Pinned Lobby feedback&questions

    • Every time something within the login system is changed, like now, automizers have a hard time. Especially since big ones are not under active development anymore (the og automizer board is currently a mix of 99% fake link comments and 1% nothing works I want my money back comments).

      We will create a way to hand over single accounts, right now this feature is not yet implemented.

      And yes, you can change the email / pw for your lobby account (unless it's a fb account).
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • Tried this new lobby thingy, it seems to work fine.. I have a few questions/comments about it:
      • What's that "Type" thing for? It shows me that all universes are balanced, but how do they even get sorted out as balanced, unbalanced or whatever?
      • The Rank info doesn't seem to be working (only tried for a few minutes tho). Not sure if this will only display the rank, but I'd consider also displaying the total of registered accounts along it (and eventually displaying the points when the mouse hovers over it)
      • The current login/register landing page shows all the available universes' specs. Would be good to have something similar in this new lobby.
      • It would also be nice to have displayed the current status of the accounts, i.e Active, Inactive (i or I), Vmode..
      • I think it would be good to have some kind of double check, yes or no, pop-up for when you start a new account - you can easily start a new one by mistake, which is annoying to then have it mixed up with the accounts you actually play.
    • FarfetchD wrote:

      Tried this new lobby thingy, it seems to work fine.. I have a few questions/comments about it:
      • What's that "Type" thing for? It shows me that all universes are balanced, but how do they even get sorted out as balanced, unbalanced or whatever?
      • The Rank info doesn't seem to be working (only tried for a few minutes tho). Not sure if this will only display the rank, but I'd consider also displaying the total of registered accounts along it (and eventually displaying the points when the mouse hovers over it)
      • The current login/register landing page shows all the available universes' specs. Would be good to have something similar in this new lobby.
      • It would also be nice to have displayed the current status of the accounts, i.e Active, Inactive (i or I), Vmode..
      • I think it would be good to have some kind of double check, yes or no, pop-up for when you start a new account - you can easily start a new one by mistake, which is annoying to then have it mixed up with the accounts you actually play.

      • The type shows if an universe is for fleeters, if it is eco based or if it is balanced. In the PTS you have a bit of everything in both servers so this is why the type doesn't change there.
      • This is just the first version of the lobby, many features are coming later on as we continue to develope it and we do have plans to show more info related to each game account in the overview of your existing accounts.
      • The universe charasteristics are one of the things involved in the previous sentence. :)
      • Also planned for future versions.
      • That's a good idea, but anyways you can still mark your game account to be deleted and it will not show in the lobby once it doesn't exist anymore.
    • Have changed my nick and the old name is still displayed in the lobby.
      I logged out of the university and from the lobby, when I log in again he shows me the old Nick

      Display Spoiler
      Habe meinen Nick geändert und der alte Name wird in der Lobby noch angezeigt.
      Ich habe mich im Uni und aus der Lobby ausgeloggt, beim neu einloggen zeigt er mir noch den alten Nick
    • Yea, I figured some of those features could be planned for the future.

      About the type thingy, don't really see the point of it, you can be a fleeter or a miner regardless of the uni specs. Some fleeters prefer the slower speeds others prefer the higher speeds, same goes for miners or other play styles.. But it's not a big deal anyway.

      And yes, I could delete the account, but still takes a few days for it to be done.
    • WeTeHa wrote:

      Every time something within the login system is changed, like now, automizers have a hard time
      Should be a kill this time.

      ETA on?:
      • MultiLobby/solution for more than one email/password combination
      • Delinking / Trading accounts
      • Merge
      • Sittingsolution
      • Mobile Version
      Would be nice to have some kind of timemap so one knows if its worth waiting. If it takes a year to fix mobile and multilobby, I am probably out.
    • ErikFyr wrote:

      All these answers are very helpful.
      There aren't too many pecise things that got named, which makes it hard to give a proper feedback.

      So take that above as part of it please.
      Its hard as a (paying) user to not know what the plans are. For example Fusions can destroy the whole fun of the game/Universe for one person. The Lobby might not force people to quit the game, but on the other hand isn't a reason to play either.

      The whole "later"-parts are alarming and I am very suprised that it took 2 years to work out and realise such a basic concept, but I might be underestimating the work on the backend.

      Overall many questions stay unanswered. As usual not many people are attracted by the board (wether because its too "complicated" as many already stated or because "our opinion doesn't change things"-mindset). A test-run on the live Servers might be more interesting (implement the lobby for a week and reverse it after to gather propper feedback) if you are looking for proper feedback. But from my experience such things don't correlate with the policy shown so far.

      I am really looking forward and hope it brings the desired change (userflow) to ogame but am very sceptical about that.

      I - and other people I've spoken too (over 25 [Discord, Skype-Groups]) - am not convinced but maybe I will be suprised.

      Hope that at release multi lobby will be supported.

      So far
    • the center of your concerns is security (at least this is what you tried to make understand ...... always there are no other reasons that you did not say or that I did not understand).

      Given that personally I were fine to continue to manage the accounts as it was until now (ie a login for each account) and that if the GameForge wanted I do not think it would be difficult to make both the Lobby and the old login mode coexist (just like it happened with the first portal), I do not share your fear for security (both the one that can discover your password ........ obvious that you will need to use a password more secure than those that many used now, and that concerning privacy ..... ... I think everyone knows that when you sign up using facebook you are sharing the public information of your facebook account with another site ....... I do not even think that GameForge intends to share the ID of facebook account with his GO, as it is not so useful information to their function of control of the game).

      In other hand, if Lobby will be a way to have better fusion, better sitting (everybody know that actually sitting is first way to share password of account and lose account in future), better account exchange, to share dark matter or items or maybe more personalized offers (I'm just listing some additional possibilities that come to mind .......... maybe the GF will not do any of this), or other features that give something of interesting for game, then sound a good thing to implent it.

      Of course I don't like, as I already said that Lobby will go in public without to have resolved problems about sitting and exchange account ........ but I don't know the motivations (I think temporal and commercial) that are behind and maybe could also be good if I were in their place.

      About exchange accounts, of course it is not a problem if for a period will be impossible to do (maybe will be a short period, or maybe they will improve Lobby before to go in public ).
      About sitting, i'm of idea that or you could find a really trustworthy person (and it don't sound impossible) or you could request at staff to put account in holiday instead to use sitting ........... Personally I'm not a lover of actual sitting, because for my idea should be only an emergency way to use for few minutes and put account in holiday (but my idea is not the true). And I think that for a short period should be possible to give up sitting or have a limitation ...... also because I think there are few truly indispensable situation need sitting.

      In any case, if for security motives, or to be sure to have still normal sitting, etc , nobody prevents you to use multy lobby (one game account = one lobby) . The only limit of this solution it is that you cannot play at same time more account . I think that while wait that lobby will be perfect , it is a limitation with that is possible cohabit. Especially because the limitation is mainly from mobile. From pc there is no problem to have more browsers and there are many ....... minimum 3-4 thinking only the most famous. And I do not think that for a certain period it is impossible to renounce to play in complete way from mobile (limited only to emergency controls).
      In my idea it would be better to take advantage of any time dedicated to allowing a multi-lobby on the same browser, to speed up the development of the Lobby for issues already in the pipeline

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • TGWo wrote:

      the center of your concerns is security (at least this is what you tried to make understand
      There are many security problems with that. Beginning with not being able to share one Account with a sitter, trading accounts or simply getting bruteforced on one email is enough to access 5 accounts and fuck with them.
      If I log into an account on a shady network, I risk only one account right now, after I will risk all.
      Things like that basically.

      TGWo wrote:

      always there are no other reasons that you did not say or that I did not understand).

      TGWo wrote:

      login mode coexist
      won't happen I guess.

      TGWo wrote:

      think everyone knows that when you sign up using facebook you are sharing the public information of your facebook account with another site
      Ye, but usually there are conditions stated somewhere and who will handle my information.

      TGWo wrote:

      intends to share the ID of facebook account with his GO, as it is not so useful information to their function of control of the game
      about the first part.

      WeTeHa wrote:

      For now that's the FB id (later possibly e-mail)
      About the second part: How do you expect them to distinguish different people? You need some sort of ID / E-Mail.

      TGWo wrote:

      will be
      Thats a big part of that imaginational construct you are building.

      The Lobby is to be tested in ogame, yet its not optimized for its needs.

      TGWo wrote:

      to share dark matter
      betting 50 bucks to you that it will never happen ;)

      TGWo wrote:

      Of course I don't like, as I already said that Lobby will go in public without to have resolved problems about sitting and exchange account

      TGWo wrote:

      but I don't know the motivations (I think temporal and commercial) that are behind and maybe could also be good if I were in their place.
      I didn't get answers about adverts, so most likely its planned to be a cross plattform thing that is full of ads about any game that is hot right now and asks you to join now.

      TGWo wrote:

      About exchange accounts, of course it is not a problem if for a period will be impossible to do
      a) it depends on the lenght of the period. If we look what is coming after 2 years - not even mobile support - I am not certain that the "period" we talk about will be short
      b) We should try to hold every player we can. The game is slowing dying and losing players, I didn't see many (working) things to counter that in the last years. A player that has enough of his universe probably would be exchanging accounts, but can't now => so he will more likely leave. I've seen enough people exchange accounts for (allowed) pushes [which isnt exactly right according to rules, but it's what happens] or other accounts => These players stay and use their old account as a boost. That option will be gone.

