Pinned Discussion about merging universes

    • As I can't see it answered anywhere and I think it's important:

      - Are they gonna keep the "Zombie accounts"* in target universes or it's this problem solved so they don't mess with actual players comming from exodus universes?

      * "Zombie accounts" : Accounts that produce no benefits, nor material, nor play in a long time (superior than "I" status) but are kept because have some DM in the account. Produce no resources and have nothing to benefit from.
    • marshen wrote:

      so i heard rumors that it is/was 60 systems and not 30. whats the right value?

      Someone can clarify this please?

      Now that was made the final live test, not be better make a topic with the final characteristics of the merge? Perhaps some things have changed since the initial announcement and so you could clarify and prepare the players from other communities to merge.
    • zombie account will not be able to choose an target universe because the player missed.

      So at this end of the process, these accounts will remain on the source universe. So, they will be delete and AM send to the owner.

      May I right ?
    • Bigfoot343 wrote:

      marshen wrote:

      so i heard rumors that it is/was 60 systems and not 30. whats the right value?

      Someone can clarify this please?

      Now that was made the final live test, not be better make a topic with the final characteristics of the merge? Perhaps some things have changed since the initial announcement and so you could clarify and prepare the players from other communities to merge.

      Sure maximum are 30 systems and 3 free relocations.
    • Francolino wrote:

      Zitat von »NusaDua«
      Then, about the possibility of having a relocation if a planet is moved over 30SS from the original position : this relocation can be done only to this specific planet, or to any of the other colony ? (I have to admit, I have a limited knowledge about the relocation option ) Anyway, I guess it has only a very little chance to happen, even in the most populated galaxy such as G1...

      Good question, i try to get a final answer.

      You get a free relocation for each planet, which is more then 30 systems away from the old position - at maximum 3. You can use them for any of your planets, no matter which one.
    • Gardien des Etoiles wrote:

      As I can't see it answered anywhere and I think it's important:

      - Are they gonna keep the "Zombie accounts"* in target universes or it's this problem solved so they don't mess with actual players comming from exodus universes?

      * "Zombie accounts" : Accounts that produce no benefits, nor material, nor play in a long time (superior than "I" status) but are kept because have some DM in the account. Produce no resources and have nothing to benefit from.

      - All inactive or banned accounts in the target universe will be kept.
      - Right now they stay on their old position, there's no difference between active and inactive / banned accounts.

      Because in many universes galaxy 1 is very full ( and for example in there are many "zombie accounts"), the GF thinks about to move them to higher galaxies, as a lot of player suggested.
      Please, this is only a notice, there is no decision about if it comes or not or in which way.

      k0ntr0l wrote:

      I have 2 questions:
      1. When I get a free relocation I have to use it right away or I can do this later? There is some time limit?
      2. First unifusion is already finite. When will be the next merge?

      You can use it later, i've never heard about a time limit when you have to use the free relocations.
      The GF is talking about the timeline when they merge in all OGame communities right now. Please wait for the news "in the next weeks" about it.

      Regards, Francolino
    • Hi Francolino,

      Long time no see uh.. :)

      I'm really dubitative about this eventual zombie accounts relocation.
      This is something we've pointed out for months and months now, that it is gonna be a major problem. And "you" (the GF) just start thinking about maybe moving them somewhere else.
      I don't know who's in charge of the development, but we should be able to ask them some questions from time to time, and someone actually playing ogame should be in contact with this team. Because right now, it really give the impression that a lot of things are coded blindly, without a real knowledge of the game.

      The french community is the ogame's biggest one. I'm not saying we have the absolute truth, and only our idead and words are the only one to be taken in consideration.
      However, we have a lot of experienced players, that came here, posted here, that know the game.. They pointed out that specific zombie problem for months, and they were denied. And now.. Oh wait..

      Why can't we be more listened ?
      I'm not asking that we decide what has to be done, what has to be changed, and so on, I can perfectly understand that you have your own vision. But for such changes, we should at least be considered. And I don't think we are. Once again (and again, and again), this zombie accounts problem is a perfect example.

