Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • From .org boards:

      bibob wrote:

      My german acc got merged today. All planets except 1 kept their coords, and that one moved from 9:973:4 to 9:271:5^^

      Before the merge my 1-year-vac-mode-acc was #55 of 700something with 11 million points, currently i'm 797 of 3500....haven't seen 4-digit-playernumbers since ages xD

      bibob wrote:

      One couldn't deactivated vac-mode in the target-unis, but that got fixed within hours ^^
    • Hunter0293 wrote:

      Shuusaku wrote:

      Almost one week since you said "FR is in progress" and no news.
      It's just ridiculous.
      Once again, whenever we get information from Game Forge, we give it out right away. Franco said that it is "in progress," not that it would be ready in a week. Give the team time please.

      Is it still in progress since months ? Is this a joke ?
      French people are tired of waitting and are deleting accounts every day.

      Move your ass please.
    • Shuusaku wrote:

      Move your ass please.

      i'm sorry. but i like it. time to get the account prepared is always good.

      this is the first week after holiday. i guess some ppl are still in vacation. if i'd make a guess i say we will here the next seven days about further steps (pls let it not be my universe).
    • Francolino wrote:


      Here's the current status about final decisions for merging universes.

      After collecting several suggestions from all countries we are still within the review of every community. DE is already done, FR is in progress. We probably can go on in planning much faster now so that I hope we can offer next countries very soon.


      Greetings and sorry for long waiting,
      Your OGame Team

      Francolino wrote:

      As you see in the news (here and in FR board) , the com is the next community to get detailed news. And they are coming soon. In addition, it's possible that you haven't to wait with your fusion until the fusion is finished.
      So - it was not to early to apologize, it was the best time and fusion is really starting now. I understand that you are waiting every day for more news.
      Please keep in mind that there is no decision where NO ONE complaints - They have to find a good compromise for all.

      These messages were posted end october.
      FR community is the next one to get news.. And that was 2 months ago.. Seriously guys.. Someday you will have to explain why the hell you take so much time to do something, this is just incredible. And also take some communication courses, that would avoid all the grumpy like me to come there and show their boredom and lack of understanding towards the Gameforge politic.
    • I was expecting something like that.
      Strangely, the "people on vacation" that can bring an answer are actually coming on the board.. And they can even post in other threads, but this one.
      So yeah, call me impatient if you want, I'm just used to the way OO works, and the usual lack of answer and information. Or maybe I'm not that used to it because it still pisses me off.
    • We are all waiting for the news about merge .
      it was promised a long time ago. What we know today : all the tests and the first real merge happened. That is a good news by itself.

      I see no harm in asking for news every day. That will give a sign to those responsible for the great lack of patience all communities are experiencing; on the other hand, comments like the ones above are really not helping:

      And that was 2 months ago.. Seriously guys.. Someday you will have to explain why the hell you take so much time to do something, this is just incredible. And also take some communication courses, that would avoid all the grumpy like me to come there and show their boredom and lack of understanding towards the Gameforge politic.
      No news means no news to distribute to public. That doesn't means nobody is working on the merge and all are enjoying a prolonged vacation. The missing updates on merge are due to internal preparations - not intended for public information. If they are not allowed to share with us this information about preparation for merge , we can only wait and ask every day about it, but we should also give them the credit of best intentions.

      Merge decision is not easy: to decide which universes will be exodus and what universe to be target, how many? , when ? how?, all are questions that are looking simply from outside but are deadly complicate from the inside.

      I still have the confidence that we'll soon have the so much expected news.
    • Valent, I agree with you, I'm not saying that this is an easy task, that you just have to push a button and it will work magically.
      My main grief is the lack of information. I know how project development works, I can understand that there are a lot of internal informations that can't be discussed in public, but there must be a roadmap, dates, the fact that there are posts like the ones I quoted and then absolutely no feedback about it.. Is it so hard to tell us "Ok, for an internal reason, we have to delay this or that, we will give you news next week", and actually give news one week later instead of playing the sound of silence ?
      Origin was created originally to exchange with the users. Where does silence fits in an discussion community ? And I'm pretty sure it would avoid a lot of players leaving, because they are tired of waiting and having absolutely no date for the unimerge. I'm not asking for the moon.. Amd while we discuss about that, you can see Francolino and Kebab on the forum, and not giving a sh*t about these posts. *sigh*
    • It's not that we don't care, it's simply that unfortunately we don't have any new information to share at the moment,
      hopefully there'll be an announcement about a few communities *soon* as there are some waiting for a final OK, and then (if approved) they'll be ready.
    • In french, this time ^^ but every one should understand ^^

      Les univers suivants : 35,40,43,44,47,48,49,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62 et 63 seront les premiers concernés par la fusion.
      Les joueurs de ces univers auront le choix d'aller sur les univers 15, 64 ou l'univers 66 qui sera ouvert spécialement.
      Chaque univers a un nombre de place limité afin que tout le monde n'aille pas sur le même serveur de destination.
      - univers 15 : 1800 places
      - univers 64 : 1300 places
      - univers 66 : 2200 places (empty universe)

      I and we were waiting for a so long time ! Thanks ^^

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Sorry, I didn't remember the existence of this topic.

      I copy/paste my mind about the current Merging in process in France.

      Please, we need help :(


      Dear all,

      The first step of the French uni-fusion had been launched. 19 old unis are exodus, and they have the choice between 2 existing unis and 1 empty, with this repartition :
      - univers 15 : 1500 places
      - univers 64 : 1100 places
      - univers 66 : 2000 places > the new empty one

      The fusion has been launched 3 days ago, and this is really crazy.

      In 2 days, the new empty is full. Lot of players have chosed, so, the 64, and now he is also full, but the 15 no.

      Problem, some players in vacation, at work, in WE or whatever miss that, and now are not able to join their team. The team hardly decide to move to the 15, because the 66 will be full of motivated players, not the 15. After waiting several monthes for the fusion, the hesitation is understandable...

      So, do you think its really possible, please, to change the system and propose 2 or 3 new empty universes, at least of 2 + 1 ?

      To be practical :

      NOW : 4600 places proposed for 19 unis, in 2 existing + 1 empty

      - a lot of players are "separated" with their team, because the uni is full. They will wait for the end of the fusion, choose with a lot of deception the last free uni. But with which motivation ?
      - the exodus uni will see an "history page", with the "picture" of the last highscores. U15 and U64 will never have.
      - the players that waiting for fusion to go far far away of players they don't like... cannot do it if they are in the U15 or the U64.
      - a lot of active players will see their position changed due to inactive players in U15 and U64. In U66 also, but... due to active players.

      PROPOSITION : 5200 places proposed for 21 unis, in 2 or 3 empty

      The U15 and U64 remain concerned by the fusion, but like Exodus and not Target Universes. More places is needed, due to the number of player of the U15 and U64.
      If a team constats that one member cannot go in the 66 (because full), they will not hesitate to go on the 67... so some empty places will be free for another team for which a player have to join...
      At the end of the fusion, the result will be exactly the same : 3 universes.

      But without frustrations, without deceptions, without anger...

      The only think is to choose well the number of places available in each new universe, but you can choose less places than expected, and increase when the universes are full...

      Its really urgent. I hope I will receive another answer than "its like that, its life". Be sure that I don't write this just for fun... (and sorry for my English :( )