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  • Is it the same internet provider on the other house ? Which is yours ? I'm with the support. I'll tell you when I know what to do.

  • Here to re-install the script : But i don't think it will solve it :s Did you try with other browser ? Can you try with other computer ? Or with phone data instead of your standard connexion ? Does these have the same problem ? Thanks ! (If others have the problem, please tell me !) EDIT : Did you try to clean your browser cache ?

  • Is the script working when you try to send CRs ? Are you trying to reach or when you have this error ? (the seconde one looks having your problem and i contacted the support to fix it but the other one (most used) looks good)

  • code

    vulca - - Bugs & Questions


    Clique sur l'onglet TopRaider dans le menu de gauche d'ogame. Tu seras en mesure de modifier ton mot de passe pour mettre le bon. (Tu peux cliquer sur le smiley pour afficher le mot de passe en clair sur Merkur pour voir lequel c'est)

  • I just fixed the looting button Surok, i saw no problem here, could you explain ?

  • Peux tu m'envoyer en privé l'email que tu souhaites utiliser que je vois ce qui ne va pas avec ? Quote: “mais je suis quand même obligé de passé par le s du re pour avoir les bonne conso et temps de vol mais sa a la rigueur s me gêne pas.” Ah oui effectivement, je n'avais jamais remarqué. Je vais voir pour corriger ça lundi

  • Je pense que maintenant que ton script topraider est a jour, même plus besoin de passer par le S Si tu ne veux pas utiliser le site pour envoyer tes données, clique sur le menu TopRaider et decoche "activer topminier" et tppraider Tu peux éventuellement laisser topraider pour garder les boutons sur les message (rien sera envoyer si tu ne clique pas sur les bouton d envoi)

  • Bonjour, Speedsim n'a jamais été adapté pour tenir compte des univers rapide. Cependant, le SCRIPT topraider agit sur speedSim pour corriger les temps de vol. As tu le script topraider d'installé ? Pour la consommation, il ne devrait pas y avoir de soucis normalement, pourrait faire un screen avec un exemple de consommation/temps de vol erroné ? Merci

  • TopRaider's News

    vulca - - Bugs & Questions


    Script - Groundwork for universe merge To be able to transfert your account to the right new universe after the merge

  • I may have dreamed it Even with 700M ress back, it's not interesting to push with it

  • Quote: “step 1: player B - Build fleet(probably LF,HF,cargos,battleship...somethings that doesn't use deut for building) step 2: player A - crash fleet,collect 30% step 3: Player B - sacrifice bulding,get res step 4: Player B - use res to rebuild remaining 70%(wrecks) step 5: Player B - use daily production to build remaining 30% fleet lost in combat go to step 2” 1) Let's say you have 1G ress 2) => Collect 300M ress. 3) lose a building 4) get 700M ress (in fact, you can't get more than 550M ...…

  • RaidsTable

    vulca - - Archive - User Project's


    I'm not the autor, Xana is. I only fixed it to make it works with last ogame version. But there is a new scripter who are working on it to improve and maintain it. I'll tell him to submit it when he finished his first version of the script.

  • The only way to get ressources from building is to lose ships with higher value than the building. Then the way you want to push DOESN'T works. How is it possible to think you can make profits with building a fleet to destroye it, to destroye a building to get back a fleet with less value than what you lost (DF included) Better to push ress directly, you will get more ressources, it's faster, easier and you don't destroye the account/reduce production for NOTHING

  • TopRaider HR Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations



  • Aw Snap error w/ chrome

    vulca - - Bugs & Questions


    Hi I often had this on before topraider existed But i didn't have this problem for a while. I know other users have the problem. And I know that it can happen when the topraider's script is deasable too. As it can crash speedsim+ogame pages, maybe it could be because of AGO ? Which are runing on both ogame and speedsim ? Try without AGO to see if it crash too. If it does, maybe the problem is from Speedsim, and i don't know what i could do to solve it edit : Simulateur v 3.0 is incl…

  • I'm using the server time when I read the CR from API. But for inactive farming with only little loots, i don't use API (there is too many of them and each time I read an API key, it takes time and ressources, and if i ask for too many key at the same time, it slower the whole site) Then for those CR, i'm just reading data displayed ingame ... How can i know if it is edited by AGO ? And which was the real time ?

  • So, to push with miner acount : Build a fleet Crash it to get 30% of the fleet. Destroy a building get 70% of the fleet back do it many time => you push less than 100% of fleet build. Why the hell not just let the pushed account raids the ressources ???? Much more efficient, much more quick and only 1 forbiden action instead of many ? Quote from kfg: “Couldn't you find another way to give users some of their lost fleets back?” Do not hesitate to give better way

  • The interval should be increased, not reduce

  • TopRaider IT Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations



  • TopRaider ES Translation (100%)

    vulca - - Translations

