Login is closed for Retro server

    • Daidegas wrote:

      Jango wrote:

      Yes. Only those guys who log in right away would survive. It would be funny to see to loose 90% of all accounts in one night, but let's hope they think at the deletion timer.
      are you sure the server will reopen?
      i can't be arsed to search for it but in the german forum with hints and infos about retro opening (obviously prior to the opening itself) there was something said in the range of:

      when will the retro server be closed?
      - when hell freezes
      - when GF goes bottoms up
      - when a girl says yes and actually means yes (this is fiction but i wanted a list of at least 3 since there were more than 2 in the original post)

      all from an ogame official.
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • another week end without playing, without any info!
      a big company like Gameforge cant fix a bug in 13 days?
      in my opionion, they dont want fix it. Only because there isn't dark matter.
      it's incredible, and not serious. this saturday i delete all my GF accounts, and say other all my friends to do it
    • Sorry, but I have to close a matter suspended with @Sorcy.

      Display Spoiler

      I'm sorry if I did not answer you before, but I did not have time to connect.

      Sorcy wrote:

      How would from non-attack ban after vacation mode by your opinion get some advantage the small red one as the most disadvantaged here?

      I'm sorry if I did not answer you before, but I did not have time to connect.

      So, I just have wanted to say this.
      I did not consider the small fleeter because it has a good approximation of the same peculiar traits of the small player I have characterized (not usually defining over-abundant sets compared to those required for a thesis).

      As you say, he did 1 instead of 2, everything remains in the same order of magnitude (which is why I tried to make a more general speech possible) that we have already evaluated:
      (A) its cargoes is not enough for the resources it finds after the V-M
      B) has no moons
      C) he has no constructions or searches for the order of magnitude required, he can make disproportionate fleets phalanxed? (but in that situations of target's lack, it is not a good idea), he has'nt the enough levels of robots, nanites, or shipyard.

      He, like each-other small, needs time to dispose of the resources, and if he gets attacked he will be further damaged. Once again the absence of the attack-ban will not serve to compensate for its damage.


      Sorcy wrote:

      How would from non-attack ban after vacation mode by your opinion get some advantage the small red one as the most disadvantaged here?
      I do not think there is a competition among the smaller player, Each one always compete with the highest ranking in my opinion,

      Now, it may be that you are right, it may be I'm right, I propose at this point to put a moratorium on all this.

      About you, @Daidegas
      I can give you my advice. Do not leave the game, do not give up this joy.
      Simply if you believe be damaged, you are free to not buy dark matter when you play, as you are free to attack in game a player x rather than y as under contract conditions.

      I, as I said(again and again), am recent at this game, but certainly I'm being not lucky, but I still have confidence in a minimum of fairness, and I explicitly ask this to @NoMoreAngel and I expect you a response in conscience:
      Has it ever banned one in a German server, where you are member of the staff, because he did not use any dark matter purchased?
      (I also refer to an imaginative and unrealistic ban to cover this).
      It is not a pretentious question, so you should not offend you.

      I'm asking you this even because I'm Italian and I played two months in Italy,then did no more, then I came to play here a month ago and I've studied a lot of English to make me understandable, now have gone bad.

      Now I am studying German (I attended two courses many years ago), in order to play in ogame.de, I've seen it is still opening x1x1 universes there, but I will not buy dark matter, not because I'm against payment for a service, But because I personally like to personally play without (but I do not do it a public thing) and because the contract terms do not give any obligation on this.

      It will take a long time to know the German language well, but I know that in Germany you study English very well, so I hope the first months of I not being banned for the language.
      I hope to find there the seriousness the Germans people have always been proud of.

      L'invitation au voyage

      D'aller là-bas vivre ensemble!
      Au pays qui te ressemble!
      Les soleils mouillés
      De ces ciels brouillés
      Pour mon esprit ont les charmes
      Si mystérieux
      De tes traîtres yeux,
      Brillant à travers leurs larmes.


      Display Spoiler

      T'invito al viaggio
      in quel paese che ti somiglia tanto.
      I soli languidi dei suoi cieli annebbiati
      hanno per il mio spirito l'incanto
      dei tuoi occhi, quando brillano offuscati.

      (transl. Sgalambro-Battiato)

      Invitation to the Voyage
      Living together there!
      in the land that is like you!
      The misty sunlight
      of those cloudy skies
      has for my spirit the charms,
      so mysterious,
      of your treacherous eyes,
      shining brightly through their tears.

      (transl. William Aggeler)

      Probably it's a goodbye to all.
    • Cano wrote:


      Has it ever banned one in a German server, where you are member of the staff, because he did not use any dark matter purchased?

      (I also refer to an imaginative and unrealistic ban to cover this).
      It is not a pretentious question, so you should not offend you.

      I'm asking you this even because I'm Italian and I played two months in Italy,then did no more, then I came to play here a month ago and I've studied a lot of English to make me understandable, now have gone bad.

      Now I am studying German (I attended two courses many years ago), in order to play in ogame.de, I've seen it is still opening x1x1 universes there, but I will not buy dark matter, not because I'm against payment for a service, But because I personally like to personally play without (but I do not do it a public thing) and because the contract terms do not give any obligation on this.

      It will take a long time to know the German language well, but I know that in Germany you study English very well, so I hope the first months of I not being banned for the language.
      I hope to find there the seriousness the Germans people have always been proud of.

