Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • sedilbur wrote:

      I just want to have some dates to say to own players to not give up the game until fusion arrived. Players don't care about anything else. THey just want to know if they will set the vacation mode or the deletion mode.
      I agree !

      I feel a real lack of motivation, even among the oldest players !

      Excellent fleeters in old universes are leaving Ogame because they don't trust the GF ...

      Please GF be aware of that ! Hurry up with unifusions !

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • At the minute CoMas, and to some extent admins also, are discussing which unis should be considered for merging in the various communities. Alongside this, final internal preparations are being completed. After waiting a lot of time, these things are very close.

      And so because of this we can't give a "set in stone" date just yet.
    • Thanks to you Kebab ^^

      I appreciate your comment.

      Not about "set in stone date" but at least "set in stone year" ? :P

      I'm happy to hear that discussions are still in progress inside the staff about unifusion.

      So I suppose we can just wait for news[...] I hope soon[...]
    • sirEdward wrote:

      I recommend to you all, representants of each country, make a poll for your players. How exactly they want to have the unis merged in your country - don't leave it on GF. Make your own choice in you country.
      And, after the time will come and GF will provide us with the exact date of uni fusion, you will tell them how you want it...

      That would be great. I was wondering when something like that will happen in my community. Being just a regular player, I didn't want to start the poll myself, because I think that good timing is crucial for such a poll. Sure, discussion about how the unis should be merged would bring fresh vigor to all players, but if too much time passes between the poll and official announcement about merging, players will be revolted and results useless.

      Kebab wrote:

      At the minute CoMas, and to some extent admins also, are discussing which unis should be considered for merging in the various communities. Alongside this, final internal preparations are being completed....

      Does this mean "ordinary" players won't participate in deciding how the unis will be merged?

      Edit by Francolino:
      See below

      Francolino wrote:

      After collecting several suggestions from all countries we are still within the review of every community.

      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Hello,

      Here's the current status about final decisions for merging universes.

      After collecting several suggestions from all countries we are still within the review of every community. DE is already done, FR is in progress. We probably can go on in planning much faster now so that I hope we can offer next countries very soon.

      Next fusion in
      Exodus universes are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 , 19, 22, 23, 33, 31
      Target universes are: 1, 30 and a new empty universe

      Probably we can start the whole process for .de in around 2 or latest 3 weeks. Later on three more steps will follow in a bi-weekly cycle. Same procedure will be in use for the other countries as soon as we start to merge them. Detailed list for everyone follows as soon as review for a specific country is done.

      Merge itself contents announcement, possibility to choose the target, moving to the target, ...welcome... same as usual

      Greetings and sorry for long waiting,
      Your OGame Team
    • Francolino wrote:

      Target universes are: 1, 30 and a new empty universe
      Even a new empty universe !

      What a good news !

      I'm very happy to see something very concrete right now.

      Players were needing such informations and I, as a french player, I look forward to the subsequent operations :) impatiemment ^

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Hello Shuusaku,

      As you see in the news (here and in FR board) , the com is the next community to get detailed news. And they are coming soon. In addition, it's possible that you haven't to wait with your fusion until the fusion is finished.
      So - it was not to early to apologize, it was the best time and fusion is really starting now. I understand that you are waiting every day for more news.
      Please keep in mind that there is no decision where NO ONE complaints - They have to find a good compromise for all.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Shuusaku wrote:

      Almost one week since you said "FR is in progress" and no news.
      It's just ridiculous.
      Once again, whenever we get information from Game Forge, we give it out right away. Franco said that it is "in progress," not that it would be ready in a week. Give the team time please.

    • marv wrote:

      Does this mean "ordinary" players won't participate in deciding how the unis will be merged?

      Edit by Francolino:
      See below

      Francolino wrote:

      After collecting several suggestions from all countries we are still within the review of every community.

      Sorry, I didn't see this till now.
      Your answer still doesn't say if regular players will be able to influence the decision about which unis to merge. Will the official "which unis to merge?" poll from GF be announced in each community?
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...

      Version 2.3.2
      Sometime this week, we will be receiving version 2.3.2. This update includes features for the upcoming mergers as well as general bugfixes for all unis. A changelog is below.

      [Feature] Exodus: optimized distribution if more than 9 galaxies (123456789-987654321)

      Ogame seems to do the merging of universes creating universes with 18 galaxies :S

      It looks so bad for me...

      I had an previous idea, when merging universes; if problems arise when placing one player planets, try placing them in a "mirror" coordinate (g1 to g9, g2 to g8, and so on). So one player with three planets:
      1.200.5 // 4.250.5 // 7.10.5
      could be converted to: 9.200.5 // 6.250.5 // 3.10.5 or 1.300.5 // 4.250.5 // 7.490.5 or even 9.300.5 // 6.250.5 // 3.490.5

      but having 18 galaxies seems a bad option to me... I think that it's better to merge fewer universes than to create universes with 18 galaxies...
    • Thanks Kebab, yes it seems I understood it wrong; however it was a doubt that arose in the spanish community and I wanted a quick answer, which was achieved with your help.

      Now my next question, when does the uni fusion in germany ends ? when are we going to hear more news about uni fusion ??

      The selection of target universe started on 11/18, so if it's taking 1 month it's nearly completed.

      I also wonder if version 3.0 with noob protection will come before or after uni fusion in germany, and if that is going to complicate things (new testing for merging of universes needed, e.g.)
    • DirdamLaer wrote:

      I also wonder if version 3.0 with noob protection will come before or after uni fusion in germany, and if that is going to complicate things (new testing for merging of universes needed, e.g.)

      Any change in Ogame 2.x is also included in Ogame 3.0. They decided to update all communites with Ogame 3.0 now to avoid all those work to include changes from 2.x to 3.x. And please remenber, merging universes might not be an one time event.