
    • Version 6.8.5 got released today:
      • [Feature] Spy table is now extended when browsing through pages
      • [Bugfix/Polishing] Improved loading buddies/alliance members into the shareReport overlay
      • [Feature] Added button to delete reports with defense over a limit
      • [Feature] Native TrashSim support
      • [Polishing] TrashSim link in the panel prefills your own techs, ships and universe settings
      • [Bugfix] Negative age in the spy table
      • [Feature] Bonus cargo capacity from Hyperspace Tech should be considered correctly (please test and report errors)
      • [Polishing] Reworked and updated links in AGR menu (homepage, support threads, Discord link, donations)
      • [Polishing] TrashSim buttons in espionage reports now have the correct language
      • [Polishing] Added TrashSim button to the full espionage report overlay

      Also, if you'd like to show support for my work, donations are very welcome: Link

      For those who don't know AntiGameReborn yet, here is a quick overview of some of the most important features:
      Display Spoiler

      • View, sort and filter your espionage reports with the handy spy table in your Messages.
      • Have direct links to TrashSim with everything prefilled.
      • Create lists and mark players, alliances and single planets, giving them individual colors and customizing their appearance to keep track of your targets effectively.
      • Create routines for repetitive tasks such as fleetsaving or gathering your daily mine production, making these tasks as little time consuming as possible.
      • Click on a player’s name to show all of his coordinates (updates weekly).
      • Add buildings, researches, ships and defense units to a construction plan to have an overview of the total costs and to transport the needed resources with just one click.
      • Submit a build order (ships/defense units) 10 times with one click.
      • A lot of other user experience improvements. Almost every feature can be activated and deactivated individually.

      AntiGameReborn now also has an own homepage which contains download links and instructions and the changelog:

      Over time I want to create a documentation/tutorials section on the homepage. If you'd like to help me with that hit me up on the Discord server.
    • Hi Riv, just installed your version and I found that using the X button to delete all displayed messages doesn't work correctly, instead of deleting all messages it deletes one by one, so if you have 10 messages you need to click the X 10 times.
      Another thing I noticed is when you have a bunch of spy reports, and you click the delete symbol at the end of each one in the list below, it acts like it deleted the message, but when you reload the page the message is back again on the list. The only way to actually delete it is to hit the trash can icon on the upper list.

      Thanks for your work!
    • RiV- wrote:

      G_Unit wrote:

      Also, the cargo capacity is not being calculated correctly when you select the cargo on the first step of the fleet page, it always selects more ships than necessary.
      It is, but you use some of the Deut to fly.
      Yes, you are right. I guess it was some bug, restarted the browser and now it works perfect.

      This still isn't though:

      G_Unit wrote:

      Hi Riv, just installed your version and I found that using the X button to delete all displayed messages doesn't work correctly, instead of deleting all messages it deletes one by one, so if you have 10 messages you need to click the X 10 times.
      Another thing I noticed is when you have a bunch of spy reports, and you click the delete symbol at the end of each one in the list below, it acts like it deleted the message, but when you reload the page the message is back again on the list. The only way to actually delete it is to hit the trash can icon on the upper list.

      Thanks for your work!
    • Version is now available:

      [Feature] Probes can now be selected as default ship for attacking besides LC and SC
      [Feature] The spy table now supports probes for looting in probe raiding unis
      [Feature] Default fleet speed can be selected for attacking with probes (thanks to @Horcon for these 3 features)
      [Bugfix] Buttons in messages now properly delete messages
      [Polishing] Improved message deletion
      [Polishing] Changed Hyperspace tech to useful tech
      [Bugfix] Wrong sorting of reports with negative age
      [Bugfix] Fixed needed cargo calculation in Contructions tab and detail view of researches/buildings
      [Polishing] Added buttons in messages to top of the spy table
      [Bugfix] Probing from the spy table works again in Opera

      If you'd like to help with creating a documentation/tutorial for AGR for the homepage, feel free to hit me up.

      If you want to support the development of AGR, donations are much appreciated: Link
    • bug report for version ships capacity doesn't show correctly in the fleet view (top left corner). It's not like it shows basic capacity pre-hyperspace upgrade but it shows lower capacity than expected.

      e.g. for large cargo with hyperspace tech 13lvl it shows 31.500 capacity (should be 41.250)

      Capacity was showing correctly before the last upgrade (that's why I switched to reborn version :) )
    • Hi RiV thanks for your amazing work with the tool!
      I noticed maybe a bug with the feature which let you send the missing resources for a building from other planets.
      From what I experienced, when I send resources from a planet and then I select another one to send from, then the tool does not take into account the previously sent resources.
      I link you a video so you can understand better video
      (as you can see, the planet needs 95k metal, so using the tool i sent 41k from the first planet (so 95-41=54k missing), but then the tool select 95k from the second planet).
      I don't think this feature was meant to work this way, let me know.
      Again thank you for the tool, you rock!
    • Hi RiV thanks for your amazing work with the tool!
      I noticed what it seems to be a small bug with the Remove warning that no further planets may be colonized feature.
      From my experience, when the feature is turned on and i send a colony ship, then immediately after, another mission is automatically sent to the same coordinates. Sometimes the second fleet is not automatically sent and it appears an error.
      I link you a video so that you can better understand what's goin on.
      In the video, first I send a colony ship with the feature actived, and it is shown that 2 fleet are sent.
      Then i deactivate the feature and send a colony ship, and it is shown that 1 fleet is sent.
    • MasterOfPuppets wrote:

      Thanks for the amazing work. Just reporting an issue, not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same but it stopped working 2 or 3 days ago on Firefox for android. Uninstalled and when installing again an error comes up saying that it's corrupted. Can you please look into this?
      That's a problem that firefox has been having since saturday, all extensions didn't work, but now it seems there is a solution
    • Hi RiV, hope you are having a good time.
      I'd like to tell you about a very small problem about how numbers "manipulation".
      I don't know why but sometimes when I transport deuterium, ogame represents it as a decimal number.
      The AntiGameReborn seems not to care about the comma and so the plugin reads 15.600,93 as 1.560.093.
      The only problem about this is that, when resources are needed on a planet and you will send them from multiple planets using the plugin built-in feature, it might happen that not enough deuterium is sent because the plugins thinks that the target quantity was already sent.
      For example (see in the image below) the planet ABC needs 2.525.500 deuterium.
      From the first planet it is sent 1.089.507,83 deuterium, but the plugin sees it as 108.950.783 and so no more deuterium will be send to ABC.
      This is not a great deal, I think it's easy to fix.