Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • badkarma wrote:

      Francolino wrote:

      badkarma wrote:

      Hi Francolino,

      In case such a problem happen (lost fleet, ressource, etc.), what will be the procedure ?

      For now, they fix the bug cause it's only a test and the current target test universe will be deleted soon.
      When such things happens in real unifusion, keep in mind that you have more than one try and the exodus uni will be deleted a month later - so it's easy to fix or restore anything.

      Regards, Francolino

      Mm.. Ok, let's imagine I copy my account to one of the new universe, and something is wrong. Is there a way to delete the "new" account and to make a new transfer after that ?
      My point is, I want to know if it's something we'll be able to do by ourself, or if we'll have to wait for someone from the GF to do something. Which would be something to worry (no offense nor flame here). One of my friend got his account deleted while he had DM that he bought on his account, he contacted his operator, who told him it was a known bug, that he's not the first to have this prob, and that the GF would backup his account.. That was one month and a half ago, and still nothing. So if we have "only" one month.. You got my point :)
      If universe merge is in working phase ( no more testing), a transferred account will have to stay in the target universe as the original universe will be deleted in one month or so and all the unmoved accounts in it are frozen and finally deleted when the universe is shut down- no restoration available for those, only coupons compensation. I suppose no further move will be possible once the transfer is done. Imagine a lot of accounts jumping all over the few target universes :). I can imagine that and I don't like the idea. A player has to be very careful when selecting a target universe, make sure this is the right choice.

      I'm sure, some basic info for the target universe will be available for the mergers.

      Restoring deleted accounts with bought DM has no connection with the universe merge .
      Regarding the deleted accounts that probably had DM : A player in this situation has to contact the game support and find his way up to the Game Admins. They can ask for an account restore if is the case ( only if it is possible that the account had bought DM on it ). This action is not easy and can take up to a few months and means a lot of effort from the developers.
    • Hi Valent,

      Thanks for your answer, but you interpreted wrong my comment, IMO.
      My point is, if something wrong happens, and it can, there's no perfect system on earth, what will be the procedure ?
      For example, I transfer my account on a target universe, all my rips are missing, what do I have to do ? How will it work ? That's my question. I'm not asking to be able to chose multiple times a target universe.

      And, sorry to say, but I can't see how the restauration of a backup is a matter of MONTHS.. And I dare someone to argue with me that a backup may take months to be put on. Because that will really be a -very- funny talk. Furthermore, there have been some troubles on some .fr universes some weeks ago, with a lot of top1 accounts hacked and deleted, and it didn't take months to be backed up, so I doubt it's -that- complicated.

      Which is not my point anyway.
      So.. Something wrong, account not transfered correctly, what's the next step, and how much time does it take ?
      Thanks :)
    • Mm.. Ok, let's imagine I copy my account to one of the new universe, and something is wrong. Is there a way to delete the "new" account and to make a new transfer after that ?
      thanks for clarification :
      My point is, if something wrong happens, and it can, there's no perfect system on earth, what will be the procedure ?
      For example, I transfer my account on a target universe, all my rips are missing, what do I have to do ? How will it work ? That's my question. I'm not asking to be able to chose multiple times a target universe.
      Then is not for me to answer this, I'm only game admin. That is the reason they made a unifusion test universe, to see what can go wrong. I can only assume that no player will have to loose fleet or anything else because of the fusion without having a restore.

      Obviously for any ingame problem a player has to contact support, from there, each problem will find its own way to be solved.

      The second part of my answer was for the current requests to restore deleted accounts :
      Restoring accounts is not the only thing developers have to do and you can assume that this is happening in every community, there is a lot of workload, and everything must be made once at a time, the most urgent or the oldest first .Is not for me to decide what is urgent or not, I can only suggest, inform and request.
    • badkarma wrote:

      Can I PLEASE have an answer to my previous post ?
      Or I'll have to call Kendiraton to beg you about it.
      (this is the best threat ever)
      You've got an answer, BK, even if you are not happy with it (me neither, BTW).
      Do you really think I have the power to make any threat to them? If it was true, I would have been banned (for any fake reason) for quite a long time, or they would have listened to me and changed their way of doing the unifusion, don't you think? None of that, though :D
    • kendiraton wrote:

      badkarma wrote:

