Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • Francolino wrote:

      WeTeHa wrote:

      Hi. Wie Francolino schon sagt befinden wir uns noch im internen Test, dort allerdings klar in der Endphase. Wir werden versuchen zeitnah weitere Informationen bzw. Ausblicke geben zu können, und wollen natürlich auch mit dem Prototypen schnell beginnen.

      Die Fusion im Allgemeinen ist dann natürlich ein längerer Prozess. Es werden also nicht gleich alle irgendwie zusammengewürfelt. Zumal wir ja auch schauen müssen ob beim Prototypen noch neue Probleme auftauchen bzw. was noch überarbeitet werden könnte.



      Hi. As francolino told earlier we are in the internal testing phase but at an end stage. We try to give you additional information respectively an perspective sooner than later and we want to start with the prototype (german universes 30-35) soon.

      The fusion in general is a longer process. Not all universes will be merged at once. Also we need to look at new bugs that may accur during the prototyping which need to be fixed first.
    • Lord Demetrius wrote:

      Hi !

      Few days before christmas, I had a question about the "zombie-accounts" in target unis.

      You say that the Test period had begun, so can you explain us which solution was found to merge unis with a lot of "zombie-accounts" especially in G1/2 (I posted screens and details about this problem in the previous page -same topic-)

      Thanks fors future answers and keep on working ! :P
      MAJ ? :stick:

      It can be pleasant to answer.
      We don't need the full details but we wish being sure that you are thinking about this problem who is especially massive in

      Thanks :wacko:
    • Hello again,

      I know, 2 more weeks without information.

      Here a qoute from

      Hdr wrote:

      Aber wenn ich das so lese, dass es noch Jahre dauern kann bis alle zusammen gelegt sind, dann denke ich, kann ich meinen Account auch löschen, denn dann hat der letzte Rest meiner Ally auch noch aufgehört.

      Ich weiss ja nicht, wo du das gelesen hast - aber eine derartige Aussage gab es mit Sicherheit nicht von Offizieller Seite.

      Für weitere Informationen passt "Wochen", für Unifusionierungen passt "Monate". Es kann im Moment niemand sagen, wieviel Monate es dauert bis die allermeisten Unis zusammengelegt sind, allerdings ist das kein Jahr.

      Gruss, Francolino

      Translation :

      The user Hrd is afraid, that it needs "years" until all universes (in are merged.

      My answer :

      I don't know where you read this, but this is sure not an official statement.

      For more information the correct word is "weeks" and for universe merges "months" . At the moment no one can tell how long it needs to merge most of the universes in your community, but it happens this year.

      Greetings, Francolino
    • Hey Francolino,

      Thanks for the update, even if it doesn't give us something really new here.. :)
      I have a question, that I did not see in the FAQ yet.

      When the whole process will be tested and deployed, will we know it like some days ago, and if so, will we know the list of "our" target universes if we are on an exodus universe ? The goal of my question is that it would be nice to know the target universes that we'll have, so we can discuss with other people, from our universe and other universes, and decide where we're gonna go. As a pure offensive player, I'd like to do that and be on an universe with a lot of big fleets, so there will be fun hunting and chasing again.
    • When the testing etc is over and the whole process is deployed for real which universes will be targets and which will be exodus universes will be announced on your local forums, then when the process is started in your universe you'll be able to see what targets are available by looking on the merging screen. boooyah
    • Francolino wrote:

      Hello again,

      I know, 2 more weeks without information.

      Here a qoute from

      Hdr wrote:

      Aber wenn ich das so lese, dass es noch Jahre dauern kann bis alle zusammen gelegt sind, dann denke ich, kann ich meinen Account auch löschen, denn dann hat der letzte Rest meiner Ally auch noch aufgehört.

      Ich weiss ja nicht, wo du das gelesen hast - aber eine derartige Aussage gab es mit Sicherheit nicht von Offizieller Seite.

      Für weitere Informationen passt "Wochen", für Unifusionierungen passt "Monate". Es kann im Moment niemand sagen, wieviel Monate es dauert bis die allermeisten Unis zusammengelegt sind, allerdings ist das kein Jahr.

      Gruss, Francolino

      Translation :

      The user Hrd is afraid, that it needs "years" until all universes (in are merged.

      My answer :

      I don't know where you read this, but this is sure not an official statement.

      For more information the correct word is "weeks" and for universe merges "months" . At the moment no one can tell how long it needs to merge most of the universes in your community, but it happens this year.

      Greetings, Francolino

      It is simple, the wait is so long and the information so rare that the hope to see her a day practically died.

      We announce us something for the end of December and finally, nothing.
      We announce us something for the end of February and finally, nothing.