      Wouldn't it be possible to make a restricted "council of players", or something like that, that would have a more direct access to the dev team, or the project leader ? To have a real discussion from time to time, and not just ideas thrown like that, like it or not, it will be the same ?

      Last but not least.. Putting zombies in G2.. It's a crowded galaxy too, you wanna move them, put them in g9 or create a tenth galaxy and put them all here. But I still don't see the point to keep them instead of simply removing them.

      PS : Sorry Kendi, if it ever happens, I don't think you'll be part of the council :D
      PPS : my english may be quite broken tonight, sorry, tired
    • Yep, and with this matter we go directly to the most important question : why not organize the merge to empty universes ?

      If your idea is to make "repeatable" fusion, on each round the target universes will have more and more zombies accounts... Just evaluate the problem on the first test, which is made on universes created before the dark matter !! So I guess the number of zombie accounts is really really less than universes younger than the DM itself !

      Furthermore, why a player that have a zombie account in a Target Universe and an Exodus one will loose one account, and not the other one ?
      Why some player will not be able to move because... they are in a Target Universe ?

      Making Unifusion to Empty universe will resolve these three matters !
      - everybody can choose his new game horizon
      - all ZA will be cleaned, without exception
      - the unifusion will not be in the future harder and harder because of the multiplication of ZA !

      I really hope that the real test is not just to find bugs, but also to see if original decision where correct !
    • Completely agree with Iguypouf !

      Just to remember what I wrote in november 2010, in this topic :

      Wednesday, November 24th 2010, 5:10pm
      Sorry Francolino but I'm disappointed by such a method !
      For me it was evident that target-universes would be empty at the beginning of the process.
      Why ?
      - to treate EVERY PLAYER in the same manner ! I think it's VERY important ! A universe has its own character and the former players in the target-uni would benefit a lot (too much ! if you prefer) !
      - to eliminate all accounts which are "problematic" and which occupy a huge amount of space in any target-uni you could choose.
      I know, creating new servers is a hard work to do but I think it's not a real big problem for the GF who creates such server many times a year.
      In addition, in the example you give us, where is the choice for the exodus-players, please ?
      not to mention the great difficulties for the exodus-players to find some free place in G1 Galaxy in french uni 1 from the beginning of the process !

      I hope the GF will apply the best solution :)

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Another French jumping on the battle… :borg: :D
      I agree with the above comments on the merge, and especially on the issue raised about zombie accounts massively carried over.
      I guess the solution “exodus/targets universes” was chosen for technical reasons, as it was the less logical one. I wish it was explained more clearly.
      The fact not to move to an empty universe appeared as an incoherent decision from the beginning.

      Actually, I just wanted to add a positive note : it’s probably too late to change the whole process, but there are some pending ideas about what to do with the zombie accounts (without taking the merge into account).
      It’s here : Problem of undeletable accounts with Dark Matter

      Maybe it would be a good time now for the GF to consider the proposals there ? :)
    • badkarma wrote:

      Wouldn't it be possible to make a restricted "council of players", or something like that, that would have a more direct access to the dev team, or the project leader ? To have a real discussion from time to time, and not just ideas thrown like that, like it or not, it will be the same ?

      We already thought about this - Not a "council of players", but something similar.
      Later it's possible to add more player to the Ideas planet team to talk about coming changes and collect feedback from this team. Here in Origin all green colored team member are without a signed DPA - they are regular users like all others.

      NusaDua wrote:

      I guess the solution “exodus/targets universes” was chosen for technical reasons, as it was the less logical one. I wish it was explained more clearly.
      The fact not to move to an empty universe appeared as an incoherent decision from the beginning.


      iguypouf wrote:

      why not organize the merge to empty universes ?

      They decided to use existing target universes because there is a "living structure" of alliances and player. And this decision is final without any chance to change it.
    • badkarma wrote:

      that would have a more direct access to the dev team, or the project leader ?

      About direct access to the dev team which is reponsible for OGame - You find two of them infront of our Team list - and both are still playing OGame.
      Direct contact to the project leader is not possible, of course. It's the task of WeTeHa and Joky to stay in front.
    • Francolino wrote:

      NusaDua wrote:

      The fact not to move to an empty universe appeared as an incoherent decision from the beginning.

      iguypouf wrote:

      why not organize the merge to empty universes ?