      TGWo wrote:

      Personally I'm not a lover of actual sitting, because for my idea should be only an emergency way to use for few minutes and put account in holiday
      In over two years I only had one person on my main account. That person was logged in, because I was at the hospital.
      I know other people that handle it different tho. And from time to time people fight, some go full :rocketlauncher: - mode and even delete colonies of others.

      TGWo wrote:

      nobody prevents you to use multy lobby
      Well. Its a browser game, its not meant to take too much power, but running 3 different browsers at the same time with addons will take up some power ;)
      On Phone its impossible to logout at manage 3 accounts at the same time, because its going to be a way longer/bigger hassle than it is.


      kfg wrote:

      What you can read about the level of development inside the origin board can make one sick.

      One can have only one lobby per browser, so that one should use different browsers with several lobbies. Great workaround as long as you do not use more than the two common browsers that allow scripts. It will even advise you to play just one more (!) Acc at the same time until the lobby is adjusted accordingly. If that ever happened ... As far as I understood at first, the lobby
      should actually encourage people to play more - and not less.

      Orderly Sitting and Acc sharing are currently impossible. When mergers can take place again is in the stars. Accessibility of the lobby with mobile devices will come soon after Legorian era. If you log in via Facebook, you can not change your login data. New features: except vague hints and consolations on (much?) Later, there is nothing. But the main thing, the Gf can soon use us as a guinea pig for the new half-baked marketing tool.

      I also do not trust the GF to protect the login data against all possible attacks. They were already stolen with completely different calibers. Therefore, it is an absurdity to force people to use the same login data everywhere.

      if you finish the lobby so far before the release that you as a user do
      not have to "drastically" compromise on basic functionality for a
      while? Or are we here on a crowdfunding project where players have to put up with early alpha versions?

      translated via google translate from a german post.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by scorer: anpassung des nicks von kfg, da translate den irgendwie änderte ().

    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      And what is the reason that you post this in the lobby feedback? This has no connection to the lobby.
      I think he wanted to say that he think that with lobby his accounts are not safe and that he could see all stolen.

      But i think this is not true:
      1) a bruteforce attack to find your password is impossible , if you use password safe (and of course if you are using "stupid" password, also now you could lose all your accounts ........ and not so strange to find players that use same password everywhere).
      2) the only way to see stolen an account is that you give your password around (for sitting, for sharing, for other motives) ......... or to use password easy to find (123456 , names, words, etc).
      3) an other exisisting way it is that someone enter in gameforge db and copy password encripted ........... but in this case, if someone is able to enter in db, your account can be removed directly from db, or your account will be stolen with or without Lobby.
      4) a bruteforce attack at your email (so then i can use function forgotten password), is of course possible if you use a not serius email, or if you use password not safe for your email
      5) an other way to have account stolen is to have in your pc/smartphone virus, troian ........ or to be a victim of phishing, or use not official script/tool.

      It is true that if you use 3 differents emails + 3 differents password , is more hard to find all, that if you use only an email + a password . But if you use a very strong password for your account lobby and a strong password for your email, then is already very very very hard to stole an account (better don't use same email to chat, talk with your virtual friends).


      PS: of course exist question sitting and exchange of account, but this is not linked with lobby safe or unsafe ........ but is linked with if this function is or no permitted by this version of lobby

    • scorer wrote:

      We got zero knownledge about password encryption. The fact that the system detects same passwords is kinda shady imo.
      The fact that the password is mailed to you when you set your first password or when you change it... is also shady, to say it lightly.

      I don't particularly like the lobby, and don't see a need for it, but like many changes, it might be a thing and there's nothing that can actually be discussed. I didn't see the need to reduce the minimum length of passwords to 4 characters; and I didn't see the need to put the mail in the login (names and mails are unique, both of them, for each universe, so that leaves the name as a nice thing to log in).
      This last change, which by the way removes “easy access” for people like me that chose names easy to write and with few characters, opens a way to check passwords of players, if you now the mail. This is useful to check if they give you correct data to do a sitting (you can check that the password is correct without actually logging in... this I say kinda joking, but might be worth checking if it poses a reduced security versus the last option to log in with name).
    • Fantastic effort to correct something that isn't really broken while known errors remain unresolved.

      Ok, ok, negative comment complete.

      Lots of posts here, my question is:

      Once I'm "linked" into the lobby and log in, will it automatically open a tab for every game account I have and log in?

      And more importantly, will they all have to remain logged in while I play?

      I have a number of accounts, and I'm a GO, so I already have to have a lot of AT tabs open...some of us don't have super computers to run all this so I'm concerned with it crashing my system.

      Again sorry for the negativity, it's just my opinion that this change seems overly complicated for a result that is negligible to the player side.