Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • Omega360, i agree with you.

      Merging universes, require a lot of testing and also... GF need to do global test, because of this "merging universes" take a long time...
      The reason for this delay, is about global tests:
      Some errors, bugs, in a single country, cause a many proplems to fix this...
      Now imagine a Global errors.....

      We need to "discussion about merging universes" with patience and for all members forum, not for a single member and always giving more ideas, suggestions, opinions.
      Tips: "if you want discussion about this subject with a member, please call him to private messages ;) "

      Back to the topic: merging universes, i believe is the best choice that will happen for Global Ogame but some universes can't be merging
      i talk about special universes.

    • I don't quote, because it would be too painful (I would quote the 3 last posters, and it's too much)

      So... To make it simple...

      Merging universes, require a lot of testing and also... GF need to do global test, because of this "merging universes" take a long time...
      The reason for this delay, is about global tests:
      Some errors, bugs, in a single country, cause a many proplems to fix this...
      Now imagine a Global errors.....

      Oh Yes, I can imagine some "global errors". But only if you don't listen to some advice. e.g why do you still want to merge universes to an existing one, instead of merging to an empty one?

      Would you have GF do the mergers now without thorough and proper testing and have something happen to your accounts that can't be replaced?
      Would you have GF take the time to test and make sure that the mergers go a smooth as possible without many bugs and lost details on accounts?

      Is it a joke? Or is it the way you do all the "updates/patches/funny things"? So I'm not surprised when there are more bugs to fix than bug fixed in each new version.

      You're boring.
      On the, on the, and I hope you're not flooding an other board.

      Seriously, on the french board, and here, you're not posting because you want something, but just for rage and flood. Yeah, it's flood what you do. And I think I'm not the only french who think this.
      So, please, get the fuck off. Seriously. Yes, merging are slow.Too slow for lots of people. Yes, communication is bad. But seriously, we don't care about your pathetic and rage flood everywhere, just because you've been disapointed by the GF and the french staff.

      Thank you.

      One french ogamer.

      One french gamer. The only one I think! Or not far from it.

      I'm not posting for "rage and flood". Only to have this unifusion done quickly and in the right way. What I am really doubting about... When you see that "target universes" are not empty is much of a worry for me (and many others - more than One french gamer like you)

      Edit and PS @jonas Lubec: MP tant que tu veux, je suis dispo, mais ca ne me fera pas changer d'avis: GF sucks (pour etre poli)!
    • I know that anyone want to see progresse here - but until the it's not ready for the prototype in there is nothing new to tell - You can only believe me that they are all working hard. I can only submit my wish - please read my posting again to understand that this is not a "little update".
      That's true
      It's not a little update.

      But it's not like creating a new game. It's just a big update
      Every player is able to open eyes when surfing on the web.
      Developpers can create complete games much more complex than Ogame in six months.

      I juste give you two exemples : ( +/- 100 K players with a free to play mode for the majority. 3 years old )

      ONE developper and ONE "CoMa"
      Big updates with complete change of the gameplay every 3 MONTHS
      Regular news about incoming evolutions
      Interface and game much more complex than Ogame (interactive map...)

      -Leelh ( 32 000 accounts, 1,5 years old)

      8 developpers
      Complete BROWSER 3D Game
      News every week
      Interface, graphics, gameplay much more complex than Ogame

      -Ogame ( 6 years old, more than 400 000 players...)

      Simple php game
      Gameplay don't change since 2006
      One "big" update every year.

      Don't you realize that you're ignoring a real goldmine ?
      You've got one of the most massive game community and you can't make an effort ?
      We probably don't have the same logic.

      I think that the Gameforge imagine that the players enjoy to change their games every year.
      Sorry, but no.

      Please, try to have imagination and try to understand that we don't care about Sphiria, Metin"Idon't know the number" or someone else.

      We are thousands of players, we want to play Ogame and a large part of us are ready to pay for that.
      So, make your job, pay a programmer if your current developper don't work fast enough and please stop repeating that it's a mountain of work when the concurrence is building entire browser games with 3D design and completely balanced gameplay with less than 5 developpers.

      PS : Don't say that it's too expensive. If you make a "merging universe" promotion "2 euros for a planet translation", I think that more than 1% of the players can be interested. Considering that you give 50 % of the players payment to paypal or other payment system, you can earn 1 euro for each player who is interested.

      1% of the 500 000 ogamers : 5000 players = 5000 euros
      you can take a well-qualified programmer for two months juste with it.
    • Lord Demetrius: The reason that GF doesn´t make more of an effort on ogame and the updates are slower than the competitors are creating entire games is simply because they feel that they don´t have to. They already have one of the absolute biggest browser games, they couldn´t care less about what the users think of how shitty and slow the updates are as long as they have that many users
    • kendiraton wrote:

      I'm not posting for "rage and flood". Only to have this unifusion done quickly and in the right way.
      Posting the same thing over and over "We want it now...we can't wait any longer..." etc isn't really helping to get anything done quicker...

      things will happen when they happen, and when it's all ready or when there's any new developments we'll post it in the news...
    • and say everytime:
      " we are late, wait few months..." that's not boring?
      remember... users are customers... even if all aren't buying DM...
      and so... ogame is just a PHP game... not a 3D game!!!
      developments are easier! so don't try to make us believe that "improve something new in ogame" is very hard!

      Lord Demetrius: The reason that GF doesn´t make more of an effort on ogame and the updates are slower than the competitors are creating entire games is simply because they feel that they don´t have to. They already have one of the absolute biggest browser games, they couldn´t care less about what the users think of how shitty and slow the updates are as long as they have that many users
      Edit: i hope that's a joke! if not, that 's a very old stupidity of management! if Apple was doing that... do you think Iphone ll exist?
    • Kebab wrote:

      Posting the same thing over and over "We want it now...we can't wait any longer..." etc isn't really helping to get anything done quicker..
      things will happen when they happen, and when it's all ready or when there's any new developments we'll post it in the news...

      I'm ok with you. However, always saying "We'll give you informations in some weeks" is not helping players being patient.

      In october, we had this message from Wraith02 on our french board, I just quote a part of it :

      Wraith02" wrote:

      Here’s a very brief update on what we are currently working on. We have split our efforts into four updates.


      And then it’s time for a little experiment with another new feature that has been in the works for some while now and concerns one of our communities major problems. We won’t go into detail yet, but if our prototype runs smoothly, we will all have a very merry Christmas this year.

      You'll tell me that he didn't mention the unifusion. Right. But, being honest, and with the current situation, the only thing 99.9% of the people reading this message would think is : news about the unifusion ! GREAT !
      Since ? An announcement from Goliath in november, explaining how the unifusion process would work. Great, again.
      Since ? Absolutely NOTHING. No official post on the board. No official announcement. That's 4 months old now. You can give me a lot of reasons for that, but I can't find one reliable that can explain a silence of FOUR months on such an important matter for the players.
    • Dear OGame Players,

      It’s no secret anymore: We are working on the universe fusion, a tool to transfer players from one or more universes to another. This feature was your biggest wish according to the survey. Therefore we focused our efforts on it.

      As the first internal tests are coming closer, we want to give you a glimpse of how the whole thing works.

      Unifusion procedure:

      To start with one or more universes will be marked as Exodus-Universes. These are the unis that players will be moving away from to settle in what we call Target-Universes.

      The criteria by which Exodus- and Target-Universes are determined are the number of players, the age of the uni and the points of the top players in each uni.

      The Exodus-Phase will be announced a couple of weeks before it actually starts. From now on until the end of the Exodus-Phase, players in the Exodus-Uni can pick their choice out of the list of Target-Unis.

      The duration of the Exodus-Phase itself depends on how long it takes for the players to make their choice. In this phase, all accounts will be frozen. Flying fleets and relocations will be cancelled. Ongoing research, buildings and shipyard constructions still goes on. As mentioned above, players can still log into their frozen accounts and choose a Target-Uni. This phase marks the end of the Exodus-Universe. In a celebratory act, the final score will be collected and posted in the Hall of Fame.

