Relocation of Planets

    • Usability

    • As a "profit" stunt, you could make an event (like all of those that we already have, for instance “25% less time in buildings and shipyard queue”, etc.*) once in a while, that also includes positions 3 and 13 to be relocated (leaving 3-13 available as a whole). That would ensure many many people would relocate to position 13 on those events. And after a while, i.e., after reaching a milestone for instance, an "special" event which would let you move to position 14, etc. But you would need to limit the movement of those in a new position 13, because it would otherwise enable them to get to position 15 in a second relocation per planet.

      That would make many people to keep spending dark matter. You could even put a minimum, like "we want to ensure 1000 relocations on those events", people will spend DM by lots. And once you see the statistics and say 1000 relocations to positions 13 have been made (and ensuring those planets cannot get to position 15), you can start with the events of position 14 (these with even less frequency), people will keep spending like crazy. And then position 15 finally, hehehe

      Of course, it cannot be that usual as other events, but may be once in three months or once in two months or so.

      * by the way, why aren't we getting the event of 25% reduced time in buildings and shipyard? I miss them.
    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      Very bad idea, might sound good, but then everyone would move their planet to 14/15 from 8, because they get a huge planet with cold temps and very high deut production.
      I agree with this reply.

      Also to insert this possibility only in an event, I think that give too advantage for who spend dark matter ............ maybe i could change idea, if cost of relocation in those special position cost 30% more DM and only with event