Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • I believe that, Origins exist for, improve ideas, show some negative points to help a fix them.. All this for ogame.
      When i register in the origins, my intention are, help all good ideas and try fix ideas with negative points,
      I don't register in for fighting with players and i believe, when someone want register in here, is for help the ogame communities around the world.
      if some player want register only for fight, i believe that is waste of time. If someone want fight, try use yours fleet ingame, or other fight game.
      This is my opinion...

      Come back to topic, "merge universes" is in the final stage, i believe it´s will happen in all ogame of world soon.
      We just need have patience and discuss this subject with new good ideas and opinions.
    • Hi

      I know that Kendi is a big mouth but what he says is true. :D

      I'm very happy to see that the merging is on a good way. Really


      I explained the OBVIOUS problem of "zombie accounts" in this topic ==> no answer
      I asked for news about it after christmas ==> no answer
      I asked for news about it few weeks after ==> no answer
      Badkarma and Kendiraton asked for news about it ==> no answer

      I play Ogame since many years and I really know how it works. We told you that there will be a problem with the current method of merging in the FR unis, it's not whining, it's just a problem that everybody can understand.
      You never recognize that the problem exists.
      You never said this simple sentence : "We know that"

      so :

      Your tests are an important step and you're doing it right. But it don't represent the reality and the problems of our universes.

      Keep on working, but please hear what we are saying. It's not a troll. Just a problem that you can't ignore if you want to make unifusion a great success.

    • I agree completely that it would sound better if they use a complete new (empty) universe for the fusions.

      But they decided to use existing universes.

      So this form of a test is as near as possible by the reality.

      Possibly they will also copy some "DM-corpse" to check whether this brings problems.

      In my previous posts I have only described facts, which MAY be wrong understud by the translation.
      So I explained them detailed.
      I havent attacked anyone. X(
      So dont attack me ;)
    • SlowMotion wrote:

      I agree completely that it would sound better if they use a complete new (empty) universe for the fusions.

      But they decided to use existing universes.
      Why did they decide to do it the wrong way? No explanation (they should have given one though, with all the arguments given by myself and others)...

      That's what I'm complaining about. Even if I recognize I am not very "diplomatic" (or if you prefer, a "big mouth" as Demetrius says)... But I really tried to be quite "soft" in my first posts. I admit I was more rude in my last posts - due to no answer nor explanations... However, I was always right (just kidding :D , even if it's true :P )

      It would have been soooooooooooooooo much easier (and I speak as an experienced software engineer) to merge into empty universes: everybody from the exodus universes would have had the same luck (or bad luck) - like in a new universe: first arrived, first served (but at least the rules would have been fair - and the same for all). And all the "zombie" accounts (I was the one who first spoke about "zombie account" - I hope everybody understands it now) filling the current G1 in FR universes (see Demetrius' screenshots earlier in this thread - it has not changed since, or it's even worse) wouldn't exist anymore. Don't you have the same problem in other communities?

      PS1. Demetrius, thanks for your understanding

      PS2. I don't attack anybody, and surely not you, slowmotion!
    • Zombie accounts on target universes are big concern for each community. It was my biggest concern since I've first heard about unifusion. However we don't know how it will look like exactly because there is no actual description of details. There is just merging in general.
      I think that those who work with ogame are aware of main risks and problems and let's hope - they spend some time reading for example this board or listening to someone who describes our actual situation and doubts.

      I would be glad if improvements went public on this stage. If all knew what they are working on and which problems do they know and don't know about.
      There is always crying over spilt milk and discussion with someone responsible for changes before merging is so easy way to avoid it.
    • Hello you all,

      First, here is a new summary with questions and answers -

      DE : Q/A Merging universes - Part 2 - by NeOsid

      EN : coming today

      This week the second step is ongoing. Now users from uni 32, 35, 36, 37 & 38 now can copy their accounts onto the test server 555. The user can talk in the temporary IRC channel #o.uni24

      Next is about the often posted wish to use empty target universes to remove all those "zombie" accounts. The final decision from GameForge is that they don't change here something. Target universes are only existing universes as they are.

