New no1 [TOT: 469.397.000] m3ntol[.BG.] vs. scrat[Fatal] (A: 78.949.000, D: 390.448.000)

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  • New no1 [TOT: 469.397.000] m3ntol[.BG.] vs. scrat[Fatal] (A: 78.949.000, D: 390.448.000)

    In advance im sry for a long post i just want to say something i wanted to say for a long time
    Its been a long time since anybody posted, and i propably wouldnt even post this but thanks to the cHaOs guys here i am
    it was a simple hand phalanx, deff surprised me and actually congratulated, not a lot of people do that here in this uni, dont know why but oh well
    once again man i wish u vfr if u decide to stay, and it looks like u will so respect for that ;)
    if u decide otherwise, all the best in rl
    now about the chaos guys, they wonder how am i able to rise up on stats like that and get 20k points a day
    well i did profited like over 200mill in like 10last days before this hit, and everything is on topraider so u can have a look, not something a lot of u can say
    because we dont see your hits ever,
    then they wonder how i get so many ress because i dont fight?
    again last week i did over 300mil dmg, and this week im already over 700mil and its all again visible on topraider
    where are your fights? how do u explain your gains? and u attack me for cheating,pushing etc.
    they say i cant gain that much i dont have mines, oh sry i forgot mozart has amazing mines right, and u forgot that i started as a miner here, i was top 10miners at the start of the uni
    i had these exact same mines when i first started building this fleet, so yea i know there mines are shit for this stage, but at that point believe me i had mines, unlike some other guys from chaos who rise up without them ;)
    Then they say i am pushing myself, yea i was banned for pushing right? oh no that was half of you guys, sry my bad
    and then they threaten me to report me, i say go ahead, be my guest, actually i insist someone please report,i even offered my help with any info u want to know
    i have nothing to hide, nothing, unlike u guys
    so before accusing take a look at yourself
    im done, see you ingame ;)

    Special dedi to my ally and miss daisy ;)
    and ofc to the whole cHaOs ally

    On 10-03-2017 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker m3ntol

    l.fighter 20.000
    cruiser 7.090
    battleship 7.695


    Defender scrat

    s.cargo 2.143
    l.cargo 237
    l.fighter 16.265
    h.fighter 2.471
    cruiser 3.072
    battleship 2.579
    recy. 1.944
    esp.probe 784
    dest. 179


    After the battle...

    Attacker m3ntol

    l.fighter 8896 ( -11.104 )
    cruiser 5951 ( -1.139 )
    battleship 7632 ( -63 )


    Defender scrat


    The attacker has won the battle!
    The attacker captured:
    458.194 metal, 2.095.232 crystal and 2.672.537 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 78.949.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 390.448.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 96.816.300 metal and 44.002.800 crystal.
    The attacker captured a total of 5.225.963 units.

    Your 7250 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 145.000.000. At the target, 97.157.400 metal and 44.298.300 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 97.157.400 metal and 44.298.300 crystal

    around 70mil

    Converted by OGotcha CR Converter 1.0.0 (skin: Nexus)
  • abstract wrote:

    I congratulate you firstly..nice hit...
    but just still im gave some loss in this battle..and...How did you get 300m digs in 10 days without not saying ur a cheter...please do not get it wrong..i belive B.G alliance are so clean :D ....we are very happy long long time to see your beautiful battle :thumbsup:

    its really hard to read some times huh? as u could have seen by yourself if u read anything, on topraider it clearly shows that in the last week for 316mil dmg i did, i lost 31mil, and this week until this hof i did 291mil dmg and lost 13mil. And the reason for that is that was over 3-4hofs so of course ill have minimum losses with 7k+ bs's
    but i guess thats just too hard for u to understand. and i dont need 3 weeks to spend the ress from 350mil fight :D
  • Keep rocking buddy, for me you are no.1 on this server !

    Abstract yes .BG. its clean ally, not like your ally. We can see very offen players in Chaos left and next day same players join again :D
    i have seen this at least 10 times from server start :D
    and yea i see players with 9 planets in system, Mozart come in same system to this planet , and both get ban. But next day pushing account stay banned, but mozart its unbanned :DDDDDD
    So please guys from Chaos dont say someone is cheating only because you are cheating :DDD
  • Very nice fight. Congratz' ! And congrats to the defender for building such a nice fleet so far, FR.

    Indeed we can see some statistics on topraider (total damages done and received per week / per month, etc). Ogmem provide a lot of information too (Rusiak will explain it better than me ^^). Keep on these good numbers m3ntol, unlike some "interresting" probe farmers who might want to give us a break with their bullshits. But that's an other conversation.