      Once a day during the Exodus-Phase, players that have made a choice will be copied to the Target-Uni. Everything is copied: Planets, resources, fleets…, we even hope to be able to transfer the message box and the alliance affiliation.

      Players will enter the Target-Uni in the same frozen state that they left the Exodus-Uni. They can now login to both unis and check if everything moved correctly. The planet positions are likely to change, but we have invested a lot of effort in finding the closest free positions. In general it will be a matter of first come, first serve. The earlier a player makes his Target-Uni choice, the more likely it is for his planet positions to still be free. Once the player is ready he can reactivate his planets and, after a short warm-up period, start his conquest of the Target-Universe.

      As you can imagine there are many edge cases that we need to take care of, for example when a player already has an account in the Target-Universe. We will see how good our solutions are once the prototype Exodus starts in the German OGame community (and maybe an other one).

      Stay tuned for more information on this subject, the other developments and our plans for the future.

      Best regards,
      Your OGame - Team
    • It is not very fair to take Francolino as a target, as the situation is probably as frustrating for him as it is for most of the players. Don’t give up man, you are a kind of “last hope”. Who else can we share our frustration with ? :)

      The lack of professionalism of the GF is widely known among the community, and especially when we think about the potential of the game and the incomes it could generates if it was more cleverly organized (cf. Lord Demetrius examples above). A market / client survey would be sufficient to highlight obvious development needs, that could lead to massive expansion / benefits. Communication, customer retention, consistency... Well... They have no excuses, it’s the whole company’s strategy which is wrong, so the only thing we can assume for sure is the following one : the GF management is highly incompetent. :|

      Apart from that, I do hope we will see the uni-fusion soon, more communication (small things are better than nothing), and some feedbacks on other pending concerns… Ciao ! ;)
    • Néné: I missed that part when I read through it. I would also be very interested to know if that sentence really is correct.

      A couple of months ago I was told that, research for example, would not be cancelled during the fusion phase.

      Francolino: So if I´m not misunderstanding this, if I´m researching for instance astro 19 with a week to go, that will be cancelled on me, losing about 19 weeks of research?

      Don´t get me wrong, I´m not blaming or targeting francolino in any way, because I know that there´s nothing he can to do about this. I know that he tries his best and I think he´s doing a great job. It´s the ones responsible at GF that pisses me off :)
    • NusaDua wrote:

      It is not very fair to take Francolino as a target, as the situation is probably as frustrating for him as it is for most of the players. Don’t give up man, you are a kind of “last hope”. Who else can we share our frustration with ? :)

      No problem, i like complaints ;-) Often the deepest view into your souls and thoughts :P

      Azgaroth wrote:

      Francolino: So if I´m not misunderstanding this, if I´m researching for instance astro 19 with a week to go, that will be cancelled on me, losing about 19 weeks of research?

      Sorry, my fault - research would NOT stopped !!
      Same for ongoing contructions and construction queues for buildings, defense and ships.

      Flights and relocations would be cancelled of course.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Relocation Zones

      I have some questions about the rules and precidence if a planetary position conflict occurs.

      For the planet that must be moved I ask the following:

      If a planetary position change is required will the owner of the moved planet have any choice?

      Is change of system to preserve position within the solar system the first choice or will an alternative position within the solar system be chosen first?

      If a change of solar system position occurs will the first option be down (6 to 5 for example) or up?

      Will planetary position within system changes be restricted to defined relocation zones (1-3, 4-12, 13-15)?
    • Kebab wrote:

      Posting the same thing over and over "We want it now...we can't wait any longer..." etc isn't really helping to get anything done quicker...

      I cannot refrain from quoting this... Didn't Francolino himself write almost the same post 4 months after the original one?
      I don't say "we want it now... we can't wait any longer...". I only want to have quickly a kind of answer to those basic questions: how? and when?

      BTW, I already got an answer to "what?": it's unifusion. 1 answer for 3 questions. Not so bad actually, generally GF doesn't provide so much! :P