      It's planned to spend up to three free relocations, when the new position is more away then 30 systems. This is still in discussion, maybe they reduce this limit to less systems or zero. This should help you to reorganize your account, especial to restore your systems with two moons.

      Regards, Francolino
    • badkarma wrote:

      Hi Francolino,

      In case such a problem happen (lost fleet, ressource, etc.), what will be the procedure ?

      For now, they fix the bug cause it's only a test and the current target test universe will be deleted soon.
      When such things happens in real unifusion, keep in mind that you have more than one try and the exodus uni will be deleted a month later - so it's easy to fix or restore anything.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Francolino wrote:

      Next is about the often posted wish to use empty target universes to remove all those "zombie" accounts. The final decision from GameForge is that they don't change here something. Target universes are only existing universes as they are.
      The test done doesn't address this issue, since the test universe was an empy one... That won't be the case for real universes. It means the test is 90% (or even more) useless!
      GF is shooting a bullet in its feet. How such a thing can happen? I wondered if GF was able to be clever for once. I now have the answer.
    • kendiraton wrote:

      The test done doesn't address this issue, since the test universe was an empy one... That won't be the case for real universes. It means the test is 90% (or even more) useless!
      GF is shooting a bullet in its feet. How such a thing can happen? I wondered if GF was able to be clever for once. I now have the answer.

      You are wrong. The current, first unifusion test goes in two steps. In step #1 five universes (see news…-beginn-des-fusionstests/ ) could copy the account to testuni 555.
      In the next, currently ongoing step #2 five other universes ( see…-für-fusion-der-universen ) can copy the accounts to the SAME testuni 555 with the accounts from step #1.

      And please care about your own feets before you are playing gunslinger - Or in other words : Please don't use this forum to flame !

      Regards, Francolino
    • Francolino wrote:

      kendiraton wrote:

      The test done doesn't address this issue, since the test universe was an empy one... That won't be the case for real universes. It means the test is 90% (or even more) useless!
      GF is shooting a bullet in its feet. How such a thing can happen? I wondered if GF was able to be clever for once. I now have the answer.

      You are wrong. The current, first unifusion test goes in two steps. In step #1 five universes (see news…-beginn-des-fusionstests/ ) could copy the account to testuni 555.
      In the next, currently ongoing step #2 five other universes ( seeür-fusion-der-universen ) can copy the accounts to the SAME testuni 555 with the accounts from step #1.

      And please care about your own feets before you are playing gunslinger - Or in other words : Please don't use this forum to flame !

      Regards, Francolino
      I was waiting for this answer, Francolino. I would have been surprised otherwise...

      The only difference with the reality is that the test universe (555) was not full of zombie accounts since it was an empty universe before the (first part of the) test... (how could you have zombie accounts be copied into the test universe?)
      Then, after some days, some universes were allowed to merge into this target universe. Fine!

      Francolino, tell me the truth now! how many zombie accounts in this universe 555? If you tell me it's more than 0, you are lying!
      Now the same question on the real way you are going to do unifusion with an existing universe (i.e. not for test, but for real)... If you tell me that it's 0, you are lying!

      Here is the difference! And it's why your test doesn't mean anything but f***. (and I am polite)
    • Francolino wrote:

      badkarma wrote:

      Hi Francolino,

      In case such a problem happen (lost fleet, ressource, etc.), what will be the procedure ?

      For now, they fix the bug cause it's only a test and the current target test universe will be deleted soon.
      When such things happens in real unifusion, keep in mind that you have more than one try and the exodus uni will be deleted a month later - so it's easy to fix or restore anything.

      Regards, Francolino

      Mm.. Ok, let's imagine I copy my account to one of the new universe, and something is wrong. Is there a way to delete the "new" account and to make a new transfer after that ?
      My point is, I want to know if it's something we'll be able to do by ourself, or if we'll have to wait for someone from the GF to do something. Which would be something to worry (no offense nor flame here). One of my friend got his account deleted while he had DM that he bought on his account, he contacted his operator, who told him it was a known bug, that he's not the first to have this prob, and that the GF would backup his account.. That was one month and a half ago, and still nothing. So if we have "only" one month.. You got my point :)