      They decided to use existing target universes because there is a "living structure" of alliances and player. And this decision is final without any chance to change it.
      Why making a live test, and don't use it taking some time to see how make it better ? Its not the purpose of a live test, guys ?

      If anybody prepares a cup of coffee and sits just near the dev's : "ok guys, some trouble to the relocation ? What if the universe was empty for that ?"

      I guess this decision is not final : this decision is ORIGINAL, and the first test gives reason to the incredible amount of players that think this is a bad decision.

      You know, to speak with dev's world words : you decide to make a website, in flash. A lot of users say you : "its a bad idea". And after some monthes, some upgrade of the flash client, you are brought to the evidence that... it was a bad idea. And you change your original decision. In economical institutions, this is called : "loose a hand to avoid losing the arm"

      The "living structure" of alliance and players is really a stupid excuse, because they don't have any problem to CREATE a new universe each two monthes. A new universe without any "living structure"...

      And more than the Zombie problem, remains the unequity separating exodus and targets players (free relocation, possibility to move and change environments).

      Ten monthes ago the dev says "Not Empty. Not Negociable. Stop."
      Today, strong with the analysis of a mountain of players comments and the poor result of the first live test, nobody come to ask to this dev : "finally, are you sure you were right ?"

      I'm sorry Francolino, but its for me not understantable and... very sad.
    • Francolino wrote:

      NusaDua wrote:

      I guess the solution “exodus/targets universes” was chosen for technical reasons, as it was the less logical one. I wish it was explained more clearly.
      The fact not to move to an empty universe appeared as an incoherent decision from the beginning.


      iguypouf wrote:

      why not organize the merge to empty universes ?

      They decided to use existing target universes because there is a "living structure" of alliances and player. And this decision is final without any chance to change it.
      So... players from EXODUS universes don't deserve to keep their "living structure" but TARGET ones do?

      I miss the point here. I'm sorry but this is a lame excuse. I'm sure the "decision is final without any chance to change it" but the answer to "WHY?" its the same nonsense that makes me feel like OGame is already dead because of GF blindness.

      It has no logic at all. It will hurt lots of players and alliances and will keep the zombies accounts obstacle to new players and existing ones.

      Then, again, when the players tell you the reasons why you're doing wrong you keep saying you're doing it right but without any logical or real proof (because there is not one to start with).

      And, please, don't personalize and try to say I'm pesimistic or a troll... just love this game and cannot underdtand why the blindness and the lack of understanding of users feedback.

      If you don't change that OGame will lose. So I really expect you change your mind even if "there's no chance to change it".

      Am I stupid to ask you to act logically and not make a mistake? ... Maybe, because I've been doing it for so long and have NEVER been listened... as anyone I can remember who did the same...
    • Francolino wrote:

      We already thought about this - Not a "council of players", but something similar.
      Later it's possible to add more player to the Ideas planet team to talk about coming changes and collect feedback from this team. Here in Origin all green colored team member are without a signed DPA - they are regular users like all others.

      Great, how can I be in ? :)

      Francolino wrote:

      They decided to use existing target universes because there is a "living structure" of alliances and player. And this decision is final without any chance to change it.

      There are living structures on the exodus servers too. What about them ? I don't really see this as a good argument for not using an empty universe. And being that stubborn on that point while we just prooved that we were right with the zombie accounts just make me smile.. and somehow desperate.

      Francolino wrote:

      About direct access to the dev team which is reponsible for OGame - You find two of them infront of ourTeam list - and both are still playing OGame. Direct contact to the project leader is not possible, of course. It's the task of WeTeHa and Joky to stay in front.

      I have no trouble not having access to the project leader, this is a normal situation.
      Having a direct access to these two people is a good thing. Being able to discuss with them, with my "council of player" idea, would be better. There's no point discussing with them in PM, I'm not the messiah, I don't have all the good ideas. I didn't see one of these two guys posting in that thread for example. Why's that ?