48 hr Vmode revamp

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    • 48 hr Vmode revamp

      I have no idea who all agreed that a Mandatory 48hr vmode was a good idea but come on your killing us. Think about this instead and not to mention You guys (GameForge) are a business, your supposed to be making money not trying to find a way to slow your DM Purchases so please look at this.

      Vmode for 24 hrs with a 12 hr Cool Down and for ever 24
      hrs spent in vmode beyond the first 24 hours incurs +6hrs added to the
      V-mode CD.

      Cool Down equals V-mode Lock out

      So if you stay in V-mode for 24 hrs you have an automatic 12hr V-mode CD

      stay in v-mode for 48 hrs get a 18hr V-mode CD

      stay in V-mode for 72hrs get a 24hr V-mode CD

      V-mode CD's can be shortened in 6 hr increments by using 6,000 DM.

      so if your in v-mode for 72 hours and have a 24hr V-Mode CD you can
      change that CD to 12 hrs for only 12k DM or erase it completely for 24k

      The cons to the 48hr mandatory V-mode is (for me anyways) I have to
      v-mode most of the week for work and my days off rotate from week to
      week. If I vmode on Tuesday night and my next day off is on Thursday I
      am stuck in v-mode watching nothing happen till when ever I v-moded
      Tuesday night. If I V-Mode on Friday then get a bonus night off on
      Saturday or Sunday that wasn't planned I'm stuck in freaking v-mode till
      what time I v-moded Friday night till that Sunday night which means I
      just lost an entire day I could have been playing. Please check my
      account I buy DM all the time and yet I can't even relocate a planet due
      to having to my work schedule plus my v-mode schedule...

      So why would I buy anymore DM??? Sitting on 550k right now and can't
      spend it... kinda freaking defeats the entire purpose of having bought
      it in the first place... I'm really debating on getting a refund and
      saying to :censored: with this game once and for all.

      ATTENTION GAME FORGE: If you want to kill the game PLEASE just shut it the :censored:
      OFF already, pretend its a band-aid you pull it slowly it hurts a heck
      of a lot more than just snatching it off with a quick tug.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by WeedBoy ().

    • Dark Matter isn't the point now.

      WeedBoy wrote:

      If I vmode on Tuesday night and my next day off is on Thursday I
      am stuck in v-mode watching nothing happen till when ever I v-moded
      Tuesday night.
      Than don't go in Vacation Mode and instead do long fleet save.

      Keep in mind that OGame is strategic game and Vacation Mode should not replace good Fleet Save.
    • Shole wrote:

      Dark Matter isn't the point now.

      WeedBoy wrote:

      If I vmode on Tuesday night and my next day off is on Thursday I
      am stuck in v-mode watching nothing happen till when ever I v-moded
      Tuesday night.
      Than don't go in Vacation Mode and instead do long fleet save.
      Keep in mind that OGame is strategic game and Vacation Mode should not replace good Fleet Save.
      I would normally agree with you but a next galaxy deploy at 10% cost 98kk duet. and with me rarely getting 3-4 hrs of play time, thanks being stuck in v-mode for 48 hrs its getting hard to find hits that profit duet much less enough hits to collect 98kk in a single 4 hr session..

      The 48 hr vmode as I understood it was supposed to deture the Vmode FS'ers right... well all its done is either made them delete their accounts OR stay in vmode more which also makes it harder. extending vmode was not the correct answer to promoting game play.

      Thats my entire point with this post. promoting game play would have actually been the opposite such as a 12 hr vmode with 12 hr lockout would be even better IMO but I know no one would have went for that so I said 24 hr with 12 hr cd+6/24hr

      The post was edited 1 time, last by WeedBoy ().

    • Yay the next vmode saving discussion thread \o/

      - So you build up a fleet for which you can not pay the saving costs?

      To sum up:

      You want a deut free and 100% secure saving method and you are angy that you can´t do it as did in past with vmode?

      If you have an idea about an saving method and no the vmode will not be changed back to 24h, then post an sugg here in that board :)

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • @JoKy It's true, three similar threads in just a few days hehehe and at least me, I'm from a different community. It's interesting because basically all of this ultimately boils down to the same “core problem”.

      I quote here something from the .org forum about this same subject.

      CoReTeX wrote:

      Can't say i care much about the change.

      I started vmode playing about 4-5 months ago, mainly because if i didn't, i'd just wake up to a bunch of mds and gated moons right in my system. Thanks DM.

      So yeah, vmoding for 24h and then coming back out to play a day was the easiest way to do it, because i quite frankly don't give 2 cents about the 70kk mine production i lose.
      Having a Top 5 fleet worth billions though, i'd quit the second it gets crashed, mainly because it makes zero sense to even attempt to rebuild it.

      So with 24h, i was out like 3 days a week, now it's down to 2, just to fit my shedule. Does that stop vmodeplaying? nope. Does it make the universe more active? nope again.

      Essentially, as this thread pointed out, having a large fleet comes with 2 downsides. A) you need large amounts of deut to fs it and B) you're a target to anyone with a bigger fleet.
      What used to be a game of hide and seek is now a game of find, colo, moon, insta gate, md, kill.

      So yeah, DD, give us morons a better way to protect years of building from seconds of DMing other than vmode? No matter how you fleetsave, with enough money and time, every fleet falls.

      Also, now that i only play 2 days a week, hell more free time to do useful things. Screw this Creditwar :)

      May be I post this also in Bring back the power of moons, to revive the thread, there were a few suggestions (like flight time) that you could also try to implement, but since the discussion is off, it seems like the thread has gone nowhere.