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  • Update to version 1.3.0 FIRST, the script updates automatically, no need to download the script again from (except when i say it's best you do it ) There is a big change: It's now possible to use a new function for getting a player his planets. It works with your local computer (uses the browser database). Your own little personal galaxy database You can also update the database through loading the universe.xml into it. (The script tells you when the xml gets updated so you can up…

  • Update 1.2.3 Fixed big bug: On fleet page 3, Deuterium consumption and Duration of flight (one way) are displayed incorrect because of global variable in the UniverseView script. Sorry for the trouble! Also thanks to Resixh who found the bug !!

  • Quote from nuber2: “My suggestion would be to start new players from the middle of G5 instead of starting with G1 system 1 Still with 4 players in each solar system. Example: First player in 5:250:8, 5th player in 5:249:8, 9th player in 5:251:8 and so on continuing with 5:199-100, 5:300-399, 6:200-300, 4:200-300 and so on Never starting new players in solar system 1-99 and 401-499 and never starting new players in G1/G9. This would give a more equal start to all players - and better opportunitie…

  • Update 1.2.2 No big changes this time: - UniverseView will use the API by default instead of the personal server. (For several reasons) - A lot of code polishing Have fun !

  • Changes: - UniverseView now works with update 5.2 beta - Added: UniverseView usage monitor

  • First, thanks for tolerating UniverseView Changes: - Update stats button removed when using personal server (Also uses highscore.xml from now on). - Added: notification when galaxy database needs to be updated (Only when using personal server, happens when ogame updates universe.xml) - Added: notification when there has been a UniverseView update, the button takes you to the latest update in this thread. Feedback please

  • Been working on better tooltip interaction. - Now the tooltip doesn't disappear anymore when clicking to other planet. - Api version now uses highscore.xml (1 hour update interval instead of the previous 1 week ) - Tooltip show planet count in front of planet (screenshot 1) If you're having trouble with the update, please use ctrl+f5 , ctrl+R or restart browser | tab. Than the new version will be loaded into the cache. FEEDBACK !! Screenshot 1: planetcount.png

  • Added new feature. Now you'll be able to see a player's military points and ship count when hovering his name in the galaxy. When using the api the points will have the same update interval as the player's planets Now i'm using the playerData xml for the points, that's why the interval is so long. I'll probably implement that i'll use the highscore xml, which has a update interval of an hour Screenshot 1 shows how it'll apear in the tooltip. In Screenshot 2 the universemenu will have a update bu…

  • Small update: OGame version check was added.

  • I think it's time to let the public test it. Script also runs in FIREFOX from now on. For now it will only work with the ogame api because the serverside script and database are not ready for release yet. Please enjoy and give me some feedback please. Important: Make sure you select ogame api in the universeview menu instead of personal server. Download url :

  • Few changes, bugs fixed and change in script structure. ALL FEEDBACK IS VERY WELCOME Bug: after clicking to other planet via tooltip and then going to previous or next system / galaxy. I'll show the next or previous system / galaxy from the first system where you used the tooltip to go to other planet (Bug Fixed) Bug: When clicking through galaxy fast, a player his planet gets added with the coords of the new system / systems. Problem: Multiple records / coordinates for the same planet. Ingame-p…

  • Was pretty bussy lately with school projects, so didn't have much time to work on the webinterface. ALL FEEDBACK IS VERY WELCOME Newly added features - Script checks ogame universe in database, so i won't override info if it is connected to an database from an other universe. - Userservice class from weblogin, registration, etc... Preview of login page:

  • AntiGame Origin

    Warsaalk - - Archive - User Project's


    Really like the new overview resource thing ! Thanks for the fast development of antigame origin!

  • I've been working on some stuff. ALL FEEDBACK IS VERY WELCOME Bug: when hovering player in galaxy and script isn't done yet the tooltip wil not show properly . (takes about ~3 seconds for the script to load everything) Screenshot 6 : full screenshot universeview menu Screenshot 7 : full screenshot galaxy hovering player Newly added features - It's possible to choose wether you like to use your server to get a players planet or straight from the api's (screenshot 1: server, screenshot 2: api) - C…

  • The script now works with the Ogame API's When you load the galaxy, like you see on the first screenshot; The server (your server or localhost) will load the xml and store it in a database. uvmenu.png uvgalaxy.png

  • Quote from Francolino: “See OGame API - load the playerData.xml - Then you have all for your main popose. But there are already some userscripts which offers this feature. It's pretty simple.” I know , i already build a webbased search tool with the api's. But for the moment that one is private. Quote: “I thought that you want to create an extended search feature. Well, there are also some tools / pages which loads the OGame API in a server database with a webfrontend .” Well i'll skip the autom…

  • Quote from Francolino: “Quote from Francolino: “Edit : Sorry, ofc this is not allowed because i thought that you are talking about the OGame API here - But you meant loading galaxy pages via AJAX - This is of course NOT allowed.” Please use only the OGame API - that's why the GF added this feature. Or store each galaxy view when the player calls them system by system.” Well there goes the main purpose of the script Can you also tell me why it's not allowed ? Continuing the development with ogame…

  • Quote from Francolino: “Quote from Warsaalk: “I fetch every system from the beginning system till the end system with ajax request via the ogame server.” This is ofc allowed - but not very performant.” Well than i'll keep developing. I know that it's not performant, but since the ogame api only updates once a week and doing it manualy is still a lot of work.

  • Quote from Omar Hawk: “Quote from Warsaalk: “Because the scanning is sort of automated, i post it here to see if the script can get tolerated, so that's it's worth continuing the development.” How automated is it? Letting a script click through galaxies + systems is not allowed. :P” Well that's the reason i posted it here to see if it's legal ! In the first screenshot you see that you can choose a galaxy and also a beginning system and end system. It doesn't automaticly click. I fetch every syst…

  • This thread & information is out of date, please use this forum now => LINK - All updates will be shown on this board from now on, link (Hidden Content) - Info : Tool for userplanets in galaxy - Author : Warsaalk - Website : - Contact : - Wiki: - Support : or - Download : - Screenshot (latest version): screens…