
    • AGO was wroten and created by Francolino ...........
      with what law did Shole register as his own, something created by another person?
      Has Francolino been to pass the rights? O Shole has started to modify the codes as Riv is doing now. From
      outside it would seem that Shole has stolen the project to Francolino (which maybe
      had not registered, but had left opensource) and then recorded it, and maybe it is more correct to tell that he did not violate any law, but was smart

    • RiV- wrote:

      But I invite everyone to check the commit history for AGO themselves (…mab/source/commits/master) and decide for themselves who did how much of the work on AGO.
      You know why and when repo is made. You first worked on internal git, and than we made git repo because of you. Work has been done before, and that repo is just was just for you. Changes which i made were always merged before publishing. You know all of that, so you are pointing to a repo which was especially for you. I do have irc logs also.

      RiV- wrote:

      What's the problem with that? When I started working on AGO I wasn't very experienced, that is true. Working on AGO I learned a lot, that is true as well. Where is the problem about all of this?
      Problem is copying. Now that you are experience you copy, is that definition of experience? If you were experienced like that you would make your own addon.

      RiV- wrote:

      You didn't give anyone an oppurtunity, we just agreed to help out so the community has a working addon. You on the other hand didn't add anything to AGO, yet you claim rights about it. If anything the community owns AGO, and they deserve a working addon without being hindered by your ego.
      I done much more than you believe it or not. You are the one who copied and claimed that he worked all and that nobody except you didn't worked. Don't be silly. You can like it or now, AGO is in my ownership, that is just a fact, nothing what can and will be discussed.
    • KeVLaR wrote:

      I much prefer waasalk's add on these days anyway. Runs smoother and better. You have made a good deal of money off an add on you did not create in the end. I would be interested what your lawyer would say about that in regards to intellectual property of others.
      The money he made was him selling his coupons, not actual donations. The guy that hosted the site ( saw nothing of the money, hence why the site is offline to this day.
    • Shole wrote:

      I done much more than you believe it or not. You are the one who copied and claimed that he worked all and that nobody except you didn't worked. Don't be silly. You can like it or now, AGO is in my ownership, that is just a fact, nothing what can and will be discussed.

      No, this is not true, as I tried to point out in my last post. It is not a fact, and neither do I believe that one single court in this whole word will ever decide so.

      Additionally: You shutting down discussions (with phrases like "will not be discuseed", or "will be discussed privately") is a pretty bad habit. I already noticed this over a year ago, when the discussions regarding AGO started[1]. You are not peoples boss, so stop acting like this, it is just ignoble.
    • Shole wrote:

      Work has been done before, and that repo is just was just for you. Changes which i made were always merged before publishing. You know all of that, so you are pointing to a repo which was especially for you. I do have irc logs also.
      Your blatant lying has reached ridiculous levels. If you made changes to another repo I would need to pull those files from there and sync my files, which would lead to those changes showing up on the github repo, which isn't the case. What sense would be in you still doing commits to the Github repo if you were working on an internal repo? All the changes you did are visible on the Github repo (at least after the point of time where I started working on AGO), and those aren't much. All major code changes and additions are committed by me on the repo, your commits are only variable changes, CSS changes and ofc adding a donation button (which you probably copy pasted as well from the internet).

      Shole wrote:

      Problem is copying. Now that you are experience you copy, is that definition of experience? If you were experienced like that you would make your own addon.
      You still don't get it: AGO is not yours. You didn't create it. 98% of the code in your AGO version is written by Francolino, the other 1.99% is by Vanger, me and whoever else worked as developer. 0.01% is maybe yours, not more. I didn't copy anything, I just listened to the community asking for a working and maintained AGO.

      Shole wrote:

      You are the one who copied and claimed that he worked all and that nobody except you didn't worked.
      I didn't say that. I said that you didn't do anything and I'm still insisting on that. Vanger started working on the messages page and started implementing AGO features from scratch, and you claimed that code was written by you. After I joined the "team" there was just you and me, and you did in fact close to nothing.

      Shole wrote:

      You can like it or now, AGO is in my ownership, that is just a fact, nothing what can and will be discussed.
      You are right there is nothing to discuss anymore. Time will tell if you're bluffing or not.
    • @RiV- How much difference is there between the current state and Francolinos "last version shole does not make a ruckus about"? Would adding your changes to that starting point be easy enough to avoid having to deal with sholes hallucinations?
      I really wonder whether a lawyer wouldn't just laugh about someone trying to enforce copyright on an openly published add-on for a browsergame which he no longer maintains..
      @Shole Forgot to say Thanks for wanting to let AGO rot rather than having someone enthusiastic enough work on it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lilith ().