      Can I PLEASE have an answer to my previous post ?
      Or I'll have to call Kendiraton to beg you about it.
      (this is the best threat ever)
      You've got an answer, BK, even if you are not happy with it (me neither, BTW).
      Do you really think I have the power to make any threat to them? If it was true, I would have been banned (for any fake reason) for quite a long time, or they would have listened to me and changed their way of doing the unifusion, don't you think? None of that, though :D

      Concerning the "threat", I wish you had, somehow, it would have been fun, but well.. :p
    • BK, I promise you won't be disappointed if you are disappointed :D

      If anything goes wrong with the unifusion when it is implemented (don't ask me when), you can be sure I will complain. And if I complain it's going to be quite hard, trust me.
    • badkarma wrote:

      Not losing hope (yet).
      Can someone answer my previous question ? Or just say "I don't know" if you don't, instead of avoiding answering ? It would avoid me losing time checking this thread for nothing. Thanks :)

      Valent wrote:

      The second part of my answer was for the current requests to restore deleted accounts :
      Restoring accounts is not the only thing developers have to do and you can assume that this is happening in every community, there is a lot of workload, and everything must be made once at a time, the most urgent or the oldest first .Is not for me to decide what is urgent or not, I can only suggest, inform and request.

      Valent told you already this, this is all what we can tell, especial it's not possible to give a concrete timeline . Cause the accounts are copied, the first part to restore an account is very easy - collect and check all levels and among of ships.
      For a better answer you should wait for the first real unifusion in

      Regards, Francolino
    • Francolino wrote:

      badkarma wrote:

      Not losing hope (yet).
      Can someone answer my previous question ? Or just say "I don't know" if you don't, instead of avoiding answering ? It would avoid me losing time checking this thread for nothing. Thanks :)

      Valent wrote:

      The second part of my answer was for the current requests to restore deleted accounts :
      Restoring accounts is not the only thing developers have to do and you can assume that this is happening in every community, there is a lot of workload, and everything must be made once at a time, the most urgent or the oldest first .Is not for me to decide what is urgent or not, I can only suggest, inform and request.

      Valent told you already this, this is all what we can tell, especial it's not possible to give a concrete timeline . Cause the accounts are copied, the first part to restore an account is very easy - collect and check all levels and among of ships.
      For a better answer you should wait for the first real unifusion in

      Regards, Francolino
      Almost 1 month ago (your post has been posted on Thursday, April 21st 2011, 12:30pm), you were not able to give us a date. I can understand that. Now (Saturday, May 21st 2011 4:33am) can you?

      I know I am a little in advance (1 month with no news will only elapse in 8h from now) but I will be sleeping at that time, since I'm working at night, sorry for that...
    • 2 hours later Kebab gave us news, no fantastic news but something which gave us some information ^^

      Yesterday I saw this part of a post on the written by WeTeHa :

      Und grundlegend um OGame kümmern tun wir uns ja auch, gegenteilige Behauptungen kann ich nun wirklich nicht nachvollziehen. Nach einer tatsächlich recht langen "Dürreperiode" haben wir über die letzten 12 Monate hinweg doch einiges auf den Weg gebracht, und auch immer noch viele große Änderungen in der Pipeline. Sei es nun die Fusion, die trotz anderslautender Berichte durchaus nicht vergessen oder unter den Teppich gekehrt ist, der neue Noobschutz, welcher demnächst in den öffentlichen Test geht, und auch weitere "Grundversionen", von denen man auch in ein zwei Wochen wieder etwas sehen wird. Es mag nicht sehr durchsichtig sein wie und warum wir aktuell immer wieder an 3 Versionen gleichzeitig arbeiten, aber es geht durchaus voran und es gibt auch immer wieder Veränderungen und Neuerungen (+ viele viele Bugfixes).

      and once more I regretted that WeTeHa doesn't speak to us on this forum as he does in Germany.

      Please, can you translate this text that google translates so bad into english (as into french).
      I think that it is very important to establish a real and constant dialogue between the GF (WeTeHa on this forum) and the whole world's players, here, on OO forum.

      Thank you in advance.

      P.S.: I can understand it's a supplementary task for WeTeHa but I think it's VERY IMPORTANT for our players communities !

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by asterix2 ().