• General


      Good afternoon.
      As you know and we all suffer this, the GF creates new servers very often with very different qualities each universe. And there comes a time when we all play in almost all the universesof our country or continent, and there are very few new players that enter this daily experience.
      But at some point in the life of the server comes the moment that most players mainly with PURCHASED DARK MATTER put their account in eternal vacation modes, and also players who do nothave dark matter, put their accounts in infinite vacation mode only entering a certain time to do activity so that the rules of the game do not erase their account.
      And this happens more than it should be, that's why many universes are dead without activity, full of players on eternal vacations.
      Well my proposal is to modify this.
      For a float that they do not have who to hunt or a miner that has no where to collect resources from abandoned worlds, why not modify the part of the time that an account remains in vacationmode.
      Until now the vacation mode once activated does not let you remove it until after 48 hours, and from here you choose when to leave vacation mode. Well, my proposal is if instead of putting48 hours to disable this, remove this time and change the way to use this, and leave it at 96 hours or 72 hours of activation and past this time at 12:00 PM activate the account or remove the vacation mode automatically, alsothe voluntary way to leave vacation mode would continue, this would make the player to be aware of when his vacation mode expires, and other players be aware of which player left automatically in this way and be able to hunttheir fleet or collect their resources.
      This type of modification would affect both normal players and players with purchased dark matter, the latter being those who, even without entering their accounts, would continue to existuntil the end of time. And without changing the fact that they can not attack you in holiday mode and not change that while you are in vacation mode all mining activity and production of deuterium is stopped, nor does it changethe fact that you can enter the galaxy to see what there is, all of these would be the same.
      What do you think?
    • personally i think that for the major part of players, force them to play is the easier way to lose those accounts ................ said in other words, if you don't have time or boring to play what will happen if you cannot stay in holiday for all time that you want ?

      yes accounts in long vacation don't help universe, but at least you can hope that sometimes they will come back to play.

      Maybe could be better to introduce malus or bonus linked with time played. For example an account in holiday could lose xxx resource any hour (maybe after 48 hours of holiday that will have cost free).
      Or mining receive a bonus production for 1 week for any X days with vacation (for example 4weeks active, give 1 week of bonus). In this way you don't force nobody to stay out vacation, but give a disincentive to do it

    • mmm... it´s a valid point.

      From a player perspective, it would be great to make that accounts profitable. I would suggest that after 1 year of innactivity, that accounts turns into "i" and the faster one will be able to get their fleet and resources.

      On the other side, it sucks that you account ends in other hands... but after a xx amount of time (I would suggest 1 year) that account goes into inactive and loses vacation mode, it´s the best for the universe.
    • I give an example.
      Here in the servers of Mexico, we are few who play.
      The Leo universe has 155 players but more than 90% are in infinite vacation mode, and it is repeated in the more servers of Mexico, in the majority we always play the same ones.
      since we have several accounts in different universes and after a while we put infinite vacation modes
      successively a new server comes out, the truth bores to be in all the universes and only find you are most accounts in an infinite way of vacation.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Angeluss ().

    • It's a good idea, but the suggested time is short. There are also people who really go on vacation and it would not be just for 3 or 4 days.I suggest to continue with the established times and rules and when a vacation account enters (I), then automatically activate it.The other suggestion (from Charly) is also good. Every 2 weeks of uninterrupted activity, receive a bonus ... maybe 50% of the production of 1 week. So those who play to have mv, remove them for a quick attack and then return to mv, would not be considered as assets and would lose those bonuses that would encourage those who are active to continue. :stick:
    • I'm totally against any restrictions regarding v-mode. Instead, i would reward active players in a more significant way. For example:

      - playing for a week : give a reward
      - playing for a month: give a reward somehow bigger
      - ......
      - playing for a year without v-mode : give a significant reward

      rewards can be : a booster, a MOONS, commander for 1 week , commanding staff for 1 week , a field item

      once you activate v-mode, the count is set to 0 again. The reward should be proporțional with the points of respective account

      From my experience with another GF game, when they added this " feature" with v-mode restrictions - i was forced to delete my account. There are times when my schedule is hectic and i can't predict my free time- so I can't have a plan for playing my accounts ( I have a few- most of them on speed unis ) . I'm sure there are a lot of other players in my situation. Everybody complains about v-mode fleetsave - is true, is a pest but this is the least problem.