    • Chewbacca wrote:

      KeVLaR wrote:

      I much prefer waasalk's add on these days anyway. Runs smoother and better. You have made a good deal of money off an add on you did not create in the end. I would be interested what your lawyer would say about that in regards to intellectual property of others.
      The money he made was him selling his coupons, not actual donations. The guy that hosted the site ( saw nothing of the money, hence why the site is offline to this day.
      this isn't exactly true legally. Money was given directly for the purpose of supporting AGO. The coupons (which cost him nothing) were just a bonus. If I go online and I buy drugs but the drugs came with a free xbox, I cant say that I bought an xbox. The money was given to support antigame, not receive coupons which means Shole made money off an idea he stole.
    • KeVLaR wrote:

      Chewbacca wrote:

      KeVLaR wrote:

      I much prefer waasalk's add on these days anyway. Runs smoother and better. You have made a good deal of money off an add on you did not create in the end. I would be interested what your lawyer would say about that in regards to intellectual property of others.
      The money he made was him selling his coupons, not actual donations. The guy that hosted the site ( saw nothing of the money, hence why the site is offline to this day.
      this isn't exactly true legally. Money was given directly for the purpose of supporting AGO. The coupons (which cost him nothing) were just a bonus. If I go online and I buy drugs but the drugs came with a free xbox, I cant say that I bought an xbox. The money was given to support antigame, not receive coupons which means Shole made money off an idea he stole.
      Ah yes, that's why so many people donated before the coupon offer, and stopped donating after the coupons ran out. :')
    • Money or not doesn't change the lack of interest regarding AGO that is being displayed. Bugs RiV fixed within a month had not been touched in over a year. I can understand if someone no longer has the time or motivation to work on "his" addon, but seriously: Forbidding someone, who wants to help towards progress, to work on the project, and even someone previously involved in development? That's really uncalled for.
    • ErikFyr wrote:

      Francolino's version is still available here:…mhmlpomdepooifmhnalokdhgm

      I'm interested to hear how you can claim ownership of the whole project @Shole ? :)
      I would like to know too.
      Thank you.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • Dear @Shole : there's 2 things really funny :

      - You just copy/paste my own fix to make AGO work again on FF 57 and over. But here you say that someone who have development skill should make his own code from scratch. So i guess you dont have development skills right ?

      - You said you can provide the legal stuff to show that you're the only and official owner of AGO but ... If Francolino agreed to give you all the legal ownership of AGO why he didn't gave the source code of AGO with the ownership of it ? The whole source code of your AGO is just a prettier source code from the obfuscated version of AGO from Francolino. So for me this is the proof that you dont own AGO

      Oh by the way, you tried to take down Riv's AGO and mine from the Firefox Addons website. Just to let you know : my AGO version if completely based on Francolino's version, so i owe you nothing. But that was a nice try ;)

      I dont really understand you would spent so much money paying a lawyer for an extension that only have a few thousands of active users. But if you like to throw money out of the window that's your right !
    • Shole wrote:

      Current website:
      <copypasted site here>

      It is still running old website since new one still need some design touches. I hope to finish it in few days.

      You never updated this site. None of the updates you have promised are ever done. You are a pathological liar that has managed to lie himself into a position of 'power' and your ego is too big to back down.

      Shole wrote:


      as promised, new server, new domain, everything new.

      Current website:

      It is still running old website since new one still need some design touches. I hope to finish it in few days.
      There will be also game update in coming days, for databases and everything else, also to change all to

      Open team positions:
      <an ogame addon really needs 7 employees working on it (thats 6 more than GF itself has working on ogame!)>

      Send applications on:

      Best regards

      Shole wrote:

      Dear users,

      we will have some changes in AGO structure, some new developers and marketing people will join our team.

      Also by the end of this week you can expect AGO update which includes some fixes.
      We plan to implement new features as most as we can, so please suggest what would you like to have in AGO:

      Best regards,

      AntiGameOrigin Team

      Even with these posts, nothing ever happened unless one of the actually working versions got updated, and you got to copypaste new code.

      Any fix (FF57, sanitizing innerHTML) you just straight up copypaste from of the fixed version(s).
      Any feature you promise doesn't appear until it appears in RiV's version.

      You are a liar and a scam, simple as that.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Chewbacca ().

    • Ok. Wow. This just beats everything.

      @Shole released a new Firefox version 2h ago that fixes the issue that @Chewbacca mentioned earlier. I wanted to know what he changed to fix it, so I took a look at his files. What I found was the height of impudence: @Shole blatantly copied my code changes, line by line.

      I will demonstrate this with a simple tool that shows code differences. I downloaded both versions of Shole's AGO (7.0.2 and 7.0.3) and compared the files (you can get all versions here:…tigameorigin-v6/versions/). This is his basics.js:

      I screenshotted the relevant parts for those of you that don't know coding (left is Shole's v7.0.2 and right is Shole's v7.0.3):

      You can go over to my github repo and navigate to the latest commit to see my code changes:…0d0c2eda16bddcedf15f12e68

      This is my change to basics.js:

      You can clearly see that he exactly copied my code changes. This isn't enough? You can go through all the files that are listed in this commit in Shole's version 7.0.3 and compare the differences, they are exactly the same as my code. But one of those files I find especially amusing so I'm going to go through that one here as well: the changes on galaxy.js.

      First of all we compare Shole's v.7.0.2 to his v7.0.3:

      And ofcourse my code change from the commit:

      What is so amusing about this is that I changed the code in a way that wasn't actually necessary and differs fundamentally from the original AGO code. Moreover I rearranged the code completely to make it look more clear, and Shole just copied the whole code. This isn't a case of "oh that's a nice way of solving this, I can use the same method", this is clearly a case of blatantly copying code 1:1.

      I literally have no words for this. Really. First he accuses me of copying "his" addon and then he just copies my code changes. Wow. Just wow.

      You just disqualified yourself @Shole.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by RiV- ().