Auction suggestion

    • Maybe
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    • Auction suggestion

      A player from .org suggested :
      original thread

      kertif wrote:

      Current auction system is a total unfair place, especially after the merges this became more obvious as stronger players discourages low ranked players with insane bids, they just simply bid high enough to eliminate all lower ranked players and i call it just a kind of bullying,

      I play in a uni that no1 ranked player has around more than double points in economy than no2 ranked player, that guy even got 15 of 18 items in a day once and there is no way to compete with him, even if you win it you go for a non-profit bid just for the sake of getting one,

      Me and some other players made suggestions earlier for that but no one even cares, the solution was actually very simple, putting a limit for every player like as - max. 3 resource and 3 construction boosters daily for a player-,

      As long as this auction system goes on this way, it will be a place in which stronger players dominating and bullying as there are no solutions for lower rankeds, ş hope there will be some changes but it is one of the last places the game developers think about
    • Good purpose, good idea, we need to fight this kind of bully but... bad solution

      Limit the number of winning is not a good idea for any game..and actually, not for auctioneers

      even if you limit it to 1 per day, there are 18 auctioneers every day (except events...), so top1-top18 players can still make bullying once per day ;)

      I think that maybe best idea would be split different auctioneers related with rank (for example 1 different auc each 100 rank positions), or bid depending your rank/daily production
    • Timing least to some regards at the most seems more reasonable of question for the interest at hand then say price at time. But that could be me, but counter-contrast afterwards for worth beforehand has some say suggestive interest.

      But approximately speaking say either way says worth of said for why is just as well, and for such, I'm not sure is worth as much question. But still as such, guess is to a say.


    • This is a GREAT idea as I have brought it to some GOs and my alliance about a year ago. EXCEPT in our universe 1 we have a player that wins all bids even on a bidding war has in timing of his bids then it closes. He wins close to 12 bids a day. Seems to our alliance that he is using a bot or something on getting his bids in before we can place our bids. A number of tickets have gone thru on this one player but yet nothing has been done. I suggested that there only be 2 wins per player per day. That way they have to decide if they want that item or shoot for another. Gives more players a chance at getting something. I'm tired of spending my hard earn money on Dark Matter and not being able to win a simple auction. Wasted millions in resources to come up with just a couple items out of hundreds I have tried. If we were able to do this I know for sure your tickets on this issue will slow down. If not the GOs will have a lot of tickets to go thru. EVERYONE I have talked to about this said this would help a lot and that I should bring it to the boards
    • 2 Wins per player per day seems reasonable.

      Something that I had thought of say otherwise, given running Timing Counters got real 50-50 after awhile, but..could perhaps say add like 50 new items and run auctions to last no more than like 15mins or even less time actually.

      Even then at say 2 Wins per player per day, odds would probably still be against you. But rather to need as many as 50 new items, I'm not sure, but shortening the timeframe of the Auctions themselves might be helpful.

      The worth of say all 3 ideas would seem about best even if in a variance as such.


    • What do you think about instead to insert a TAX that increase with number of item won ?
      At the moment the cost for any player to win item 1 is for example 100.000 .......... but if player A has already win 1 item in 24 hours, then he will have to spend +10% (value is an example) ....... so if he want to offer 100.000 , have to spend 110.000
      When player A win 2° item, to participate in the auction next have a tax of 30%, etc.

      Also idea of @Danimanza sound interesting

    • A good direction, for them kind of percentages though not sure if could still them difference, given you'd still need to spend 1mil units to increase the cost by 100k.

      Perhaps starting out at 30% might be more reasonable with perhaps like a max of 105%, but 300% probably just as reasonable at a time.

      Other than percentages though, combining to interests already still seems best alternative. But if did, than perhaps the interests of percentages could start off lower.


    • As the owner of the post in the quote, i should thank you all for your replies for this topic, i didnt expect this much interest in it,

      I want to sum all opinions above with my opinions first,

      1 - Putting lanes such as 1-100, 101-200, 201-300 so on,

      This wont solve anything, because the real gap occurs after top10 of the uni, i state here my own uni

      1 (238M Points) - 100 (41M Points),

      Also gameowner wont like it as this gives tons of items freely to the users,

      2 - Limiting to 2 items per player and increasing the amounts of daily items (item per 15 min instead of 1hr)

      Again, this increases the amount of free items and this wont be liked,

      One thing that is not considered is that resource boosters and construction items have not the same value, if you cant put a limit without considering it, i also think that 3 items would be more balanced asmentioned in the original post of my own

      3 - Bringing a tax of additional 30% for each item acquired (%10 is way too low in my opinion)

      Well this is a very good idea, i liked it a lot, maybe it would be even better if it is combined with a daily limit such as:

      4 resource boosters max daily with 33% tax for each additional, so if you want to go for the fourth one you should pay double!!!

      This kind of change would bring a real balance imo,

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kertif ().

    • Danimanza wrote:

      I think that the "tax" idea is very good, but it needs to be improved a little bit to look like a strong idea if we ask feedback to GF.

      I thought about how to make more senseable, this came to my mind, an exponential formula,

      The formula: 1.15^n (n is the total value of acquired items)

      n=3 for Gold items,
      n=2 for Silver items,
      n=1 for Bronze items,

      so, for example if you got one Gold and two Bronze items so far,
      you will pay 1.15^(3+1+1) = 2.01 times of the actual value, it means you pay 101% tax

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kertif ().

    • kertif wrote:

      Danimanza wrote:

      I think that the "tax" idea is very good, but it needs to be improved a little bit to look like a strong idea if we ask feedback to GF.
      I thought about how to make more senseable, this came to my mind, an exponential formula,

      The formula: 1.15^n (n is the total value of acquired items)

      n=3 for Gold items,
      n=2 for Silver items,
      n=1 for Bronze items,

      so, for example if you got one Gold and two Bronze items so far,
      you will pay 1.2^(3+1+1) = 2.01 times of the actual value, it means you pay 101% tax

      Good idea, but I would separate different kind of items, at least resource booster items from build items (newtrons/dedroid/krakens) to make it fair and funny.