Pinned Lobby feedback&questions

    • Crazy Pancake wrote:

      Fantastic effort to correct something that isn't really broken while known errors remain unresolved.

      Ok, ok, negative comment complete.
      Well, it is not broken, but it would be imposible to do sitting with the Lobby in place having the rest of your accounts untouched so we do believe it is an important step. Please stick to constructive criticisms here, thank you.

      Lots of posts here, my question is:

      Once I'm "linked" into the lobby and log in, will it automatically open a tab for every game account I have and log in?
      It won't open automatically any tab, you'll have to click in play for each game account you actually want to play in and then a new tab will show up for each of these "clicks" you do.

      And more importantly, will they all have to remain logged in while I play?
      You don't need to remain logged in. If the real owner of the account doesn't log in inbetween, you'll continue to have available the sitting account in your overview (in the menu between your accounts and the list of universes where you can start from 0- check the screenshots for a better clarification :) )

      I have a number of accounts, and I'm a GO, so I already have to have a lot of AT tabs open...some of us don't have super computers to run all this so I'm concerned with it crashing my system.
      If you really are a GO you know this is not the right place to talk about internal tools.

      Again sorry for the negativity, it's just my opinion that this change seems overly complicated for a result that is negligible to the player side.
      No worries, next time just bring some sugar or chocolate and all will be good :) (that's always positive)
    • The maximum sitting time as for now it is 24 hours (as per stated in the rules) and it is real time, meaning, the time doesn't stop counting if you log out.

      The cooldown is 7 days (following the game rules as well).

      The "sitter" can open as many game accounts as he/she wants in several tabs ( no issue there).

      Right now there are no limitations, more limitations (probably aggresive actions) have been requested for future updates.
    • piink wrote:

      The maximum sitting time as for now it is 24 hours (as per stated in the rules) and it is real time, meaning, the time doesn't stop counting if you log out.

      The cooldown is 7 days (following the game rules as well).

      The "sitter" can open as many game accounts as he/she wants in several tabs ( no issue there).

      Right now there are no limitations, more limitations (probably aggresive actions) have been requested for future updates.
      The cooldown is 7 days from the start of the sitting? I mean, game rules are open to interpretation, and that is the most logical answer.

      If I get a sitting of 2 hours a saturday at 14:00, I don't need to wait for the next saturday at 16:00 to get the next sitting, the logical answer is to be able to get it at 14:00 each saturday.

      But just to ask, in case it's programmed it depends on when the program starts the timer.
    • The cool down starts counting when the sitting finishes or is interrupted.
      If the owner of the game account does not log in while the sitting is happening, the cooldown will start when the sitting expires.
      If the owner of the account interrupts the sitting (meaning, log in in his game account while there is a token in place) the sitting is considered done and the account will not continue to be in Lobby of the person doing the sitting. In this case the cooldown start counting when the sitting is interrupted.
    • If you are logged in in the lobby account but don't have a game account, clicking "forgot password" in the lobby login automatically opens the lobby account instead of showing the "forgot password form"

      When you try to register a lobby account with already used email adress, you get the error "You have entered an invalid email address or an incorrect password.". That's not really helpful if you don't know that the email has already been used.

      If you reset the password of an unvalidated account, the account is validated. I don't know if that is intended or not.

      How can I delete my lobby account?
    • Dark Sky wrote:

      If you are logged in in the lobby account but don't have a game account, clicking "forgot password" in the lobby login automatically opens the lobby account instead of showing the "forgot password form"

      When you try to register a lobby account with already used email adress, you get the error "You have entered an invalid email address or an incorrect password.". That's not really helpful if you don't know that the email has already been used.

      If you reset the password of an unvalidated account, the account is validated. I don't know if that is intended or not.

      How can I delete my lobby account?
      for the first line: checking it

      for the second one: reported to improve :)

      third one: you confirm it is the owner loging in again so yes, you validate your account.

      Right now it is not possible to delete lobby accounts. If you want your lobby account to be deleted make sure you have no game accounts in the lobby and contact support with the request :)
    • Former accounts I had in Bermuda and Origin have repeatedly been deleted after 7 days, as I had not built anything there.
      Now, after the last update, I tried to register once more in both universes, but it is only possible in Origin. In Bermuda I get - after several tries:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lunati: Second part of the post deleted, because it concerns version 6.7.0 of the game, not the lobby. I will post in separeted thread. ().

    • I guess something has been changed yesterday, because in the morning it was possible to choose country by dropdown (beeing "all" and "uk" the only options), but in the evening that was gone...!? Well... I tried again to register in Bermuda and it worked.

      piink wrote:

      The maximum sitting time as for now it is 24 hours (as per stated in the rules)
      I had a look at the sitting feature, and am a bit surprised about the option of 48 hours...!?!?
      (So far it is running...)
    • Lunati wrote:

      I guess something has been changed yesterday, because in the morning it was possible to choose country by dropdown (beeing "all" and "uk" the only options), but in the evening that was gone...!? Well... I tried again to register in Bermuda and it worked.
      Probably a thing that was fixed when the bermuda login was fixed. The lobby can only be used with gameversion 6.7.0 and the normal servers run a different one, so you wouldnt be able to login there.

      Lunati wrote:

      piink wrote:

      The maximum sitting time as for now it is 24 hours (as per stated in the rules)
      I had a look at the sitting feature, and am a bit surprised about the option of 48 hours...!?!?(So far it is running...)
      Marked the important part. Maybe they are going to change the rules to allow 48h sitting, don't know.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief