The LAST buttons

    • The LAST buttons

      Shole ,
      1st of all i`d like to thank you for all your hard work and dedication.

      2nd, i am not good at forum posting. I hope to God i am in the right place

      3rdly I have a request. I love the last buttons (i call them anyways)

      When you use say the auto load button for expeditions. It STAYS locked on untill you deactivate it. Same seems to apply to all those buttons.

      Is it not possible to make those a ONE Time use. It aggrevates the heck out of me to find i have just wasted 100,000,000 duet sending something somewhere i had NO intention of doing. And also after i have launched my 5 expos and go to do something else only to have it tell me i have exceeded my expo limit

      OK and also while i have your attention. When i select in AGO to send a Destroyer along with an expedition fleet it automatically reduces the maximum number of cargoes from the fleet. Now i know you RARELY even get a full load, but still i`d like to send max cargoes
    • islandwoodsie wrote:

      Is it not possible to make those a ONE Time use. It aggrevates the heck out of me to find i have just wasted 100,000,000 duet sending something somewhere i had NO intention of doing. And also after i have launched my 5 expos and go to do something else only to have it tell me i have exceeded my expo limit

      islandwoodsie wrote:

      OK and also while i have your attention. When i select in AGO to send a Destroyer along with an expedition fleet it automatically reduces the maximum number of cargoes from the fleet. Now i know you RARELY even get a full load, but still i`d like to send max cargoes
      You don't get RARELY a full load, you NEVER get full load. So not needed.
    • islandwoodsie wrote:

      But how /why in the world would you name it SHOW? I don`t know how a person would be able to understand what that means.
      Because the first option is "disable", the third option is "show & reuse", the second option is "only show, but don't reuse automatically". Some things need to be tested in order to understand what it means. This is the shortest way to express what is meant.

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