Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • Sorry if I didn't read the previous posts, but just to mention something concerning members of the same alliance. They need on their board , when merges will start, to agree about the exodus universe. I don't think that this problem is the main matter of the GF about universes merging.
    • spa856 wrote:

      Exod Unis ---> 1 (ACS), 2 (NO ACS), 3 (NO ACS), 4 (ACS) ---> Target Uni

      Is possible? There are unis with ACS and without ACS.
      Have the exod unis the same options or no?

      This depends on the number universes in a given community and the number of existing special universes with similiar settings.

      Usually they merge similiary universes (settings / number of player / ... ). There is only THIS general answer at the moment.
    • No answer to our simple french question :

      As most of the people, I don't understand why you don't simply create totally empty universes as possible targets.

      I think we should have been able to understand why the GF has choosen an other method !
      Damage for the communication between us ...
      Please, don't forget we are about 200.000 players in France and no one to answer us ! (no CoMa, no GA ...)

      Fortunately a french player translated 2 texts I gave him :
      - 1 :
      - 2 : Questions & answers about merging universes [only DE at the moment]

      So now we have more informations than we had in the official announce.
      Since a BA gives us some information.

      We continue to doubt about the possibility to put all the active candidates in an old universe not cleaned (i.e. without inactive accounts) but we hope the GF will solve correctly this problem.


      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Hello Francolino,

      I don't know if you can answer the questions we ask here, but at least you try to "make the link"...
      Thanks for that. Many people are reading the translations of what is said here, and then, they share the latest news with their collegues and friends. It creates a real enthousiasm among the community at the moment.

      I read that the GF is planning to allow the players to relocate 3 colonies after the merge.
      I think this is am excellent idea to balance the fact that some people may have unexpected position changes.

      Could you tell us how far we can potentially expect to relocate the planets ?
      Ex : I am in 1:250:x, can I expect the possibility to move this colony to 1:450:x, or even 2:250:x ?
      Do you know if this tool can also concern the players who are already on the exodus universes ?

    • Francolino wrote:

      „Sur la suppression de tous les comptes morts : cela revient au même qu'on fasse un nouvel uni ou que l'on prenne un univers-cible. On doit penser que cela signifie que l'on perdrait aussi des cibles potentielles. Cela signifie aussi moins de plaisir potentiel à jouer. Naturellement, les inactifs finissent par ne plus produire et deviennent au final inintéressants, mais il peuvent encore être une ou plusieurs cibles que personne jusque-là n'avait pillées.“
      This is not true! with a new universe, there are no dead accounts. A dead account is an inactive account (i.e. inactive for more than 5 weeks - 35 days). A dead account doesn't produce any resource.
      If it's not already emptied (resources and/or fleet) after 35 days of inactivity, it means that (i) there is a huge defense, and no rentability for anyone, or (ii) it's an account with nothing left (no interest to fight for nothing). A dead account is NEVER a potential target.

      Those dead accounts are using slots that cannot be used by newcomers (newcomer = accounts from exode universes). That should be avoided.

      I would accept my planets are moved because another player (from an exodus universe) is coming earlier than me at the same location (that's the rule of the game). I would be very upset if I cannot keep my planet location (e.g. 2 moons in the same solar system) because of a dead account.
    • spa856 wrote:

      I think: if you are in 1:250:x you can go near not 2:250:x
      It depends on the target universe. Some of them may be pretty full with what I call "zombie" accounts (i.e. accounts inactive for more than 35 days, but not deleted because they have bought DM), especially in G1. There are plenty of them in uni 1. That's only an example, but it must be taken into account, if those universes are "target" universes...
    • Hi !

      Thanks to the everybody for this previous evolution.