      Instead of complaining about v-mode players , everybody should focus on efficient fleetsave.
    • Valent wrote:

      I'm totally against any restrictions regarding v-mode. Instead, I would reward active players in a more significant way. For example:
      Actually, that makes much more sense. Just realized that the games I play, they actually do that... IdleHeroes, Fornite,

      My idea surged due to the fact that I play with 30 players only :( and there are +250 vmode accounts. Most of them inactive for a really really long time

      So, taking Valent idea...
      1) When you login diary, you can obtain one bonification per day
      2) You cannot reclaim the prizes you missed
      3) Your account must be active to claim the prize
      3) I would suggest a +- 30 days cycle. Instead of an incremental one. So you can actually have different rewards per months. For example.. let´s take August

      dark matter
      rocket launcher

      So the following month you can offer a different thematic, and I look this as a more equitity reward system. Otherwise if you start late, a guy that may has 3 months ahead of could have an interesting accumulated prize.

      My other question is... does it makes sense to keep up the auctioneer and the Import/export with these changes?
    • In that case, I agree with you. But I do have some questions...
      • When would it exactly restart? (After v-mode, 24hs without login or account goes inactive)
      • Regarding the reward, I totally agree it should be exponential, the more you play the better it will be
      • Shall we display this information in the high score... Like most minutes played for example?
    • - - Edited by @Charlie

      I've been reading your answers and I think it's interesting and positive that you think about the state of vacation mode.
      All ideas are respected.
      And I see that we have to do something positive for the game, and if we change the way we are on vacation, either by modifying some kind of prize or something that encourages us to play.
      Unfortunately, even if you don't want to accept it, holiday accounts forever are usually multiplayer player accounts or players who have multiple accounts in different universes and will be there until the merge is forced to see what you're going to do with your extra accounts. if you give them away, either lose them or play them with a different IP address.
      In other games, what I've seen you do is put in a daily prize for the month, and as you go through the days of the month, you improve the prizes. And you can get random, 8-hour, 24-hour protection shields and fix them that you normally buy with real money. But that's only if you play the 30 days of the month.
      Then you should be here to buy the vacation mode with MO. Or earn by staying online 30 days a month.
      If you continue with this vacation mode forever, what you'll get in the long run is for a player to enter one universe, hit it, go to the MO target, enter another universe, get into another universe, get into the higher vacation goal forever, get into another universe, play for a while while while you're at the top, and then when you do, go to another universe leaving your account in vacation mode forever, and constantly.
      It is no use saying that 10 universes say in Mexico, if in the 10 universes, 70% are the same players only with a different nickname and a different email address, but if the card number you buy MO with, you will see that they are the same. And you see it more in the forum when they post their battles.
      That's why my inclination to make the exit from vacation mode automatic and if you want to continue even in this mode, buy vacation time 8 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 15 days, one month with MO.
      Then you play or your account is deleted. So easy to buy or stop playing.
      and I think until I leave this publication, because most people don't combine the lost vacation mode forever for the many reasons they have. but please, do something like this, the universes don't die.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Charlie ().

    • I don't know if I am alone with this, but I was in Vacation Mode for a really long time. Combined it was like 3/4 of a year. Now I am playing again, just because I started to have fun with the game again. I would therefor agree with the other solutions presented here. And would not encourage a deletion just because one hasnt played for a while.
    • Valent wrote:

      as you said, we already have import export , noo need to duplicate.

      What i propose is to reward long, continuous play , so the rewards should be incremental and substantial as to matter whatever you play for one week straight or for a year ( is very hard to play one year without v-mode )
      Actually the place where the rewards could be placed is already created and the system can be constructed around the reward system already implemented that sadly is working only for the first days of the account.

      Concerning the size of rewards, is better to let the game design to chose something not affecting the game balance. But as is with the case of buddy points ( that nobody is using) - i think the rewards should be "very rewarding " -desirable to be achieved. This is a way to encourage active play instead of punishing inactivity.
    • Speaking for myself, I just restarted playing after probably more than a year in vacation mode. For reasons.
      If I had had to start over from scratch, I probably wouldn't have returned.
      I'm also on another uni where, although I've come out a few times, I'm still primarily in VM, as I'm not up to playing in two unis again yet.
      The third uni I was on seems to have had the account deleted. Ah well, I'm not going back.

      I do like the idea of escalating daily login rewards. Encouraging the behavior you desire may bring in more people than you expected, while discouraging behaviors that are unwanted may drive away more people than you'd want.
    • The best route on this matter is to make a bot that takes over 28 days inactive accounts (witch don't have any purchased DM left). They get their mines leveled up automatically and a certain amount of defense on them witch resets every now and then depending on how much defense is missing from the set amount. There can be BP (bot planets) that are on like lvl 1 witch have like there mines on 7/4/2 and Bots on like lvl 20 with mines on 34/30/27 that turtles or fs time to time (You can make so that these planets don't have Defense to DF so that people don't abuse them). The bot to make all this happen isn't that hard to make the Bot is leveled up automatically and reset without the need of resources so that they can keep up with the game. What determines when a bot levels up isn't anything I have thought about yet.
      Debate me and tell me where I'm fuking up.