    Happy hunting everyone ;)

    French player - wordreference user :D
  • no rainbow colors, check
    df report, check
    profit calc, check


    excuse my missing knowledge about some english terminations, but what's a "hand phalanx" ?
    03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
    Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
    Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
    R.I.P, baby
  • m3ntol wrote:

    abstract wrote:

    I congratulate you firstly..nice hit...
    but just still im gave some loss in this battle..and...How did you get 300m digs in 10 days without not saying ur a cheter...please do not get it wrong..i belive B.G alliance are so clean :D ....we are very happy long long time to see your beautiful battle :thumbsup:
    its really hard to read some times huh? as u could have seen by yourself if u read anything, on topraider it clearly shows that in the last week for 316mil dmg i did, i lost 31mil, and this week until this hof i did 291mil dmg and lost 13mil. And the reason for that is that was over 3-4hofs so of course ill have minimum losses with 7k+ bs's
    but i guess thats just too hard for u to understand. and i dont need 3 weeks to spend the ress from 350mil fight :D

    Alexander_mkd wrote:

    Keep rocking buddy, for me you are no.1 on this server !

    Abstract yes .BG. its clean ally, not like your ally. We can see very offen players in Chaos left and next day same players join again :D
    i have seen this at least 10 times from server start :D
    and yea i see players with 9 planets in system, Mozart come in same system to this planet , and both get ban. But next day pushing account stay banned, but mozart its unbanned :DDDDDD
    So please guys from Chaos dont say someone is cheating only because you are cheating :DDD
    woww...what happened clean ally ?
    mentol and robot ?
    alexander maybe u should interrogate what u belive....
  • Do you even know the reason of ban?
    I dont, but i know something else. There is some (or just one) players who are protected and for them rules dont apply. This kind of situations are the reason why this game lost on popularity.

    Juistice for most skilled player in this universe, without him many will leave as BG ally will do.
    I wish you a nice fight and hope you will have great time with the rest of uni.
  • dr No wrote:

    Do you even know the reason of ban?
    I dont, but i know something else. There is some (or just one) players who are protected and for them rules dont apply. This kind of situations are the reason why this game lost on popularity.

    Juistice for most skilled player in this universe, without him many will leave as BG ally will do.
    I wish you a nice fight and hope you will have great time with the rest of uni.
    im thinking...ur right dr..i guess many farm account will leave
  • dr No wrote:

    Juistice for most skilled player in this universe, without him many will leave as BG ally will do.
    What about all those who left because of players who took advantage on them because of cheating?

    abstract wrote:

    im thinking...ur right dr..i guess many farm account will leave

    Some of them already did. Involuntarily.
    Vragcic (b v), Mystery (b v), tomic (b v), Rown (b v), Grobar (b v), Goodman (b v), Musaka (b v), mjesecar (b v), svabo (b v) etc...?

    Not a single one of them is some BGs member multi of course. No, no! They just happen to be in a wrong time at a wrong place, right? Right!

    I feel sorry for all "blind phalanx" victims started by lonewolf and on a bigger scale continued by m3ntol. Guess he figured out what's wrong with this server too and had his own idea how to fix it. In a literal sense. Blind phalanx? Rat ass... just talk with some of those miraculously crashed old school fleetsavers.
  • Janusz wrote:

    dr No wrote:

    Juistice for most skilled player in this universe, without him many will leave as BG ally will do.
    What about all those who left because of players who took advantage on them because of cheating?

    abstract wrote:

    im thinking...ur right dr..i guess many farm account will leave
    Some of them already did. Involuntarily.
    Vragcic (b v), Mystery (b v), tomic (b v), Rown (b v), Grobar (b v), Goodman (b v), Musaka (b v), mjesecar (b v), svabo (b v) etc...?

    Not a single one of them is some BGs member multi of course. No, no! They just happen to be in a wrong time at a wrong place, right? Right!

    I feel sorry for all "blind phalanx" victims started by lonewolf and on a bigger scale continued by m3ntol. Guess he figured out what's wrong with this server too and had his own idea how to fix it. In a literal sense. Blind phalanx? Rat ass... just talk with some of those miraculously crashed old school fleetsavers.
    that last part, just talk with some of those miraculously crashed old school fleetsavers.
    did u actually talk with anyone i crashed here?? because if u did and u call them old school fleetsavers then u my friend dont know anything about this game

    if doing a fs on visible df without any baits, doing fs with 1rec bait before the main fleet, doing fs with main fleet last, if u call that old school fleetsaving then ur even dumber then them

    u dont know what ur talking about but it doesnt mater for u as long as u talk some bullshit and preach around right

    onda again vfr def, u were one of the few who had decency to congratulate