Pinned Lobby feedback&questions

    • Well there is more than one reason right now not to keep the same password/email on many accounts

      For me right now that would mean that I won't play 3 accounts, but most likely 1, maybe 2 if I am at my pc, but its a hassle on mobile and my way slower notebook => so I will most likely only put one out of vmode and play at the time, which will "kill" the other ones.

      I might be paranoid on this, sorry if I am, but I know others who handle it the same way..

      Now that you combine Accounts, will you be able to use DM from different accounts on other accounts? Even the one from buddypoints?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by scorer ().

    • How easy/hard is it to delink an account? (didnt see the option on my test)
      Is it still possible to trade accounts?
      Can GOs still trade accounts for us? Is it easier or harder?
      When is the update for the live version planned? When are updates for sitting and mobile planned? Will you have information about multi-lobby support before the update?
      Will there be adverts on the lobby? If yes will adverts go away by using 1 commander or using a commander on every account linked?
    • scorer wrote:

      Well there is more than one reason right now not to keep the same password/email on many accounts
      yes? WTH told us that almost everyone is doing that so wehre is your problem? the majority cant be wrong! And if you choose the same password for all your other stuff like email and banking the chance that you ever lose it is very very low!
    • scorer wrote:

      How easy/hard is it to delink an account? (didnt see the option on my test)
      Is it still possible to trade accounts?
      Can GOs still trade accounts for us? Is it easier or harder?
      When is the update for the live version planned? When are updates for sitting and mobile planned? Will you have information about multi-lobby support before the update?
      Will there be adverts on the lobby? If yes will adverts go away by using 1 commander or using a commander on every account linked?
      Accounts cannot be removed from a Lobby right now.

      Trading game accounts on its own is not possible with the lobby, you would trade the full lobby with all its game accounts ( there is already a feature request done to be able to move game accounts from one lobby to another, but for now it is not a possibility).

      GOs will handle lobby account trades in this case with all its game accounts.

      The update for the live version is not planned yet, we will have the version here for a bit to collect feedback.
      The versions for sitting and mobile optimization have no date yet, too many questions for things that are not planned yet :)
    • Florianer wrote:

      Could you tell me, what Device you are using and if possible what kind of browser and version?

      We tested it on iPhone and Android/Chrome and it's working there. So maybe we can figure out what's going on on your device.
      Sasmung Galaxy J5
      Normal internet that was already on the phone
      Version 4.0.20-60

      Andriod version 6.0.1

      piink wrote:

      are you using any adblock on your device? I have experienced this screen myself but only because an adblocker recognised the pop up for the login as an ad
      Blocking pop ups does not work
      Do not block Pop Upps either
    • piink wrote:

      Trading game accounts on its own is not possible with the lobby, you would trade the full lobby with all its game accoun
      That leaves with more accounts lying around dead.
      At least in Germany people give away ~2 accounts per week on the board and more even privatly, since they have no interest in that account/universe.
      That will stop => less activity.

      As said already, I am not convinced with the (mind) work of 2 years. So many factors which aren't adressed. Why is ogame the first game to start with the lobby, if it doesn't fit the needs of ogame?

      There is a discussion on the german board too by the way, which is way more alive…er-Lobbyversion/?pageNo=1
      (according to some users because of things like:
      • No english skills #113
      • Won't register an account because it seems that the lobby will be released no matter what we say #114
      • Many just post their feedback there
      If its helpful, I can translate all answers and post them here, so we have a place where its collected.
      Thanks to WTH for posting + reading on the german board too.
    • A little suggest . If you have account A in universe 1 and account B in universe 2 with same email, but different password , when you try to login to lobby with date for example of account A , Lobby will say to you that you have only an account in universe 1 and will give possibility to create an account in universe 2, 3, etc. Of corse when you will click on start for universe 2 , you will receive an error (because your email already in use).

      My suggest is :
      1) or show a list of all existing account with same email (but different password), and clicking in it update database with password of actual lobby
      2) or when you try to start an account in universe where already exist an account with same email, you will receive an error message that say "Email already in use. Please click in password forgotten to connect to lobby".

    • Just got a few questions regarding this is i may.

      1. I would like to ask if this Lobby will hopefully and finally kill off the automizer bot a lot of people been using in most universes slowly choking the game to death...Hopefully will it block the way it connects to accounts and finally kill it off? been waiting for gameforge to make some serious updates and changes to the game to eradicate this problem?

      2. So if u want to trade an account and you use a main email for most accounts you have to trade them all? LOL totally not happy about this i only want to give away or trade 1 account not all others.

      3. Does this Lobby provide a session timestamp so for example Login time... ---> Logout time? this would be a good idea to help prove if someone has 24 hour activity etc if u force people to actually log out first before closing to save any changes made to account etc. Help catch those botters that have non human or possible activity. Maybe able to integrate this into ur admins tools to show data for activity.

      4. Are you able to change the lobby email and password at all after it goes live?

      Many Thanks..