Vacation Mode Limitations

    • General

    • RadioSweetHeart wrote:


      (e.) This in turn will control the v mode abuse and create a much more balanced gameplay
      For someone who resides in V-Mode due to absence of time, or the notion is that it somehow prevents V-Mode fleeters from over-extensively applying this feature in situations where a long fleet save is anticipated? I'll tell you what such a fleeter will do in an old Universe, when he runs out of these 52 sessions on the account. He'll simply grab another one from a long list of fleets which are most-likely available to his acquaintances or the alliance. Simply because it's very unlikely that limitations of the chosen balance-equalizing line are capable to bind 50+ billion fleet owners to change their habits. :)

      But for the first case - yes, it's undoubtedly able producing additional problems for the casuals. :)

      P.S. I would actually be happy to think further on what could be done to correct the situation balance-wise when I have the time, although, as you can see, I was able to find a workaround to your rather unsophisticated nerf in a matter of 10 minutes.

      On a very quick glance, the system you're suggesting to implement should simply provide 2 chances of releasing account from V-Mode within 1 week time frame.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Smoke Nightvogue ().

    • Smoke Nightvogue wrote:

      For someone who resides in V-Mode due to absence of time, or the notion is that it somehow prevents V-Mode fleeters from over-extensively applying this feature in situations where a long fleet save is anticipated? I'll tell you what such a fleeter will do in an old Universe, when he runs out of these 52 sessions on the account. He'll simply grab another one from a long list of fleets which are most-likely available to his acquaintances or the alliance. Simply because it's very unlikely that limitations of the chosen balance-equalizing line are capable to bind 50+ billion fleet owners to change their habits. :)
      But for the first case - yes, it's undoubtedly able producing additional problems for the casuals. :)

      P.S. I would actually be happy to think further on what could be done to correct the situation balance-wise when I have the time, although, as you can see, I was able to find a workaround to your rather unsophisticated nerf in a matter of 10 minutes.

      On a very quick glance, the system you're suggesting to implement should simply provide 2 chances of releasing account from V-Mode within 1 week time frame.
      IMO assign every IP address and email a max 30 V-modes a year. There has to be some control to this over abused system. Anything beyond 30 times, there has to be a 12 hour cooldown before fleets can be launched in attacks and JG are stuck in 12 hour cooldown. If someone changes accounts and plays on same IP, then the 12 hour cooldown carry's over. Ogame was always intended to be played in "real time", When I was busy, I made it work as it was intended. You seem to be confusing Vmode as a "style of play" instead of "an infrequent requirement"; big difference.
    • To make a small clarification on what I exactly meant: "Vacation mode lasts a minimum of 48 hours and can only be deactivated 2 times within 7 days. Only after these limits expire will you be able to turn it off". That's the thing I personally envision being the easiest code-wise and properly-balanced solution. As for involving user's IP addresses, e-mails and further associated details into this scheme, these measures are simply not something efficient due to above-mentioned workarounds and the fact that IP addresses can be easily reassigned every time the customer purchases such a change from his ISP.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Smoke Nightvogue ().