Login is closed for Retro server

    • andrzej1 wrote:

      vida is back wrote:

      I just hope they will let it work without announce or some kind of protection
      Protection from what ...

      From being attacked and/or crashed immediately after server come back.

      (Non attack ban for 12 hour or something as standard practice when rollback in ogame happen - if this version support it of course).
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • Sorcy wrote:

      (Non attack ban for 12 hour or something as standard practice when rollback in ogame happen - if this version support it of course).

      it should be possible to do a batch edit to the database with "is_vacation_mode" and "can_disable_vacation_mode" or "has_ben_in_vacation_mode_for_2+_days"

      so really no excuse for not implementing a universe-wide safety.
      if an entry for the 2day phase of vaca isn't in the database... set vaca for everyone, but universe online and just wait 2 days. i mean after all this bollox happening 2 days are a-ok as long as stuff got fixed and we get our fix back (=
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • TGWo wrote:

      And one important thing is that we have to wait a developer that find way to fix bug; maybe it request 2 hours, maybe request 2 weeks

      In my opinion it's better to wait two weeks than to play with a bug like this. We all hope of course is not required so much.
      The employees of GF know that these problems can happen, of course they will have the right solution, it is only a matter of time.
      We rightly do not know, but I'm confident that given the possible adverse situations such as this the developer has used the precaution of preparing the backup.

      I hope that many players will not leave this server.
      Unfortunately this serious bug happened the day after the opening of new universes in national domains.
      But the reason because these players have chosen this server should be stronger than any temptation.

      However, when the server reopening, if the system does not allow to implement the vacation mode for all, just a formal prohibition of attack for 12, 24 or 48 hours communicated by mail to all.

      Patience, this break will be good for everyone to hone his game strategy.
      Good job to the staff, good vacation from the game to players and Happy Easter to all.

      P.S: I'm new and do not know and have a doubt for veterans, but is "O - Game" going to "big game", as it says, for example, in Japanese language O - Soto - Gari, O - Goshi, etc. or it has another meaning?
      Thanks for attention.
    • Yep that's right, Online Game. When OGame is born, in 2002, it was nearly the only one in this league and so it catched this name.

      Anyways, after these few days would be nice to have a communication about the status of the work. At least, we'd like to know IF someone from the programming team replied to who reported them the problem, or if we have to accept that the server is over.

      The lack of informations during a problem lasting for days just has the result to have every day less players that will come back if the server will be online again, or in general just ends in bad publicity for the GF's customer service.
      #6 Retro server - Fra [N O X]
      #5 Andromeda.us - Fra.. [Dynamic]
    • And Moonday camed and wented, and thus it were the Day of Tues and hark, nay, not a whimper from thine feudal lords on the state of thine village. Howether grow thine farm land? Willeth from whence sustainance for thy wee bairns be sought, to sustain them through thine bitter winter of discontent. Verily! Come forth and utter thine great words of fortitude and wisdom.
      Foreign Legion UNI 1.org
      N O X 1304.de

      The post was edited 1 time, last by lateamoose ().

    • lateamoose wrote:

      And Moonday camed and wented, and thus it were the Day of Tues and hark, nay, not a whimper from thine feudal lords on the state of thine village. Howether grow thine farm land? Willeth from whence sustainance for thy wee bairns be sought, to sustain them through thine bitter winter of discontent. Verily! Come forth and utter thine great words of fortitude and wisdom.
      "I would fain bestow and distribute..."
      "Give them nothing," said the saint. "Take rather part of their load, and carry it along with them that will be most agreeable unto them: if only it be agreeable unto thee! If, however, thou wilt give unto them, give them no more than an alms, and let them also beg for it!"
      "No," replied Zarathustra, "I give no alms. I am not poor enough for that."
      The saint laughed at Zarathustra, and spake thus: "Then see to it that they accept yours treasures! They are distrustful of hermits, and do not believe that we come with gifts.
      [...] When Zarathustra was alone, however, he said to his heart:
      "Could it be possible! This old saint in the forest hath not yet heard of it, that SERVER is dead!"
      >>(from Zarathustra Prologue)

      If this server ends, will be the last international server, this is and has been an exception.
      In fact, as we know, more universes -> more rankings -> more first places -> more self-centered satisfaction with the greedy -> more dark matter flowing into rivers.
      There is an equation that relates this desire of self-esteem of being and the rivers' flow rate.
      The logic does not forgive.
      But we have to be confident and hope that the goodness that allowed this exception persists and allows them to use all means to resolve this situation.
    • Probably it will be the final reason to shut the server down

      The lack of informations during a problem lasting for days just has the result to have every day less players that will come back if the server will be online again, or in general just ends in bad publicity for the GF's customer service.
      Haha GF never cared about bad publicity.
      Think they didn't change their mind.
      I mean otherwise they would give us some (more) information.

      (No offensive against admin's)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ogamer1234567890 ().

    • The dark matter destroyed the game...the strategy of this amazing game has been lost since it became a "pay for play". I started to play in Retro after many many years of inactive. That's the real game that I used to play since 2003!!! If GOs ain't gonna fix this situation I'll stop to play again as well as many others players will. Please keep Retro alive!!!
    • For the moment we didn't received new information from GameForge.

      About argument vacation vs block attack , I remember that usually when there is a roleback using a backup is normally happen to see a block of attack, but never saw all account setted in vacation.
      So for my opinion it is more probably to hope in a block of attack that in a vacation of account .......... also if it is true that don't should be hard to manage database to set holiday.

      A very important thing that you should think about situation is that this is a particular version of game, a very old version. actual developer of Ogame know very well recent code, but to watch this version is a total new thing, as to read a new book .......... so if we are lucky the fix will request few time, but don't will sound strange if will request long time (of course i hope will be easy to find row of code that need to edit).

      Please, don't start to call "Cassandra" and to think that server will never open again. We have to be patience ......... special universe, request special players.