Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • Please keep in mind that there a several very different points of view about fair and sensesull - especial when it's about uni fusion. Look back through all those discussions in all communities - Here is the reason why the GF said for years, that unifusion is not possible because there is no way to give ALL players a "fair way".

      So be glad THAT the unifusion is coming now with a lot of good solutions - And as said, they talk about moving dead accounts away from Galaxy one.

      badkarma wrote:

      Great, how can I be in ?

      Please wait when i post the news about the international ideas planet - we are on the way. Until then, asterix2 is also in this team ;-)

      badkarma wrote:

      Having a direct access to these two people is a good thing.

      Everyone has direct access to WeTeHa and Joky here in Origin - It's their community to support OGame. Usually we answer here and i as their replacement. I'm glad that they answer on important, official things - they don't have the time to do that at all, this is our task.

    • Francolino wrote:

      Please keep in mind that there a several very different points of view about fair and sensesull - especial when it's about uni fusion. Look back through all those discussions in all communities - Here is the reason why the GF said for years, that unifusion is not possible because there is no way to give ALL players a "fair way".

      So be glad THAT the unifusion is coming now with a lot of good solutions - And as said, they talk about moving dead accounts away from Galaxy one.

      My point exactly, there are many opinions, different point of views, and so on. That's why the players/devteam meetings would be good.
      And I'm glad about the unifusion, never said something else about it, what I'm complaining about is the time it takes and the lack of communication, nothing new here ;)

      Everyone has direct access to WeTeHa and Joky here in Origin - It's their community to support OGame. Usually we answer here and i as their replacement. I'm glad that they answer on important, official things - they don't have the time to do that at all, this is our task.

      Well, I saw WeTeHa answering on all suggestions, I think that once in a while, he can spare 10-15mins and give us some feedback here. Or what's the poing being there but not being accessible ? :)
    • Francolino wrote:

      Please keep in mind that there a several very different points of view about fair and sensesull - especial when it's about uni fusion. Look back through all those discussions in all communities - Here is the reason why the GF said for years, that unifusion is not possible because there is no way to give ALL players a "fair way".

      So be glad THAT the unifusion is coming now with a lot of good solutions - And as said, they talk about moving dead accounts away from Galaxy one.

      I'm glad about it. BUT, I've never heard about a point of view defending the merge to an existing universe. Never read that, never heard.

      I know that fusion cannot be done without frustrate some players (and a few players didn't want the fusion), but this excuse can explain a choice GF has to make between two bad possible answers.

      In this matter, GF does not make a choice between two unperfect ways;

      inconvenients of merging to an existing universes :
      - lot of zombies accounts
      - some players cannot exode because they are in target universe
      - the players of targets universes will not be lost

      inconvenients of merging to an empty universe :
      - ??????????

      Regarding this, my question is just :

      "After the live test, is there any person, like you, WTH or other mandatory user, who has ask for the dev team if finally, an empty universe was not a so bad idea ?"

      If yes, and if the dev team reply : no way, we continue, ok, the answer is not for me understandable, but its life.

      If no, I really think that its time to do this.
    • Francolino wrote:

      Please keep in mind that there a several very different points of view about fair and sensesull - especial when it's about uni fusion. Look back through all those discussions in all communities - Here is the reason why the GF said for years, that unifusion is not possible because there is no way to give ALL players a "fair way".

      So be glad THAT the unifusion is coming now with a lot of good solutions - And as said, they talk about moving dead accounts away from Galaxy one.

      Let's see:

      - There can be several different point of views but OUR point of view (in this particular case, for instance) is completely different from you and/or the "team". I can't see anybody who can say nothing good about keeping zombie accounts. Your excuse about "living structures" doesn't stand for itself. So, please, don't try not to insult my intelligence, please, please, please. We don0t deserve tjis kind of attitude.

      - We all know that there is not a perfect way to give ALL players a "perfect way". But I'm pretty sure that there is (in this case, again, for instance) a "fair way" in which everybody seems to agree with FACTS but GF and you.

      - I'm glad the unifusion is coming (even if it's 4 years late). I'm just trying to help a little with what some players thinks about it. Trying to prevent more empty universes and less players. If there is no unifusion the game will only last some months (less than a year for sure).

      Again, It's stupid to ask to not commit more mistakes? If you really have a good answer (even if it's for money) to why you're keeping zombie accounts in target universes and giving less opportunities to keeo their position to exodus ones... I'll be glad to hear them until then it's like it has always been: Talking to a wall.
    • Francolino wrote:

      They decided to use existing target universes because there is a "living structure" of alliances and player. And this decision is final without any chance to change it.

      It is clear to us and I understand that the GF does not want to change anything now ...
      I regret that but the chosen method has the advantage of being very easy to repeat.

      As said by Francolino :
      So be glad THAT the unifusion is coming now with a lot of good solutions - And as said, they talk about moving dead accounts away from Galaxy one.
      this is the most important thing !

      I insist on one point : there will be more and more zombies accumulated during the future unifusions. This is the chosen method which leads that.
      So it will be necessary to find a method to remove them from the databases.

      I trust the GF to do that and I think this is a good thing to move dead accounts away from Galaxy 1 in a first step.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by asterix2 ().

    • About the use of an existing universe as Target universe instead of an empty one, i made a post on .org a long time ago already, which was pretty much verified to be correct:

      NikeJoshua wrote:

      From a business point of view, using an existing universe makes way more sense than using an empty one, so GF will never change that decision.

