Login is closed for Retro server

    • Sorcy wrote:

      Jango wrote:

      Does anyone know who killed the main fleet of lonewolf?
      No one?

      There were just few players capable to do it with a profit and not too big points drop as no one lost any decent points that night. I also spoke with all potential candidates and everyone denied it.
      Unless someone lied and killed fleet in batches other possible scenarious would be killing fleet in waves vs some middle ranked turtle (that's why we didn't noticed points drop) or killing fleet together with colony deletion. Something unexplained obviously happened here.
      Killing this fleet in a batches from a bigger player would be obvious push, so this may be a reason why hide it from the rest of us, however to me still seems deletion with a planet and/or moon.

      That was push to only destroy his fleet.

      Here's proof.
      Testoviron = LoneWolf

      Have fun!
    • Always these guys who think they need to hide. So who got pushed no need to hide. We can't do anything against it, and the only ones who can already know who the pushed guy is.

      @PanzerFaust no one forget that the game is unavailable and I wouldn't say that they don't try to fix it, there are some hints for that theory. But they are just not good at saying: "Yeah, we are working on it". Remember the following: They worked on this version over a year until the release in june last year. Who knows how long they need to fix things.

      Btw: The discussion was not about VM or attack-ban. It was about VM vs. VM + attack-ban. Which is a (huge) difference.

      @Sorcy : Lonewolf didn't loose any planets and I don't think he lost any moons either. So the screenshot is probably the best guess.

      Actually if I remember @lonewolfkiller 's profile pic correctly, we had a little talk in irc because he discovered (or at least know of) the new bug. He did mention that he had some passwords from top 100 accounts. (And I assume that they "stole" them from the notices of other players). So what I'm asking myself is: Did lonewolf leave vm and push his fleet in someone, or did someone who got his pw using illegal methods do this?

      It is always a bad idea to store passwords in the ingame notices guys

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Jango ().

    • Jango wrote:

      @Sorcy : Lonewolf didn't loose any planets and I don't think he lost any moons either. So the screenshot is probably the best guess.

      It may be, but have you noticed avatar of a person who posted this screenshot? You saw this image already at the day when server went down.
      I am starting to wondering if lonewolf know at all that his acc was out of vm and fleet killed ... Ugh...

      edit. you already answered this part at same time I was writing my question above :P
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • so do the players have to do GO-work now? or was this ban only interrupted by the bug (since i've had time to write about this in hof i guess it was not).
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Daidegas wrote:

      How can such this big bug appear only now?

      Good question. That's something I was wondering too and hoped that there will be some statement from developers regarding this issue.

      There's a rumour that one of recently banned top players found a way how exploit a server into his own advantage so they "fixed" something overnight and caused those additional bugs. Details aren't known publicly so take this rumour with a grain of salt.

      Another possibility which crossed my mind is that server was exploited and something changed in code to cause this "bug" by hacker(s).
      In every case you're correct - this "bug" appeared after almost a year of playing and no one bothers to give us even brief explanation what's going on.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • Also, don't forget that is probably a huge patchwork (literally) to accommodate specificities not supported initially by the codebase (as long as I remember, v0.77 hasn't been exactly like the one we are playing on retro) and probably a lot of deprecated functions removed long time ago in PHP engine... I don't remember exactly the history, but I would bet that OGame has started to be written with PHP 4, if not 3, while the oldest PHP branch still receiving security fixes is 5.6 until the end of 2018, that's a very huge step to handle.
    • Daidegas wrote:

      Hi. sorry for my bad english, but i have some questions.
      How many years has this version of Ogame been used?
      How can such this big bug appear only now?

      i can understand a little bug with graphics or others... but a big mechanic bug like this..

      i smell burnt

      Possible explanation could be:
      1) nobody before have found it
      2) in other version bug was fixed, but was not possible to use because there was a lot of things to change or remove
      3) version 0.77 is borned a lot of time ago, with a server code different ........ so already was need to manage code to have possibility to work in new server code ........... maybe there is something that don't work fine in new server and give this bug