      No worries on that side, Cano. You are perfectly allowed to play without dark matter in normal universes. I played like that for 10 years and noone in the .us or .it staff annoyed me or considered me a low priority player because of that. Won't be different in any domain.

      I still hope that this won't be a goodbye, there's still the possibility that the server will raise again and it would be a shame to lose your super positive behaviour in alliance. In case that the server will officially close we'll have time for goodbyes.
      #6 Retro server - Fra [N O X]
      #5 Andromeda.us - Fra.. [Dynamic]
    • I thank you @Canarefr , and I'm sure of what you say, but for me it is important to know if NoMoreAngel can say anything about this, and the current GF executive policy.
      German servers are still very populated and there is some future there yet.

      I apologize if I was exuberant, but it is to give some vitality to the forum.
      If the server reopens, even after a month, you have my word that I return.
      But about the Retro I think I read between the lines of NoMoreAngel something more. I could be wrong.

      (But I've undestood that greetings must be made when there's still someone who can read them!
      I rather learned here among you in a short time what I would not have learned in years on a national server).
    • Non esiste nessuna direttiva o regola occulta in nessun gioco della GameForge di bannare un giocatore che non compri mai moneta virtuale.

      Fintanto che la politica della GameForge sarà il free to play , sarà una cosa normalissima far coesistere nello stesso server utenti che comprano moneta virtuale e giocatori che non comprano. I giocatori non paganti, sono utili al divertimento tanto quanto sono utili i giocatori paganti alle casse della società. Se togliessi i giocatori non paganti, ci sarebbero meno giocatori e quindi meno divertimento anche per i giocatori paganti.

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      No rules or hidden rules exist in any GameForge game to ban a player who never buys virtual coin.

      As long as GameForge's policy is free to play, it will be a great thing to
      co-exist in the same user server who buy virtual coin and players who
      do not buy. Non-paying players are useful to the fun as much as gamers pay off to the company's cashiers. If you remove non-paying players, there would be less players and therefore less fun for paying players.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • First of: I don't play in the german universes anymore. But I read in the board and ogmem

      Cano wrote:

      Now I am studying German (I attended two courses many years ago), in order to play in ogame.de

      Cano wrote:

      It will take a long time to know the German language well, but I know that in Germany you study English very well, so I hope the first months of I not being banned for the language.
      This could be a problem, most of us speak English. But there are some trolls who only want to read German.

      Cano wrote:

      I hope to find there the seriousness the Germans people have always been proud of.
      Yeah nah Yeah. You won't find that anymore. Sorry, about 7 years late. Maybe you will find some scattered people with a codex, or seriousness. But most of them. nope.

      Cano wrote:

      Has it ever banned one in a German server, where you are member of the staff, because he did not use any dark matter purchased?
      No, read the following at your own risk.

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      ATTENTION, GERMAN AND IRONY! Don't take this seriously.
      [19:07:23] <NoMoreAngel> ja türlich wirste gebannt wenn du keine DM nutzt
      [19:07:34] <NoMoreAngel> doofe frage
      [19:07:38] <HC|Jango> :D
      [19:07:46] <HC|Jango> darf ich das zitieren? :D
      [19:08:10] <NoMoreAngel> wenn du ein fettes ironieschild hinterhängst xD
    • @Cano sadly the current educational system (like: "a dumb citizen is an easy governed citizen") and many other things prevent many attributes germans once were known for and looked up to.

      @NoMoreAngel i believe i was "citing" you

      @Jango yes, same thing
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Jango wrote:

      This could be a problem, most of us speak English. But there are some trolls who only want to read German.
      But I have no intention of writing on the forum, I just hope to find two or three allies with whom to speak in English (it should be much easier to find them Italian), and maybe a GO.
      Over time I probably will be able to read and understand German, but I will hardly be able to write it fluently.
      (I have already registered in Rhea because is recent, is x1x1, and has no strange variations from the norm).

      Thank you @TGWo, your argument is more than valid, and it removes any kind of doubt about that.

      Rusiak wrote:

      @Cano sadly the current educational system (like: "a dumb citizen is an easy governed citizen") and many other things prevent many attributes germans once were known for and looked up to.
      @NoMoreAngel i believe i was "citing" you
      If @NoMoreAngel really says that, it's because he is german, maybe in Germany it will be so,
      but by us the rulers, I do not think, would understand this machiavellian concept.

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      No, by us one who is in power disincentivizes education and debate because he often feels humiliated when sees that those who consider his subordinates are more capable of him,
      but this is systematic, by nature man can endure he is governed and alienate his own freedom, but only provided that he can publicly despise the one who commands him and so chooses the rulers among the worst and most despicable.

      In the age of physical force, the politician's ideal was a man of low stature, scrawny or fat, provided that he could be able speak,
      in the age of science it goes well an ignorant person who learned to speak.

      Here is the ours is more the State of the wrong person in the wrong place,
      of who decides without having the proficiency,
      of who argues without knowing how to deal with the public,
      of who manages without knowing math,
      and lastly he takes this lack like a reason to boast.

      Unfortunately, this incompetence of the high roles is spreading in society,
      so by us you will always more frequently come across people who believe they are able to do everything, or do not mind own buisness.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Cano ().

    • my comment to nomoreangel wasn't in correlation to my comment to you, cano.
      it was about "who said retro wouldn't ever close down"
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby