My suggestion is to split economy ranking into 2 sub-rankings (military is also splitted):
Example (apologies for my photoshop skills
- "Economy points": exactly as it is now.This would be the default.
- "Mines production": daily mines production.
- Measured in raw total production (metal + crystal + deutherium) or MSU (metal + crystal*1,5 + deutherium*3). IMHO, MSU is more accurate.
- Should consider theorical production (basic + mines + plasma tech) without premium boosters (items, geologst, ...).
Optionally, could consider actual current production (considering fusion reactor, current energy available, etc.), in other words, as is in "Total per day" row in "Resource settings" page.
This could cause too much ranking movement - Don't know what should happen when seeing Alliance ranking. Maybe the sum of all productions of all members? Sounds good to me.
- Measured in raw total production (metal + crystal + deutherium) or MSU (metal + crystal*1,5 + deutherium*3). IMHO, MSU is more accurate.
Example (apologies for my photoshop skills

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