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First of all, I want to thank all my friends and dealers for helping to reclaim their fleet and make it possible. Helloin Roshko broke one of Mad's moons and caught his fleet with the sensor. The resource was enough to finish the fleet and prepare for the next shot. The plan was Roshko to break the moon that Mad holds and the Safet fleet and, together with us, to fly through the gaquy. Fuel consumption was significant, almost ate our profit, but at least detronized the top 1 player. Part of the…
First of all, I want to thank all my friends and dealers for helping to reclaim their fleet and make it possible. Helloin Roshko broke one of Mad's moons and caught his fleet with the sensor. The resource was enough to finish the fleet and prepare for the next shot. The plan was Roshko to break the moon that Mad holds and the Safet fleet and, together with us, to fly through the gaquy. Fuel consumption was significant, almost ate our profit, but at least detronized the top 1 player. Part of the …
On 18-06-2016 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle: a93651b4-43b8-4ecc-ba0d-59f673e694b0.jpg Attacker Chuck Norris [Knuck] ________________________________________________ Battlecruiser 6.003 Espionage Probe 1 _________________________________________ Defender mariusfl20 [ARMADA] ________________________________________________ Large Cargo 5.464 Recycler 716 Deathstar 3 Rocket Launcher 75 Light Laser 2 Small Shield Dome 1 _________________________________________ After the battle ... At…
Yep i haved problems whit internet connection 68728.jpg and i haved to take a Vacation mode ! cimg2749_57516_29054657.jpg dald4-731987.jpg See you after rebild !!!
NO FS => NO FLEET MaDDoG -vs- xray Attacker: MaDDoG minigun.gif Bomb............. 20 hr.png Attacker: MaDDoG minigun.gif L.Fighter............ 400 Battleship............ 300 hr.png Attacker: MaDDoG minigun.gif L.Fighter............ 78 Battleship............ 200 Battlecr............. 90 hr.png Attacker: MaDDoG minigun.gif Cruiser............ 1 hr.png -= V S =- Defender: xray missilelauncher.gif H.Cargo............ 15 L.Fighter............ 186 H.Fighter............ 1 Cruiser............ 44 Battles…
NOOB FS -> NO FLEET After IPM attak - 11 rockets left This is revenge for farming HePBeH - big mistake!!! ATTACKER: UgBaM_C_MuP -L.Cargo: 1 - 0 = 1 UgBaM_C_MuP -L.Fighter: 10 - 5 = 5 -H.Fighter: 1 - 1 = 0 -Cruiser: 7 - 1 = 6 -Battleship: 275 - 1 = 274 -Battlecr.: 23 - 0 = 23 HepBeH -L.Fighter: 322 - 221 = 101 -H.Fighter: 3 - 1 = 2 -Cruiser: 73 - 15 = 58 -Battleship: 112 - 6 = 106 UgBaM_C_MuP -Cruiser: 1 - 0 = 1 -Battleship: 1 - 0 = 1 DEFENDER: JINZOnoob -S.Cargo: 10 - 10 = 0 -L.Cargo: 189 - 189…