Login is closed for Retro server

    • TGWo wrote:

      @Sorcy ........ if for example tomorrow will arrive this news:
      "there is a problem of security in code, but we don't know how many time request to manage code or if we will be able to fix it. Sorry".

      With this example what will be your reply ?
      Do you think that it is impossible that situation is this ?
      I'd prefer this answer rather than this absurd silence and disinformation.

      We are still here but even if the server will be opened once again I doubt players will ever come back playing. Unfortunately the damage isn't just code but it's way bigger, this server is already dead since there will be no active players in the future.
    • The server was already almost Dead (to me mostly for all the hackers/bot users seen in the previous months), as I said some days ago I really doubt that many players Will come back IF they bring the server up again..it could be better in theory to reset the server from scratch (maybe other players would start) but losing all the efforts done during those months would not be good aswell :(
    • Canarefr wrote:

      3 weeks of unofficial closure, as long as the official thread still says:

      Valent wrote:

      Retro server is back online but currently is DDOS attacked
      :D :D
      see, this is what happens when half-arsed non-germans do "work" ,)
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • If you really need to hear it, then I will say it!

      The server will not open again!

      At least not as we know it, if someday everything is fixed (or they think it is) then there will be a database reset and everyone starts with 0 points.

      Because this is an unique server, a new start will attract again thousands of people.

      Maybe you disagree with me. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong.
    • Wether we liked it or not, Retro server is a favor to us from some people (GF, some developpers, some staff members). Thank them for all the work on it.

      Of course, that would be nice if everything were perfect etc. But i'm glad i played this retro version again, and i hope i'll be on the next version if there is one. I prefer to enjoy a retro version even with a reset etc, than trying to force the situation with an unstable version. Nobody wants a long list of problems to solve during the game, so good luck fixing it, I really hope this 'retro project' is not an abandoned ship and will work again some day, whatever the means.

      And I hope i'll see some of you again in the next retro universe if there is one, those first 9 months were fun ^^.

      French player - wordreference user :D
    • Finally, here is an answer, I will be able to move on to something else

      I arrived here in September with a small account to replay with old friends, then I quickly regained my taste for the game, thanks to my neighbors for supporting me so long and thanks to the game of the cat and Of the mouse for some, what a pleasure to have replayed on a universe RETRO like the good old area ...

      Me and Authority had good relationships at the beginning of the universe, after we became enemies, and at the end to give me the opportunity to make alive his account,This is what makes this game so unique.

      This account would have allowed me to reach my objectives (planet locat
      ions), these 3 days of games on it will bring me enormous pleasure ...I could start to see a very friendly alliance that is the HARDCORE(Except TodesGeneral which has destroy all my defense with missile on my old account, of rage ^^ ) A new adventure would start ...

      If the universe restarts one day, maybe we'll see each other again :)

      Thank you to all my friends and the nice encounters I could do here ||

      I felt the same sensation, less brutal, but the same smell, 7 years ago, almost day by day, but this time I can add many disappointments ...

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Athenacompet ().

    • I started to play this game after seven years, just to kill the nostalgy for this silly game :)
      And either there was some things I didn't like at this Retro Universe , I met and spoke with a lot of nice, interesting people with great humor sense .... and that value was, always
      the most important for me in this game

      Wish You all the best in Your lives ... good health, lot of laugh and plenty of love, of course <3
    • i totally quote Athena message. I felt the same sensations. i started at the beginning, then I had to stop for a few months, I came back in January and I have been able to climb the stats from top800 to top100 farming and crashing. No stupid pay to win features, no tools "for dummies", no dark matter, no officiers, no merchant...I really felt the same sensations and the same pleasure to play as 10 years ago..there were also some bad things..but overall it was a good experience.

      If they reopen (from the scratch or as we were before the closing) I Will be there.

      Thanks everyone, Wish you all the best in RL, hopefully we Will see each other again :D
    • It was fun as long it lasted.
      I came back here with my RL buddy but accidentaly went to BG alliance which i call second home as my 5IDIOTA alliance is number one. I met some people, and we were talking stupid thing and that was the whole point of game.
      I dont play to play, i play to have fun with people in alliance.

      Maybe one day we will see each other with ACS and battle cruiser :P
    • Even tough I couldn't play after February, unless for the last 2 weeks before the game closed, it was nice to play with you guys.
      I wanna thanks the DraGonS in particular for the great experience.
      Goodbye to all the guys who used to spy me during the night
      Display Spoiler
      Goodbye Sorcy
      and all the fleeter who came in my system and got out with empty hands :P

      "Someday we'll all be a little piece of debris whirling around the galaxies"
      "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and I will fear no evil 'cause I'm blind to it all".

      The post was edited 1 time, last by lasth3ro ().