[New] API Key requests

    • Hello,
      *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Database and Statistic Tool for Combat Reports

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Community

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> No

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I have been developing web applications for more than 12 years

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> Not ogame relevant

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> If it is possible for me.

    • Hello,

      *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Provides statistics and enhance report vizualisation. Database to store data and provides chart about player info and progression

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Personnal or alliance scope, not yet fixed cause the project is in early state

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Can be if project leave early state.

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> full stack dev

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> No public project available

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Available to discuss about that in PM


    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> OSimulate Combat Simulator

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Community and International

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> no

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> 15 years of experience in many different languages and dev environments

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> osimulate.com

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> The project e-mail is admin@osimulate.com the tool was moved to new hosting on ip

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes of course
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> I want to make a tool which will add keyboard shortcuts for antigame and for some specific page like( fleet, galaxy etc.)

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> At first personel, if it works i'll make it for international community

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> yes

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I've been developing desktop ,mobile applications and web applications for 5 years.

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> This will be my first tool.

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> I'll send my ip to Shole.

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> I'm creating a tool for personal farm management, you can store coordinates and information about farms you want to attack

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Personal at first, then move to public/community availability

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> yes

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> My background is in systems administration, recently (last 2 years) I've worked with an application which requires javascript coding, I have many personal projects that are coded in php

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> N/A I have so far only private projects

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> If it is possible that I could get an API key, I can gladly share my information

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes

      The post was edited 1 time, last by herkalurk ().

    • Hello,

      - Brief description of the tool that will be developed with the API key
      I am thinking of developing an application for notifications of Ogame for android, at first only with notifications of attacks and then with others.

      - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
      Initially Personal until the first version of the application is ready, then it will be International

      - Will it be open source?
      Do not

      - A brief description of your developer / programming experience
      It took more than 5 years developing web applications with languages such as C #, javascript, jQuery, CSS, HTML, Oracle, SQL

      -Link and description of previous work (tools already developed)
      I do not have work done for Ogame or any other game, only applications referring to my work

      - Valid email and the IP address from which the key will be used (this is private information and can be sent separately to Shole by PM)
      Sent to Shole

      - Are you willing to help with the extended tests? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate availability online).
      Of course, everything to help Ogame
    • - Brief description of the tool that will be developed with the API key

      A discord bot answering with details when a cr- or sr- string is posted

      - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

      - Will it be open source?

      - Valid email and the IP address from which the key will be used
      Will send on request

      Hope this is OK. There was no template.
    • Hello,

      - Brief description of the tool that will be developed with the API key
      I'd like to build a simple ACS distribution tool. I could never find a good one, so I am using an Excel algorithm and I'd really like to make it a website.

      - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
      International of course, I'd like people to find it helpful

      - Will it be open source?
      If need be

      - A brief description of your developer / programming experience
      More than 5 years mobile cross-platform development with C#, Swift and Java. Now 1 year experience in python development including web dev.

      -Link and description of previous work (tools already developed)
      I do not have ogame related work.

      - Valid email and the IP address from which the key will be used (this is private information and can be sent separately to Shole by PM)
      Sent to Shole

      - Are you willing to help with the extended tests? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate availability online).
      Of course, I do this for Ogame.
    • Hello,

      - Brief description of the tool that will be developed with the API key
      I'd like to build a ACS distribution tool.

      - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.
      For OGame TR.

      - Will it be open source?

      - A brief description of your developer / programming experience
      More than 5 years with C# and 10 years with Web Technologies.

      -Link and description of previous work (tools already developed)
      Not yet.

      - Valid email and the IP address from which the key will be used (this is private information and can be sent separately to Shole by PM)
      Will send with PM.

      - Are you willing to help with the extended tests? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate availability online).
    • Hello,

      *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Provides statistics and store/visualize reports for alliance players in a user friendly manner

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance scope

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> No such plans for now

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> devops for over 10 years, currently more frontend focused

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> Nothing really Ogame related

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Sure, why not

      Best regards,
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> A tool like TopRaider, to have statistics about combat, rentability etc ...

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance for the moment

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Dunno, maybe, but probably not at the begining

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I'm a web developper for 4 years

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> Will be send

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> No

      Thank you =)
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> A website to aggregate CR, SR into stats and useful informations for the community

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Community

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Of course ! Source code will be on my Github

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I'm a lead developper, my main languages are PHP, JS, HTML, CSS

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> I made a fork of AGO (github.com/ouraios/AntigameReloaded)
      --> I worked on EXPE-3000 and i want to make it work again (that's why i'm asking an API key (github.com/ouraios/EXPE-3000)
      --> I maintained a fork of CerealOgameStats (github.com/ouraios/CerealOgameStats)

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> I sent it

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes why not ? I'd be happy to help to contribute :)

      Thanks in advance ^^
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> A Discordbot to obtain the reports for our Alliance, since Discord is mainly used for communication. Also a top 10 best attacks/losses could be kept as well as total resources plundered.

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance, but willing to share.

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Yes, can make it open source on Github

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I'm a Data Scientis Master student with 5 years programming experience in Java, Python, and knowledge of various other languages like C and functional programming.

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None available as open source at the moment.

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP)
      from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be
      sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> Send to NoMoreAngel!

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you
      to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and
      approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yeah sure, why not
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> A personal archival/analytics tool of espionage report and combat reports

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Personal, opened up to Alliance in future

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Probably not

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> Software engineer for over 6 years

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> N/A

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP)
      from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be
      sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> Send to NoMoreAngel!

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you
      to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and
      approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes, Nights/Weekends - Timezone: EST
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Our goal is to collect espionnage reports and Combat Reports to share them with other alliance players using OGSpy

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Yes : github.com/ogsteam

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> OGSteam is a well known dev group in the Ogame France community.

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> OgameStratège, OGSpy, OGSMarket, Xtense, ogsconverter, ...

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> PM me :)

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes if i can help with OGSteam ;)

      OGSteam is a team that develops and tests Legal Tools for OGame.
      Please help us to translate OGSteam Tools : transifex.com/ogsteam
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Complete Alliance Tool (CAT v1): This database will help our alliance searching for targets by searching per galaxy, by player ranking, alliance, player. Also share attack reports and probe reports and search thru them with the same filters

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Not at first, but maybe in a later stadium

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> Selfemployed PHP / JavaScript programmer with over 20 years programming experience

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None for Ogame

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> PM to NoMoreAngel with reference "API Key CAT v1"

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Sure, when I can find time I am happy too
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> A ACS Win Distribution Calculator, Will need API key to autmaticially import Combat, Missile and Harvest Reports

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance in the early phase. Community and International might get considered at a later stage.

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> yes, once its done

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> 7 years of programming experience mostly in Java, Go, Kotlin, C#, TypeScript (JavaScript)

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None for Ogame

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to NoMoreAngel by PM ) ***
      --> PM sent!

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? ***
      --> Probably