Some improvements

    • Research

    • Some improvements


      I would like to share some ideas of game improvement. As long as I playing this game I noticed few things.

      Gravitons level 2 and level 3
      Gravitons level 2 could allow destroying 70% of defense structures and gravitons level 3 could allow destroying all defense structures and 70% of the fleet.
      This would make game more interesting, players could do more difficult researches and get more power.

      Antimatter technology and antimatter missiles or beam gun on deathstar.
      A super technology which could decrease 1 level per mines and storage in a single attack, also destroys 50% of defense structures and 50% of fleet.
      This could be most powerful weapon which get would be possible only after 1 year playing the game, and player with this weapon could absolutely destroy other economy, defense and ships. This is like nuclear weapon in our world.

      Timetravel technology and ship
      Player could go back in time, only for 3 times, and from the best playing time, to take 70% resources and 40% ships. Also player could go to the future, which means when some is attacking player he can see what result will be, this is like integrated simulator in game.
    • The first word borning in my mind is "crazy idea" . The second is "you want that ogame become an other game".

      Bleu wrote:

      Gravitons level 2 and level 3
      Gravitons level 2 could allow destroying 70% of defense structures and gravitons level 3 could allow destroying all defense structures and 70% of the fleet.
      This would make game more interesting, players could do more difficult researches and get more power.
      You didn't explain in that way a research, can be used to destroy something. Maybe you wanted to say that with level 2 or 3 , rip acquire that power ?
      And so 1 rip could be able to destroy anything ?

      I like who try to have ideas to improve ogame, but i don't like who don't think at balance of game and how many a change have effect

      Bleu wrote:

      Antimatter technology and antimatter missiles or beam gun on deathstar.
      A super technology which could decrease 1 level per mines and storage in a single attack, also destroys 50% of defense structures and 50% of fleet.
      This could be most powerful weapon which get would be possible only after 1 year playing the game, and player with this weapon could absolutely destroy other economy, defense and ships. This is like nuclear weapon in our world.
      I hope never,never,nerver will be possible to destroy buildings . I think that you don't could give possibility to lose mines with a click .

      Bleu wrote:

      Timetravel technology and ship
      Player could go back in time, only for 3 times, and from the best playing time, to take 70% resources and 40% ships. Also player could go to the future, which means when some is attacking player he can see what result will be, this is like integrated simulator in game.
      I didn't understand how work your idea. Where I take 70% resources and 40% ships ?

    • Gravitons level 2 and level 3

      Well, yes, that increase power of the RIP, when you research gravitons 2 or 3, your attack range could be only 20 players below your rank. So one rip with gravitons level 3 could kill all defense.

      Need to discuss and find how to keep balance, I have a concept and visions only.

      Antimatter technology and antimatter missiles or beam gun on deathstar.

      Why not? When you are able to do this, you must think why are you doing this. Maybe this could be allowed to kill players who farming others mines only for Sport interest OR this technology could be using as defense, where only 1 missile or only one rip with that could kill all defense structures on single planet. There could be a peace contracts between players, if someone breaks that contract and attacks player, he could be able to use antimatter bomb to destroy defense or decrease building level, or even destroy 50% of attackers fleet even if it are in flight.

      Timetravel technology and ship

      Image that today you have 10kk of resources or dark matter or 100 rips, and after month someone attacked you, you lost everything, so you can browse your game history and take those % from that day when you had 100 rips and huge resources. Maybe to take resources would be illogical.