      The reason for this is they have to repay all existing bought DM on the accounts that get deleted. True it's only in coupons, but this will still result in some lost revenue. (Players that have quit but are still playing other GF games for instance)
      For the universes that get closed down, there is the flip side of a reduced number of servers to maintain to offset this cost.
      For the target universes they still have to maintain that server though, so that would mean a cost without a benefit, which makes no business sense at all.

    • I think that makes perfect sense NikeJoshua and I would be very surprised if that wasn´t the real reason for GF using an existing uni as target uni.

      Of course I agree with everyone that have complained about not using empty unis as target unis, I can´t see a reason to why any player would object to using empty unis.

      Francolino: You know I´ve got nothing against you, but I really feel that I need to speak up here. The point about "keeping the living structure" is just bs. Why does the target uni deserve to keep their living structure and the exodus unis don´t? I don´t need an actual answer, because everyone already knows that it makes absolutely no sense.

      And I am glad that the uni fusion is finally coming, but that doesn´t mean that GF has to make stupid decisions. I don´t really see the logic behind that. What player (without knowing if he´s in the target or exodus uni) would oppose to using an empty uni for target uni if he understands that zombie accs in an existing uni would block alot of actual players´accs? I can guarantee that no reasonable player would choose to have already populated target unis if he knew the consequnces.

      Now to my actual point. I know that you´re not GF Francolino and this criticism isn´t necessarily directed at you, but this discussion right here is the reason so many players are furious with GF. When players ask why there has been what they think is a stupid change, they get a bullshit answer. The players are treated like they´re retarded, like they can´t figure out that the answer makes absolutely no logical sense. And to be honest this is what pisses me off most about GF as well, I´m not an idiot and I don´t enjoy being treated like one.

      After reading NikeJoshuas post I´m 100% convinced that this decision is based on the potential of lost revenue and nothing else. And I would´ve been fine with that if that had been the official answer from GF. But no, we can´t tell the players that we´re greedy, so we make up reasons that they will believe because they´re morons anyway.

      Again Francolino, you know very well that I don´t have a problem with you personally, I like you, I´m just sick and tired of being fed bs reasons (from GF) for decisions that are stupid in a gameplay point of view.
    • Why do you argue here so much? If you want to keep your structures than organize yourself and select all the same universe.
      Take your trade partners and your alliane with you. Or even go with everybody from the universe to one. It's up to you.
    • marshen: That is not what the last posts are about at all. The last posts are about zombie accs blocking the planet position in target unis. Nobody cares if you have to form your alliance after the move as far as I can tell
    • There's another reason for not using new universes.

      Imagine these unis to merge:
      uni 1: 400 players
      uni 2: 400 players
      uni 3: 400 players
      uni 4: 400 players
      uni 5: 400 players
      uni 6: 400 players
      uni 7: 400 players
      uni 8: 400 players

      Now actual method: uni 1-5 are exodus universes, and unis 6-8 are target universes. And imagine only half of the players go to the uni fusion.

      This can be a result:
      uni 6 merged: 1.100 players
      uni 7 merged: 550 players
      uni 8 merged: 550 players

      Now imagine the situation, all 8 unis merge into three new universes.
      Uni X: 1.120 players
      Uni Y: 240 players
      Uni Z: 240 players

      This is what happened in the real uni fusion that took place in germany; most people chose the first option. If they use new universes, the players that chose other option than the Uni X, are getting a very poor universe.

      A solution may be to give only one targeted new universe option, which should give a universe with 1.600 players, but players with multiples accounts in the exodus universes will loose all accounts but one, and that's also a revenue potencial lost for GF.
    • They use more than one target universe for many reasons :

      - if a player has more than one account, he can prevent multi account in an uni by selecting different target unis for the different accounts :

      +Account in Uni32
      +Account in Uni39

      Uni30 - Uni39 => Uni30

      => 2 accounts in one uni => very bad

      Uni30 - Uni39 => Uni30 + Uni31

      => can fusion one account to Uni30 and the other to Uni31

      - If they support more than one target, they can also provide special universes (multi speed, DiTf, ... ) as potential target uni.
    • iguypouf wrote:

      I'm absolutely OK with a multiple choice for target universes; but having only 5 exodus for 3 targets is the origin of the problem, I guess.

      10 exodus for 3 targets will be better !

      Those 5 into 3 was the minimal usefull number, it was very sensefull for the final test in before the GF decides about all other fusions.
    • Quote from the News :

      Francolino wrote:


      During the last weeks GF fixed unifusion bugs and problems with several updates ( mostly they don't appear in the changelogs ). This is still ongoing.
      Also they are talking about suggestions and complaints from several other communities. I have no details for now.
      Beside this they decide about concrete merging plans for each community.

      This is only a general information, official news will be announced "in the next weeks" in your community.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Hello,

      The difference between now and one year ago is simple, but very important:

      One year ago the GF decided that they merge universes. So the development of this feature started.
      Now this feature is finished, the GF cares about the last problems, decide about concrete universes which they merge.

      And sure, we all want merged universes as soon as possible, your disappointment is understandable, of course !

      Regards, Francolino
    • ok ok but...
      these are the numbers of acounts i polish og

      removed images ( valent )

      of course those numbers include dead accounts
      i saw infuza yesterday and on universe witch have 1k accounts only 320 had some grow up in points
      for last month we lost 3k players in all universes
      89k accounts -70% of dead accounts means that we have about 27k players
      27k players lost in 78 universes gives us about 350 players per universe
      27/3=8 months to go (edit: wrong calculation)
      and there wont be anything for fusion
      the merging of univers is getting out of date