      I would like to explain the problem of "zombie accounts". I don't know if it's specific to France but in every old universe, it's quite impossible to merge universes without deleting "dead accounts". Igive you an exemple.

      edit by Valent- image removed
      edit by Valent- image removed

      I choose random systems between 1:1 and 1 :100
      The red arrows are accounts who are inactive 35 days < . They are not delete because of the AM but are not target because producing no more ressources.

      random exemple :

      Ressources sur Colonie X:X:X (joueur 'WhoCares?') le 12-03 03:22:21
      Métal: 344 Cristal: 151 Deutérium: 31 Energie: 1.063


      Activité signifie que le joueur scanné était actif sur la planète au moment du scan ou qu`un autre joueur a eu un contact de flotte avec cette planète à ce moment là.Le scanner des sondes n`a pas détecté d`anomalies atmosphériques sur cette planète. Une activité sur cette planète dans la dernière heure peut quasiment être exclue.

      You can see that in every system,1/3 slots or more are "locked" by useless account who produce nothing and probably never come back to the game.
      It's not a special universe or an especially full universe, juste a normal old uni.
      How can we merge universe in this case ? There are less than 250 "active players" but the first galaxy is locked by useless accounts.
      If we are target-uni, it must be very difficult for newcomers to find a place in the G1 of a desert universe because of "zombie accounts"

      Hope you understand this problem who is maybe specific to french community but very problematic for us

      (sorry for my poor english :) )
    • Oh dude, you're lucky :O
      Zombies in my universe got a few less ressources than in yours

      Ressources sur Mac2 [xx:xx:xx] (joueur 'macophil') le 12-03 10:09:37

      Métal: 1 Cristal: 1
      Deutérium: 1 Energie: 6.026

      Le scanner des sondes n`a pas détecté d`anomalies atmosphériques sur cette planète. Une activité sur cette planète dans la dernière heure peut quasiment être exclue.


      Missile d`interception 1

      Mine de métal 24 Mine de cristal 21
      Synthétiseur de deutérium 21 Centrale électrique solaire 24
      Centrale électrique de fusion 11 Usine de robots 10
      Usine de nanites 1 Chantier spatial 10
      Hangar de métal 6 Hangar de cristal 5
      Réservoir de deutérium 5 Laboratoire de recherche 10
      Terraformeur 1 Silo de missiles 2

      Ressources sur Horus [XX:XX:XX] (joueur 'neuftelecome') le 12-03 10:09:25

      Métal: 1 Cristal: 1
      Deutérium: 1 Energie: 753

      Le scanner des sondes n`a pas détecté d`anomalies atmosphériques sur cette planète. Une activité sur cette planète dans la dernière heure peut quasiment être exclue.



      Mine de métal 10 Mine de cristal 10
      Synthétiseur de deutérium 4 Centrale électrique solaire 12
      Usine de robots 3 Chantier spatial 2
      Hangar de métal 1 Laboratoire de recherche 1

      If we attack them we can win... 0 units 8o
      That will makes us rich
    • No answer, no remarks ...

      A suggestion from our french board to try to solve the problems given above :

      When a planet of an active player is at the same place as a planet of an inactive player (a zombie), just move the planet of the inactive player instead of the planet of the active player !

      what do you think of this idea ?

      Thank you

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • I look forward to more news on the merger of universes!

      I'm just scared because my first account (my love) is in the universe 2 and my current account that is set in a universe 1. With the merger likely will have to choose between one thing I would hate to do. One solution would allow the GA to each community, for example, had the power to evaluate this account and thus transfer it to another universe target!

      I think of inactive accounts should also be transferred automatically when the time expires, because they are profitable for those who are active.

      I think the GF should devote himself entirely to the merger for it to happen as quickly as possible because the situation is critical on some servers! Cause I'm seeing launch another universe on my server and in some others, and no news of the merger :S

      Board Admin & Representative OGame Brazil
    • AFAIK inactive accounts won't be moved because although they can be a source of raw materials for others they would block coordinates in galaxy for active players. My only concern is about inactive accounts on target universes.

      Don't worry STRYKER - there will be more than one target universe so You won't have to choose one account. It was pronounced some time ago.
      I'm sure that there are new informations about merging all the time but not in the way users would like - about date or destination servers but more technical issues and workarounds.