OGame Version 6.3.5

    • OGame Version 6.3.5


      the public tests servers will be updated to version 6.3.5 today.

      Here the changelog:

      • [Bugs] Fix redundant DIV tag in Planet Bar (No visual changes, helps AGO)
      • Redesign: migration (merge overlay)
      • Redesign: Item activation on overview
      • Redesign: Messages
      • Redesign: Fleet Movement
      • Redesign: Changelog
      • Redesign: Search
      • Redesign: Payment
      • Redesign: Federationlayer (ACS invitation)
      • Redesign: Messagesystem
      • Redesign: Resource settings
      • Redesign: Advice bar (Countdown area below main menu)

      The Redesign part, as in versions before, should look nearly the same as in 6.3.4. If you see huge differences or you find problems, feel free to report them.
      The Mobile view off all those parts is still WIP and will be fixed within next updates of 6.3.5 on PTS.

      Have in mind: If you are using addons to play OGame, that those may have problems on that redesigned pages/overlays until they get an update.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JoKy ().

    • Hi,

      the public test servers will be updated to the newest version 6.3.5 today.

      Here the changelog:

      • [Bugs] Fleet movement: broken on mobile view
      • [Bugs] Messages: tooltips do not close on mobile view
      • [Bugs] Messages: detailed view of reports does not close when you click outside of them
      • [Bugs] Messages: opening ACS combat reports on new tabs will not show destroyed/lost fleets, but everything as 0
      • [Bugs] Messages: fatal error when trying to share a combat/spy/expedition report
      • [Bugs] Planet list: planet information tooltip does not close when being in message system
      • [Bugs] Settings: planet sorting gets reverted when saving new changes on settings

      Greetings ;)
    • Hi!

      the public test servers will be updated to the newest version 6.3.5 today.

      Here the changelog:

      • [Bugs] Relocation not working
      • [Bugs] Empire-View not working for moons
      • [Bugs] Spacedock not functional
      • [Bugs] Overview - Items that can be activated - not able to select/activate items
      • Messages: opening ACS combat reports on new tabs will show everything as 0
      • [Bugs] Mobile view: logout button leads to blank page
      • [Bugs] IPad App - Problem with settings
      • [Bugs] Eventlistposition doesn't get saved
      • [Bugs] CR's overlay missplaced

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • Hi!

      the public test servers will be updated to the newest version 6.3.5 today.

      Here the changelog:

      • Fleet movement: flawed data-return-flight
      • Planet rename - Jump of planetlist
      • WF in CR broken
      • CR displays origin locations not correctly
      • Messages: misaligned defender data on combat report (short view)
      • Chat: visual bug when minimizing all paragraphs
      • Resources: wrong commander icon on mobile view
      • Energy production needs a second "recalculate" to get updated
      • Notes: white background page after deleting all notes and adding a new one
      • Settings: show fleet events setting does not work properly

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • Hi!

      the public test servers will be updated to the newest version 6.3.5 today.

      Here the changelog:

      • Messages: misaligned defender data on combat report (short view)
      • Overview - Items that can be activated - not able to select/activate items
      • ReferenceError: overlayWidth is not defined when clicking on rules on standalone pages footer

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.