about "target universes" ?
      What about pak of universe fused together ? each 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10 universe ?
      What about relocation features ? max 3 free relocation if planet is moved of 30 ss as the original location ?

      They are a lot of question un-answered. How do you want to prepare them in your communauty if you know nothing about their ?