      I say not that it is easy, but a minimum of information for communities would show the overhang of the project, even without looking of date, but at least drawing up the balance sheet of where that is there.

      Unless every information is secret and requires a DPA but I do not see why. Well I know that it is not has you alone to make this decision.

      This is not a fit of bad temper, just a report, by the fusion on there will be no more anybody :/
    • End of February is over (almost 1h30 mins ago). So you still have 1 year (Feb 2012) to give us some news. Yes!!!!!!
      Take your time, guys! Players will really like it in old universes, at least in FR community... If there are some left at that time.

      I don't want to fight against you guys. However, you suck! Really!
    • Good morning to all

      I come in the name of all Frenchman ogameurs!

      They want in no circumstance that fusion is very quickly made, But we préferons that this plan is constructed on solid foundations

      Even if it means pushing away(repelling) that one have to put off the date of a few months

      We can again wait ;)
    • Ap0 do not consider yourself a perfect speaker for all the french ogamers.. This is definitely not what they all think, the latest post of kendiraton is a perfect example of that.

      @ Francolino : I know it's not your fault, but Néné and kendiraton have a point with this date situation.. Giving date that are not respected is a bad thing IMO.
    • Ap0 wrote:

      Badkarma: You are a big player , But you engages you too much in this subject

      Francolino made of best that he can
      Francolino perhaps makes the best he can. The problem is that he cannot make GF make the work (or even give some information)...

      PS. Apo, you don't have the right to speak on the name of the french community. You have the right to express your own opinion, but don't say it's a general one, please.
    • Hello,

      Well, i don't see a concrete announcement for "end of february" here. Please calm down a little with such postings. See

      Francolino wrote:

      In a short summary : You have only to wait a few weeks for concrete news about unifusion.

      Francolino wrote:

      For more information the correct word is "weeks" and for universe merges "months" . At the moment no one can tell how long it needs to merge most of the universes in your community, but it happens this year.

      I can understand that you want to missunderstood this into "end of february" - But please - this are only examples for best matching words ! I don't know if "a few weeks" are 3 weeks or 6 weeks.

      I know that anyone want to see progresse here - but until the it's not ready for the prototype in there is nothing new to tell - You can only believe me that they are all working hard. I can only submit my wish - please read my posting again to understand that this is not a "little update".

      Best regards, Francolino
    • Francolino wrote:


      Well, i don't see a concrete announcement for "end of february" here. Please calm down a little with such postings. See

      Francolino wrote:

      In a short summary : You have only to wait a few weeks for concrete news about unifusion.

      Francolino wrote:

      For more information the correct word is "weeks" and for universe merges "months" . At the moment no one can tell how long it needs to merge most of the universes in your community, but it happens this year.

      I can understand that you want to missunderstood this into "end of february" - But please - this are only examples for best matching words ! I don't know if "a few weeks" are 3 weeks or 6 weeks.

      I know that anyone want to see progresse here - but until the it's not ready for the prototype in there is nothing new to tell - You can only believe me that they are all working hard. I can only submit my wish - please read my posting again to understand that this is not a "little update".

      Best regards, Francolino
      Or 30 weeks or 60 weeks ? Or more?

      I don't know if it's a joke or bad faith... Unfortunately, I don't think it's a (bad) joke...

      Enough is enough. Tell us the truth, for once!
    • Sorry for this hard word :
      If you wan't to hear a concrete and correct date you have to wait until you see the news posting which announces the official date. Anything else before is not trustable in your view.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Kendiraton...
      You're boring.
      On the, on the, and I hope you're not flooding an other board.

      Seriously, on the french board, and here, you're not posting because you want something, but just for rage and flood. Yeah, it's flood what you do. And I think I'm not the only french who think this.
      So, please, get the fuck off. Seriously. Yes, merging are slow.Too slow for lots of people. Yes, communication is bad. But seriously, we don't care about your pathetic and rage flood everywhere, just because you've been disapointed by the GF and the french staff.

      Thank you.

      One french ogamer.
    • Please everyone keep your personal attacks and disagreements to yourself/in private with the person. This board and thread is to help you get information for your communities not for a flame fest.

      GF are working hard on this project and testing is coming a long. We're all desperate for this to be released but patience is needed...
    • Look at it this way:

      Would you have GF do the mergers now without thorough and proper testing and have something happen to your accounts that can't be replaced?
      Would you have GF take the time to test and make sure that the mergers go a smooth as possible without many bugs and lost details on accounts?

      This is where patience is needed. I realize that peoples patience is running thin, but overall just remember it is a GAME. It happens when it happens :)