[bug] Whole fleet GONE

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    • [bug] Whole fleet GONE

      Hi, I have, or at least I used to, a small fleet, no the biggest but still.

      To avoid to be recycled I wanted to fly it to the nearest inactive planet with most of my ressources. No biggy. But then I realized I forgot to add the resources, no problem, just recall, fill them and send them again. I just send them so it should be quick...

      Exept when I tried to go to the afk's planet, I realized it's not here anymore. Ok, i find another one a bit farther. I click attack, and when i arrive to my fleet page... nothing! The page's blank, just my solar sat...

      Is there a way for me to get my fleet back? Can i hope it'll come back in a few hours, at the normal return time, with the buggy attack message?
    • Check your planet again, it should be beamed back by system (it worked like that in retro OGame), hopefully.

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