[TOT: 71.067.000] LoneWolf[WOMBATS] vs immobile[.BG.] (A: 8.737.000, D: 62.330.000)

  • Normal

  • Of course the same habbits will help much, but when fs is doing on inactive without a defense, when we dont need to do invisible debris, its almost impossible to catch him with 1 sec after, maybe tell me how? For example i just did FS but i still online on my acc, i just leave for example 20min after fs, not exaclty when i ust did it, so tell me what a time You will have after my inactive? The time of my logout not of sending a fleet so? So if he did 1 sec synchro, and this is true I just give up playing here, this uni really sucks with their support.
  • You don't necessarily need to log out right away, but for the timing to be as precise as 1 second, you must have idled long enough after your fleetsave for the 15 min timer to kick in. once he gets the time, it doesnt matter if you created activity again or not. you had a very obvious pattern, and a good fleeter took advantage of it.
  • I think people over here are overthinking, solution is usually very simple and blatant...there is no magic and there are no old school tricks here as the uni is too new and not many top class players are in...the few that are and are highly ranked are quite lazy after so many years and i doubt they d trouble themselves with something such as resource calc or catching the sec of (15) etc...
    If this was the moon hit than res calc is off and only option is sec of (15) on the moon, but that needs to be spied constantly to catch the right second before it disappears + speed guess, however someone said there was no spying after.
    Only two possible solutions are

    1. immobile is lying about how he got hit 1 sec blind etc just to try to keep his pride, and lonewolf doesnt mind not telling the truth because its in his interest that people think how this was highly skilled hit
    2. immobile gave time to lonewolf - does anyone from BG alliance actually know immobile from before (old unis)

    and theres also a 3rd one which is highly unlikely
    3. lonewolf and immobile played by same player through proxy or such - however this one makes no sense because why would lone bother building up fleet on that account, even getting moons on it etc, when he could have used it for something much more useful such as moon chances in early stasge of the uni which would get him much more advantage than simply crashing the fleet

    when you talk about watching (15) keep in mind that moon and planet have separate timers and its impossible to know if it was moons or planets last activity without actually spying

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Evil ().

  • Evil wrote:

    lonewolf doesnt mind not telling the truth because its in his interest that people think how this was highly skilled hit

    On the contrary, i think lone wolf doesn't want people to know this was highly skilled hit, because its in his best interest that people doesn't smarten up.

    Also, one doesn't need to catch (15 min) seconds, it could be any minute from 15 to 59. Planet and moon doesn't matter, one doesn't need to probe like crazy to catch anything, you could just go by the assumption that the last activity in the galaxy view belongs to the fleetsave. Which makes it pretty easy to avoid getting crashed like this, no? All you need to make this hit is some luck (because defender could have fs'd at a different speed for whatever reason), and an oblivious fleetsaver.

    Lastly, it doesn't take too many skilled or persistent fleeters to get whacked like this, only 1 is enough. You'd think fleeters here would be quite lazy or something, but that would exactly be how i would want to be considered if i was fleeting here. Nothing beats maintaining the surprise factor in this game :P

    The post was edited 4 times, last by urza ().

  • there is the 1 sec lock prnt.sc/cx4f9n

    Here is the situation, it was invisible df and no defense on the planet so he couldn't see my arrival time on the debris field, also he couldn't know my departure time because i had activity all the time when i made fs and i have sent decoys before and after my fleet, the main fleet wasn't the last wave i sent and plus there were no espionages from him between my launches, plus he couldn't know in which ss i'm making fs and to calculate the flight time, it wasn't mine ss, it was 10 ss away, plus i had many decoys in my ss too because i saw him coming in my ss on my lanx, i made 14 hours FS on 10 ss away spending 400k deut instead of my usual 8 hour and way cheaper FS in my ss just because i saw him coming
    prnt.sc/cx4ek9 - when i asked him how it happened, see what he answered, he told me i made FS on active player and he gave me completly different coordinates that are 20 sistems away from my FS, my FS was on another inactive without a defense and invisible DF he didnt even know where i made FS, not to mention catching decoys and getting the main fleet... but knew the time to lock it on 1 sec

    The post was edited 1 time, last by immobile ().

  • urza wrote:

    Evil wrote:

    lonewolf doesnt mind not telling the truth because its in his interest that people think how this was highly skilled hit
    On the contrary, i think lone wolf doesn't want people to know this was highly skilled hit, because its in his best interest that people doesn't smarten up.

    Also, one doesn't need to catch (15 min) seconds, it could be any minute from 15 to 59. Planet and moon doesn't matter, one doesn't need to probe like crazy to catch anything, you could just go by the assumption that the last activity belongs to the fleetsave. Which makes it pretty easy to avoid getting crashed like this, no? All you need to get this hit some luck, and an oblivious fleetsaver.

    Lastly, it doesn't take too many skilled or persistent fleeters to get whacked like this, only 1 is enough. You'd think fleeters here would be quite lazy or something, but that would exactly be how i would want to be considered if i was fleeting here. Nothing beats maintaining the surprise factor in this game :P
    I hear you, however you cant just assume (15) or (44) or whatever time is automatically from the moon...it could be from the planet....maybe he fsed and than sent his cargos from planet or put something to build on the planet...you do need to spy at least once to confirm if it was moon or planet timer...or you can assume and get lucky....thats the other option...
    however i am still prone to believe that immobile isnt telling the truth....either he fsed on own df and got caught or he didnt meet his fs on the way back from inactive.
  • immobile wrote:

    there is the 1 sec lock prnt.sc/cx4f9n

    Here is the situation, it was invisible df and no defense on the planet so he couldn't see my arrival time on the debris field, also he couldn't know my departure time because i had activity all the time when i made fs and i have sent decoys before and after my fleet, the main fleet wasn't the last wave i sent and plus there were no espionages from him between my launches, plus he couldn't know in which ss i'm making fs and to calculate the flight time, it wasn't mine ss, it was 10 ss away, plus i had many decoys in my ss too because i saw him coming in my ss on my lanx, i made 14 hours FS on 10 ss away spending 400k deut instead of my usual 8 hour and way cheaper FS in my ss just because i saw him coming
    prnt.sc/cx4ek9 - when i asked him how it happened, see what he answered, he told me i made FS on active player and he gave me completly different coordinates that are 20 sistems away from my FS, my FS was on another inactive without a defense and invisible DF he didnt even know where i made FS, not to mention catching decoys and getting the main fleet... but knew the time to lock it on 1 sec
  • urza wrote:

    immobile wrote:

    there is the 1 sec lock prnt.sc/cx4f9n

    i have sent decoys before and after my fleet
    If you sent decoys AFTER your main fleet, why did the recyclers return before your main fleet? They must have returned after main fleet & the CR. :P

    Fleeting doesn't seem to suit you. Possibly you should stick with mining, pushing windmills or whatever.
    why decoys matter in invisible DF? are you brain damaged boy?